Source code for ll.xist.sims

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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## Copyright 1999-2021 by LivingLogic AG, Bayreuth/Germany
## Copyright 1999-2021 by Walter Dörwald
## All Rights Reserved
## See ll/xist/ for the license

This module contains classes for a very simple validation model.

Validation is specified like this::

	class inner(xsc.Element):
		model = sims.NoElements()

	class outer(xsc.Element):
		model = sims.Elements(inner)

With this configuration :class:`inner` elements may only contain text and
:class:`outer` elements may only contain :class:`inner` elements. Everything
else will issue warnings when parsing or publishing.

import warnings
from ll.xist import xsc

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

[docs]class SIMSWarning(xsc.Warning): """ Base class for all warning classes in this module. """ def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and str(self) == str(other)
[docs]class EmptyElementWithContentWarning(SIMSWarning): """ Warning that is issued when an element has content, but it shouldn't (i.e. :attr:`model` is :class:`Empty`) """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = tuple(path) def __str__(self): return f"{self.path[-1]._str()} doesn't allow content"
[docs]class WrongElementWarning(SIMSWarning): """ Warning that is issued when an element contains another element of a certain type, but shouldn't. """ def __init__(self, path, badnode): self.path = tuple(path) self.badnode = badnode def __str__(self): return f"{self.path[-1]._str()} may not contain {self.badnode._str()}"
[docs]class ElementWarning(SIMSWarning): """ Warning that is issued when an element contains another element but shouldn't contain any. """ def __init__(self, path, badnode): self.path = tuple(path) self.badnode = badnode def __str__(self): return f"{self.path[-1]._str()} may not contain other elements"
[docs]class IllegalTextWarning(SIMSWarning): """ Warning that is issued when an element contains a text node but shouldn't. """ def __init__(self, path, badnode): self.path = tuple(path) self.badnode = badnode def __str__(self): return f"{self.path[-1]._str()} may not contain text"
[docs]class AnyWarning(SIMSWarning): """ Warning that is issued when an element contains a text node but shouldn't. """ def __init__(self, path, warnings): self.path = tuple(path) self.warnings = warnings def __str__(self): return " or ".join(" and ".join(f"({warning})" for warning in warnings) for warnings in self.warnings)
[docs]def badtext(node): """ Return whether ``node`` is a text node (i.e. :class:`ll.xist.xsc.Text` that does not consist of whitespace only). """ if isinstance(node, xsc.Text): if node and not node.isspace(): return True return False
[docs]class Empty: """ This validator checks that an element has no content. """ empty = True def __repr__(self): return "Empty()" def validate(self, path): node = path[-1] if isinstance(node, xsc.Element): if len(node): yield EmptyElementWithContentWarning(path)
[docs]class Transparent: """ This validator implements the "transparent" content model of HTML5. """ empty = False def validate(self, path): model = None for parent in path[-2::-1]: if isinstance(parent, xsc.Element) and parent.model is not None and not isinstance(parent.model, Transparent): model = parent.model break if model is not None: yield from model.validate(path)
[docs]class NoElements: """ This validator checks that an element does not have child elements from the same namespace. """ empty = False def __repr__(self): return "NoElements()"
[docs] def validate(self, path): """ check that the content of ``node`` is valid. """ node = path[-1] if isinstance(node, xsc.Element): for child in node.content: if isinstance(child, xsc.Element) and node.xmlns is not None and child.xmlns is not None and child.xmlns == node.xmlns: yield ElementWarning(path, child)
[docs]class NoElementsOrText: """ This validator checks that an element does have neither child elements from the same namespace nor real (i.e. not-whitespace) text nodes. """ empty = False def __repr__(self): return "NoElementsOrText()"
[docs] def validate(self, path): """ check that the content of ``node`` is valid. """ node = path[-1] if isinstance(node, xsc.Element): for child in node.content: if badtext(child): yield IllegalTextWarning(path, child) elif isinstance(child, xsc.Element) and node.xmlns is not None and child.xmlns is not None and child.xmlns == node.xmlns: yield ElementWarning(path, child)
[docs]class Elements: """ This validator checks that an element does have neither child elements from any of the namespaces of those elements specified in the constructor except for those elements itself nor real (i.e. not-whitespace) text nodes. """ empty = False
[docs] def __init__(self, *elements): """ Every element in ``elements`` may be in the content of the node to which this validator is attached. Any other element from one of the namespaces of those elements is invalid. Elements from other namespaces are OK. """ self.elements = elements
def __repr__(self): elements = ", ".join(f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}" for cls in self.elements) return f"Elements({elements})"
[docs] def validate(self, path): """ check that the content of ``node`` is valid. """ node = path[-1] ns = None if isinstance(node, xsc.Element): for child in node.content: if badtext(child): yield IllegalTextWarning(path, child) elif isinstance(child, xsc.Element) and node.xmlns is not None and not isinstance(child, self.elements): if ns is None: # Calculate the first time we need it ns = {el.xmlns for el in self.elements if el.xmlns is not None} if child.xmlns in ns: yield WrongElementWarning(path, child)
[docs]class ElementsOrText(Elements): """ This validator checks that an element doesn't have child elements from the same namespace except those specified in the constructor. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *elements): """ Every element in ``elements`` may be in the content of the node to which this validator is attached. Any other element from one of the namespaces of those elements is invalid. Elements from other namespaces are OK. """ self.elements = elements
def __repr__(self): elements = ", ".join(f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}" for cls in self.elements) return f"ElementsOrText({elements})"
[docs] def validate(self, path): """ Check that the content of ``node`` is valid. """ node = path[-1] ns = None if isinstance(node, xsc.Element): for child in node.content: if isinstance(child, xsc.Element) and node.xmlns is not None and not isinstance(child, self.elements): if ns is None: # Calculate the first time we need it ns = {el.xmlns for el in self.elements if el.xmlns is not None} if child.xmlns in ns: yield WrongElementWarning(path, child)
[docs]class NotElements: """ This validator checks that an element doesn't contain any of the specified elements. """ empty = False
[docs] def __init__(self, *elements): """ Every element in ``elements`` may not be in the content of the node to which this validator is attached. """ self.elements = elements
def __repr__(self): elements = ", ".join(f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}" for cls in self.elements) return f"NotElements({elements})" def validate(self, path): node = path[-1] if isinstance(node, xsc.Element): for child in node.content: if isinstance(child, self.elements): yield WrongElementWarning(path, child)
[docs]class All: """ This meta validator checks that all its child validators declare the content of the element to be valid. """ empty = False def __init__(self, *validators): self.validators = validators def __repr__(self): validators = " ".join(repr(validator) for validator in self.validators) return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}:{self.__class__.__qualname__} {validators} at {id(self):#x}>" def validate(self, path): seen = set() for validator in self.validators: for warning in validator.validate(path): if warning not in seen: yield warning seen.add(warning)
[docs]class Any: """ This meta validator checks that at least one of its child validators declares the content of the element to be valid. """ empty = False def __init__(self, *validators): self.validators = validators def __repr__(self): validators = " ".join(repr(validator) for validator in self.validators) return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}:{self.__class__.__qualname__} {validators} at {id(self):#x}>" def validate(self, path): if self.validators: seen = set() allwarnings = [] for validator in self.validators: warnings = list(validator.validate(path)) if not warnings: return allwarnings.append(warnings) # If a warning is in all alternatives, we can report it as a separate warning and remove it from the alternatives restwarnings = allwarnings[1:] for warning in allwarnings[0]: if all(warning in warnings for warnings in restwarnings): seen.add(warning) yield warning for warnings in allwarnings: warnings.remove(warning) # If any of the alternatives is empty now, remove it allwarnings = [warnings for warnings in allwarnings if warnings] if allwarnings: # if we have only one alternative left, split it into individual warnings again if len(allwarnings) == 1: for warning in allwarnings[0]: if warning not in seen: yield warning else: yield AnyWarning(path, allwarnings)
# always show warnings from sims errors warnings.simplefilter("always", category=SIMSWarning)