HomePython softwarell.xistInstallation

XIST installation

Requirements, installation and configuration


To use XIST you need the following software packages:

  • Python 3.3;

  • cssutils;

  • Python Imaging Library (if you want to use automatic image size calculation); (As long as the PIL isn't ported to Python 3, you can use This`PIL port to Python 3`_)

  • lxml (if you want to parse "broken" HTML; at least version 3.0);

  • cx_Oracle (if you want to use ll.orasql);

  • distribute (if you want to install this package as an egg);

  • pytest (if you want to run the test suite)

  • execnet (if you want to use ssh URLs)

  • and a C compiler supported by distutils, if you want to install the source distribution.


setuptools/distribute is used for installation so you can install this package with the following command:

$ easy_install ll-xist


$ pip install ll-xist

If you want to install from source, you can download one of the distribution archives, unpack it, enter the directory and execute the following command:

$ python setup.py install

This will copy *.py files, compile *.c files and install everything in the site-packages directory as the ll.xist package.

For some versions a Windows distribution is provided. To install it, double click it, and follow the instructions.

Alternate versions   Text   XIST