HomePython softwareAploraInstallation

Aplora installation

Requirements, installation and configuration


To use this script you need the following software packages:

  1. Python (any version supported by cx_Oracle should do);

  2. Apache (2.0.46 or later, although it's possible to get it to work with Apache 1.3 by removing a few of the fields);

  3. cx_Oracle (4.3 or later);


distutils is used for installation, so it's rather simple. Execute the following command:

$ python setup.py install

This will copy aplora.py to /usr/local/bin. If you want to install the script somewhere else you can use the --install-scripts option.

There is no Windows binary.

To create the database table and the stored procedure use aplora.sql.

If you have difficulties installing this software, send a problem report to Walter Dörwald (walter@livinglogic.de).


First you have to define the logging format to be used by aplora. Put the following two lines into your httpd.conf:

LogFormat "%v\t%{%s}t\t%D\t%a\t%{User-Agent}i\t%U\t%q\t%m\t%>s\t0\t0\t%B\t%{Referer}i\t%{Content-Type}o\t%{JSESSIONID}C\t%{Set-Cookie}o" aplora
CustomLog "|/usr/local/bin/aplora.py -o ORACLE_HOME -c user/pass@db -p log_insert" aplora

Replace ORACLE_HOME with the content of your ORACLE_HOME environment variable (e.g. /oracle/Client) and user/pass@db with the appropriate connect string. The option -p can be used to specify a different insert procedure.

Note that this will only work for virtual hosts, if they don't have a CustomLog or ErrorLog directive. In this case you have to add the CustomLog specification from above to each virtual host section. This means that you will have more aplora jobs running and more database connections will be consumed.

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