HomePython softwarell.ul4c


Crossplatform templating language

ll.ul4c provides templating for XML/HTML as well as any other text-based format. A template defines placeholders for data output and basic logic (like loops and conditional blocks), that define how the final rendered output will look.

ll.ul4c compiles a template to an internal format, which makes it possible to implement template renderers in multiple programming languages.

def register​(name):

def withcontext​(f):

Normally when a function is exposed to UL4 this function will be called directly.

However when the function needs access to the rendering context (i.e. the local variables or information about the call stack), the function must have an additional first parameter, and UL4 must be told that this parmeter is required.

This call be done with this decorator.

class Error​(Exception):

Exception class that wraps another exception and provides a location.

def __init__​(self, node, template=None):

def __repr__​(self):

def __str__​(self):

class BlockError​(Exception):

Exception that is raised by the compiler when an illegal block structure is detected (e.g. an <?end if?> without a previous <?if?>).

def __init__​(self, message):

def __str__​(self):

class BreakException​(Exception):

class ContinueException​(Exception):

class ReturnException​(Exception):

def __init__​(self, value):

class Undefined​(object):

def __bool__​(self):

def __iter__​(self):

def __len__​(self):

def __call__​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def __getattr__​(self, key):

def __getitem__​(self, key):

class UndefinedKey​(Undefined):

def __init__​(self, key):

def __repr__​(self):

class UndefinedVariable​(Undefined):

def __init__​(self, name):

def __repr__​(self):

class UndefinedIndex​(Undefined):

def __init__​(self, index):

def __repr__​(self):

class Context​(object):

A Context object stores the context of a call to a template. This consists of the local variables and the indent stack.

def __init__​(self):

def replacevars​(*args, **kwds):

def chainvars​(*args, **kwds):

def _handleexpressioneval​(f):

Decorator for an implementation of the eval method that does not do output (so it is a normal method).

This decorator is responsible for exception handling. An exception that bubbles up the Python call stack will generate an exception chain that follows the UL4 call stack.

def _handleoutputeval​(f):

Decorator for an implementation of the eval method that does output (so it is a generator).

This decorator is responsible for exception handling. An exception that bubbles up the Python call stack will generate an exception chain that follows the UL4 call stack.

def _unpackvar​(lvalue, value):

A generator used for recursively unpacking values for assignment.

lvalue may be an AST object (in which case the recursion ends) or a (possible nested) sequence of AST objects.

The values produced are (AST node, value) tuples.

def _makevars​(signature, args, kwargs):

Bind args and kwargs to the inspect.Signature object signature and return the resulting argument dictionary. (This differs from inspect.Signature.bind in that it handles default values too.)

signature may also be None in which case args must be empty and :obj:kwargs is returned, i.e. the signature is treated als accepting no positional argument and any keyword argument.

def _ul4getattr​(obj, name):

Return the attribute name of the object :obj`obj` and honor ul4getattr and ul4attrs.

def _ul4setattr​(obj, name, value):

Set the attribute name of the object :obj`obj` to value and honor ul4setattr and ul4attrs.

def _str​(obj=''):

def _repr_helper​(obj, seen):

def _repr​(obj):

def _asjson​(obj):

def _xmlescape​(obj):

class AST​(object):

Base class for all syntax tree nodes.

def __init__​(self, startpos=None, endpos=None):

def _linecol​(source, startpos, endpos):

def __repr__​(self):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty_​(self, p, cycle):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def __str__​(self):

def eval​(self, context):

This evaluates the node.

For most nodes this is a normal function that returns the result of evaluating the node. (For these nodes the class attribute output is false.). For nodes that produce output (like literal text, Print, PrintX or Render) it is a generator which yields the text output of the node. For blocks (which might contain nodes which produce output) this is also a generator. (For these nodes the class attribute output is true.)

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Text​(AST):

AST node for literal text.

def __init__​(self, source=None, startpos=None, endpos=None):

def _linecol​(self):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

property text:

def __get__​(self):

def _str​(self):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def eval​(self, context):

class Indent​(Text):

AST node for literal text that is an indentation at the start of the line.

def __init__​(self, source=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, text=None):

property text:

def __get__​(self):

def _settext​(self, text):

def _str​(self):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def eval​(self, context):

class LineEnd​(Text):

AST node for literal text that is the end of a line.

def _str​(self):

class Tag​(AST):

A Tag object is the location of a template tag in a template.

def __init__​(self, source=None, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, startposcode=None, endposcode=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def _linecol​(self):

def __str__​(self):

property text:

def __get__​(self):

property code:

def __get__​(self):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Code​(AST):

The base class of all AST nodes that appear inside a Tag.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None):

def _linecol​(self):

property text:

def __get__​(self):

def _str​(self):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Const​(Code):

Load a constant

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, value=None):

def eval​(self, context):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

class List​(Code):

AST nodes for loading a list object.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, *items):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class ListComp​(Code):

AST node for list comprehension.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, item=None, varname=None, container=None, condition=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Set​(Code):

AST nodes for loading a set object.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, *items):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class SetComp​(Code):

AST node for set comprehension.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, item=None, varname=None, container=None, condition=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Dict​(Code):

AST node for loading a dict object.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, *items):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class DictComp​(Code):

AST node for dictionary comprehension.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, key=None, value=None, varname=None, container=None, condition=None):

def __repr__​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class GenExpr​(Code):

AST node for a generator expression.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, item=None, varname=None, container=None, condition=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, context):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Var​(Code):

AST nodes for loading a variable.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, name=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def evalset​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def evalmodify​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Block​(Code):

Base class for all AST nodes that are blocks.

A block contains a sequence of AST nodes that are executed sequencially. A block may execute its content zero (e.g. an <?if?> block) or more times (e.g. a <?for?> block).

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None):

def append​(self, item):

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class CondBlock​(Block):

AST node for an conditional block.

The content of the CondBlock block is one IfBlock block followed by zero or more ElIfBlock blocks followed by zero or one ElseBlock block.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, condition=None):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def append​(self, item):

def newblock​(self, block):

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class IfBlock​(Block):

AST node for an <?if?> block.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, condition=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def _str​(self):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class ElIfBlock​(Block):

AST node for an <?elif?> block.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, condition=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def _str​(self):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class ElseBlock​(Block):

AST node for an <?else?> block.

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def _str​(self):

class ForBlock​(Block):

AST node for a <?for?> loop.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, varname=None, container=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class WhileBlock​(Block):

AST node for a <?while?> loop.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, condition=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Break​(Code):

AST node for a <?break?> inside a <?for?> block.

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Continue​(Code):

AST node for a <?continue?> inside a <?for?> block.

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Attr​(Code):

AST node for getting and setting an attribute of an object.

The object is loaded from the AST node obj and the attribute name is stored in the string attrname.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, obj=None, attrname=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def method_str​(self, obj, methname):

def method_list​(self, obj, methname):

def method_set​(self, obj, methname):

def method_ul4attrs​(self, obj, methname):

def method_dict​(self, obj, methname):

def method_date​(self, obj, methname):

def method_timedelta​(self, obj, methname):

def evalset​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def evalmodify​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Slice​(Code):

AST node for creating a slice object (used in obj[index1:index2]).

The start and stop indices are loaded from the AST nodes index1 and index2. index1 and index2 may also be None (for missing slice indices, which default to the 0 for the start index and the length of the sequence for the end index).

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, index1=None, index2=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Unary​(Code):

Base class for all AST nodes implementing unary operators.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, obj=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Not​(Unary):

AST node for the unary not operator.

class Neg​(Unary):

AST node for the unary negation (i.e. "-") operator.

class BitNot​(Unary):

AST node for the bitwise not operator.

class Print​(Unary):

AST node for a <?print?> tag.

class PrintX​(Unary):

AST node for a <?printx?> tag.

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Return​(Unary):

AST node for a <?return?> tag.

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Binary​(Code):

Base class for all AST nodes implementing binary operators.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, obj1=None, obj2=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Item​(Binary):

AST node for subscripting operator.

The object (which must be a list, string or dict) is loaded from the AST node obj1 and the index/key is loaded from the AST node obj2.

def evalset​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def evalmodify​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Is​(Binary):

AST node for the binary is comparison operator.

class IsNot​(Binary):

AST node for the binary is not comparison operator.

class EQ​(Binary):

AST node for the binary == comparison operator.

class NE​(Binary):

AST node for the binary != comparison operator.

class LT​(Binary):

AST node for the binary < comparison operator.

class LE​(Binary):

AST node for the binary <= comparison operator.

class GT​(Binary):

AST node for the binary > comparison operator.

class GE​(Binary):

AST node for the binary >= comparison operator.

class Contains​(Binary):

AST node for the binary containment testing operator.

The item/key object is loaded from the AST node obj1 and the container object (which must be a list, string, dict or an object with a ul4attrs attribute) is loaded from the AST node obj2.

class NotContains​(Binary):

AST node for the inverted containment testing operator.

The item/key object is loaded from the AST node obj1 and the container object (which must be a list, string, dict or an object with a ul4attrs attribute) is loaded from the AST node obj2.

class Add​(Binary):

AST node for the binary addition operator.

class Sub​(Binary):

AST node for the binary substraction operator.

class Mul​(Binary):

AST node for the binary multiplication operator.

class FloorDiv​(Binary):

AST node for the binary truncating division operator.

class TrueDiv​(Binary):

AST node for the binary true division operator.

class Mod​(Binary):

AST node for the binary modulo operator.

class ShiftLeft​(Binary):

AST node for the bitwise left shift operator.

class ShiftRight​(Binary):

AST node for the bitwise right shift operator.

class BitAnd​(Binary):

AST node for the binary bitwise and operator (&).

class BitXOr​(Binary):

AST node for the binary bitwise exclusive or operator (^).

class BitOr​(Binary):

AST node for the binary bitwise or operator (|).

class And​(Binary):

AST node for the binary and operator.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Or​(Binary):

AST node for the binary or operator.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class If​(Code):

AST node for the ternary inline if/else operator.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, objif=None, objcond=None, objelse=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class ChangeVar​(Code):

Baseclass for all AST nodes that store or modify a variable.

The left hand side is loaded from the AST node label and the value that will be stored or be used to modify the stored value is loaded from the AST node value.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, lvalue=None, value=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class SetVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node that stores a value into a variable.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class AddVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node that adds a value to a variable (i.e. the += operator).

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class SubVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node that substracts a value from a variable (i.e. the -= operator).

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class MulVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node that multiplies a variable by a value (i.e. the *= operator).

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class FloorDivVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node that divides a variable by a value (truncating to an integer value; i.e. the //= operator).

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class TrueDivVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node that divides a variable by a value (i.e. the /= operator).

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class ModVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node for the %= operator.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class ShiftLeftVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node for the <<= operator.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class ShiftRightVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node for the >>= operator.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class BitAndVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node for the &= operator.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class BitXOrVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node for the ^= operator.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class BitOrVar​(ChangeVar):

AST node for the |= operator.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Call​(Code):

AST node for calling an object.

The object to be called is stored in the attribute obj. The list of arguments is found in args.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, obj=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, context):

def evalset​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def evalmodify​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Render​(Call):

AST node for rendering a template.

The template to be rendered is stored in the attribute obj. The list of arguments is found in args.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None, obj=None):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def eval​(self, context):

def _str​(self):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

class Template​(Block):

A template object is normally created by passing the template source to the constructor. It can also be loaded from the compiled format via the class methods load (from a stream) or loads (from a string).

The compiled format can be generated with the methods dump (which dumps the format to a stream) or dumps (which returns a string with the compiled format).

Rendering the template can be done with the methods render (which is a generator) or renders (which returns a string).

A Template can also be called as a function (returning the result of the first <?return?> tag encountered). In this case all output of the template will be ignored.

A Template object is itself an AST node. Evaluating it will store the template object under its name in the local variables.

def __init__​(self, source=None, name=None, whitespace='keep', startdelim='<?', enddelim='?>', signature=None):

Create a Template object.

If source is None, the Template remains uninitialized, otherwise source will be compiled (using startdelim and enddelim as the tag delimiters).

name is the name of the template. It will be used in exception messages and should be a valid Python identifier.

whitespace specifies how whitespace is handled in the literal text in templates (i.e. the text between the tags):


Whitespace is kept as it is.


Strip linefeeds and the following indentation from the text. However trailing whitespace at the end of the line will still be honored.


If a line contains only indentation and one tag that isn't a print or printx tag, the indentation and the linefeed after the tag will be stripped from the text. Furthermore the additional indentation that might be introduced by a for, if, elif, else or def block will be ignored. So for example the output of:

<?code langs = ["Python", "Java", "Javascript"]?>
<?if langs?>
   <?for lang in langs?>
      <?print lang?>
   <?end for?>
<?end if?>

will simply be:


without any additional empty lines or indentation.

(Output will always be ignored when calling a template as a function.)

signature is the signature of the template. For a top level template it can be:


The template will accept all keyword arguments.

An inspect.Signature object

This signature will be used as the signature of the template.

A callable

The signature of the callable will be used.

A string

The signature as a string, i.e. something like "x, y=42, *args, **kwargs". This string will be parsed and evaluated to create the signature for the template.

If the template is a subtemplate (i.e. a template defined by another template via <?def t?>...<?end def?>), signature can be:


The template will accept all arguments.

A Signature object

This AST node will be evaluated at the point of definition of the subtemplate to create the final signature of the subtemplate.

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def _str​(self):

def ul4getattr​(self, name):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def dump​(self, stream):

dump dumps the template/function in compiled UL4ON format to the stream stream.

def dumps​(self):

dumps returns the template/function in compiled UL4ON format (as a string).

def _renderbound​(self, context):

def ul4render​(*args, **kwargs):

def render​(*args, **kwargs):

Render the template iteratively (i.e. this is a generator). args[1:] and kwargs contain the top level variables available to the template code. (args[0] is the self parameter, but render is defined in this way, to allow a keyword argument named self).

def _rendersbound​(self, context):

def ul4renders​(*args, **kwargs):

def renders​(*args, **kwargs):

Render the template as a string. vars contains the top level variables available to the template code.

def _callbound​(self, context):

def ul4call​(*args, **kwargs):

Call the template as a function and return the resulting value. vars contains the top level variables available to the template code.

def __call__​(*args, **kwargs):

Call the template as a function and return the resulting value. vars contains the top level variables available to the template code.

def jssource​(self):

Return the template as the source code of a Javascript function.

def javasource​(self):

Return the template as Java source code.

def _tokenize​(self, source, startdelim, enddelim):

Tokenize the template/function source code source into tags and non-tag text. startdelim and enddelim are used as the tag delimiters.

This is a generator which produces Text/Tag objects for each tag or non-tag text. It will be called by _compile internally.

def _tags2lines​(self, tags):

Transforms an iterable of tags into an iterable of lines by splitting the literal text between the tags into lines.

A line is a list of nodes and will start with an Indent node (containing the indenting whitespace if the line is indented, or an empty indentation if it isn't) and might end with a LineEnd node (containing the line feed if the line is terminated (which most lines (except maybe the last one) are)).

def _whitespace_keep​(self, lines):

def _whitespace_strip​(self, lines):

def _whitespace_smart​(self, lines):

def _parser​(self, tag, error):

def _parsesignature​(self, tag):

def _compile​(self, source, name, startdelim, enddelim):

Compile the template source code source into an AST. startdelim and enddelim are used as the tag delimiters.

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

class Signature​(Code):

AST node for the signature of a template.

The list of arguments is found in params.

def __init__​(self, tag=None, startpos=None, endpos=None):

def __repr__​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

def _str​(self):

def eval​(self, *args, **kwargs):

def ul4ondump​(self, encoder):

def ul4onload​(self, decoder):

def function_str​(obj=''):

def function_repr​(obj):

def function_now​():

def function_date​(year, month, day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0):

def function_timedelta​(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0):

def function_monthdelta​(months=0):

def function_xmlescape​(obj):

def function_csv​(obj):

def function_asjson​(obj):

def function_fromjson​(string):

def function_asul4on​(obj):

def function_fromul4on​(string):

def function_int​(obj=0, base=None):

def function_float​(obj=0.0):

def function_bool​(obj=False):

def function_list​(iterable=()):

def function_set​(iterable=()):

def function_len​(sequence):

def function_abs​(number):

def function_any​(iterable):

def function_all​(iterable):

def function_enumfl​(iterable, start=0):

def function_isfirstlast​(iterable):

def function_isfirst​(iterable):

def function_islast​(iterable):

def function_isundefined​(obj):

def function_isdefined​(obj):

def function_isnone​(obj):

def function_isstr​(obj):

def function_isint​(obj):

def function_isfloat​(obj):

def function_isbool​(obj):

def function_isdate​(obj):

def function_istimedelta​(obj):

def function_ismonthdelta​(obj):

def function_islist​(obj):

def function_isset​(obj):

def function_isdict​(obj):

def function_iscolor​(obj):

def function_istemplate​(obj):

def function_isfunction​(obj):

def function_chr​(i):

def function_ord​(c):

def function_hex​(number):

def function_oct​(number):

def function_bin​(number):

def function_min​(*args):

def function_max​(*args):

def function_first​(iterable, default=None):

def function_last​(iterable, default=None):

def function_sum​(iterable, start=0):

def function_sorted​(iterable):

def function_range​(*args):

def function_slice​(*args):

def function_type​(obj):

def function_reversed​(sequence):

def function_randrange​(*args):

def function_randchoice​(sequence):

def function_format​(obj, fmt, lang=None):

def function_zip​(*iterables):

def function_urlquote​(string):

def function_urlunquote​(string):

def function_rgb​(r, g, b, a=1.0):

def function_hls​(h, l, s, a=1.0):

def function_hsv​(h, s, v, a=1.0):

def function_round​(x, digits=0):

def function_floor​(x, digits=0):

def function_ceil​(x, digits=0):

def function_sqrt​(x):

def function_cos​(x):

def function_sin​(x):

def function_tan​(x):

def function_exp​(x):

def function_log​(x, base=None):

def function_pow​(x, y):

class TemplateClosure​(Block):

def __init__​(self, template, context, signature):

def ul4render​(*args, **kwargs):

def renders​(*args, **kwargs):

def ul4call​(*args, **kwargs):

def __getattr__​(self, name):

def _repr​(self):

def _repr_pretty​(self, p):

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