HomePython softwarell.xistnsatom


Namespace module for Atom 1.0

This namespace module implements Atom 1.0 as specified by RFC 4287.

class feed​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The feed element is the document (i.e., top-level) element of an Atom Feed Document, acting as a container for metadata and data associated with the feed.

class entry​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The entry element represents an individual entry, acting as a container for metadata and data associated with the entry.

class content​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The content element either contains or links to the content of the entry.

class Attrs​(ll.xist.xsc.Attrs):

class type​(ll.xist.xsc.TextAttr):

class src​(ll.xist.xsc.URLAttr):

class author​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The author element indicates the author of the entry or feed.

class category​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The category element conveys information about a category associated with an entry or feed.

class Attrs​(ll.xist.xsc.Attrs):

class term​(ll.xist.xsc.TextAttr):

class scheme​(ll.xist.xsc.URLAttr):

class label​(ll.xist.xsc.TextAttr):

class contributor​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The contributor element indicates a person or other entity who contributed entry or feed.

class generator​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The generator element's content identifies the agent used to generate a feed, for debugging and other purposes.

class Attrs​(ll.xist.xsc.Attrs):

class version​(ll.xist.xsc.TextAttr):

class uri​(ll.xist.xsc.URLAttr):

class icon​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The icon element's content is an IRI reference that identifies an image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed.

class id​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The id element conveys a permanent, universally unique identifier for an entry or feed.

class published​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The published element indicatesg an instant in time associated with an event early in the life cycle of the entry.

class rights​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The rights element contains text that conveys information about rights held in and over an entry or feed.

class Attrs​(ll.xist.xsc.Attrs):

class type​(ll.xist.xsc.TextAttr):

class source​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

If an entry is copied from one feed into another feed, then the source feed's metadata (all child elements of feed other than the entry elements) may be preserved within the copied entry by adding a source child element, if it is not already present in the entry, and including some or all of the source feed's Metadata elements as the source element's children.

class subtitle​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The subtitle element contains text that conveys a human-readable description or subtitle for a feed.

class Attrs​(ll.xist.xsc.Attrs):

class type​(ll.xist.xsc.TextAttr):

class summary​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The summary element contains text that conveys a short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry.

class Attrs​(ll.xist.xsc.Attrs):

class type​(ll.xist.xsc.TextAttr):

class title​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The title element contains text that conveys a human-readable title for an entry or feed.

class Attrs​(ll.xist.xsc.Attrs):

class type​(ll.xist.xsc.TextAttr):

class updated​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The updated element contains a date indicating the most recent instant in time when an entry or feed was modified in a way the publisher considers significant.

class email​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The email element's content conveys an e-mail address associated with the person.

class uri​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The uri element's content conveys an IRI associated with the person.

class name​(ll.xist.xsc.Element):

The name element's content conveys a human-readable name for the person.

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