Source code for ll.xist.present

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3, always_allow_keywords=True

## Copyright 1999-2021 by LivingLogic AG, Bayreuth/Germany
## Copyright 1999-2021 by Walter Dörwald
## All Rights Reserved
## See ll/xist/ for the license

This module contains presenter classes, which are used for formatting XIST
trees into various formats.

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

import os

from ll import misc
from ll.xist import xsc

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

### Colors for output

	import astyle
except ImportError:
	from ll import astyle

# style to be used for tabs
s4tab = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_TAB", "blue:black")

# style to be used for quotes (delimiters for text and attribute nodes)
s4quote = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_QUOTE", "white:black:bold")

# style to be used for text
s4text = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_TEXT", "white:black")

# style to be used for namespaces
s4ns = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_NAMESPACE", "magenta:black")

# style to be used for Null object
s4null = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_NULL", "red:black")

# style to be used for Null name
s4nullname = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_NULLNAME", "red:black")

# style to be used a Frag object
s4frag = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_FRAG", "yellow:black")

# style to be used for Frag name
s4fragname = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_FRAGNAME", "yellow:black")

# style to be used for elements (i.e. the <, > and / characters
s4element = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ELEMENT", "yellow:black")

# style to be used for element names
s4elementname = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ELEMENTNAME", "yellow:black")

# style to be used for processing instructions
s4procinst = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_PROCINST", "magenta:black")

# style to be used for processing instruction targets
s4procinsttarget = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_PROCINSTTARGET", "magenta:black:bold")

# style to be used for processing instruction content
s4procinstcontent = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_PROCINSTCONTENT", "white:black")

# style to be used for attributes (i.e. the quotes around their value)
s4attr = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ATTR", "yellow:black")

# style to be used for attribute names
s4attrname = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ATTRNAME", "cyan:black")

# style to be used for attrs class name
s4attrs = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ATTRS", "yellow:black")

# style to be used for attrs class name
s4attrsname = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ATTRSNAME", "yellow:black:bold")

# style to be used for entities
s4entity = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ENTITY", "magenta:black")

# style to be used for entity names
s4entityname = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ENTITYNAME", "magenta:black:bold")

# style to be used for charref names or code points
s4charrefname = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_CHARREFNAME", "magenta:black")

# style to be used for document types
s4doctype = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_DOCTYPE", "white:black:bold")

# style to be used for document types
s4doctypetext = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_DOCTYPETEXT", "white:black:bold")

# style to be used for comment (i.e. <!-- and -->)
s4comment = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_COMMENT", "blue:black")

# style to be used for comment text
s4commenttext = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_COMMENTTEXT", "blue:black")

# style to be used for attribute values
s4attrvalue = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ATTRVALUE", "green:black")

# style to be used for URLs
s4url = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_URL", "green:black")

# style to be used for numbers in error messages etc.
s4number = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_NUMBER", "blue:black")

# style to be used for variable strings in error messages etc.
s4string = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_STRING", "magenta:black")

# style to be used for IDs in repr()
s4id = astyle.Style.fromenv("LL_XIST_STYLE_ID", "yellow:black")

# specifies how to represent an indentation in the DOM tree
reprtab = os.environ.get("LL_XIST_REPR_TAB", "  ")

def strtab(count):
	return s4tab(str(reprtab)*count)

def strtext(text):
	return s4text(s4quote('"'), text, s4quote('"'))

[docs]class Presenter: """ This class is the base of the presenter classes. It is abstract and only serves as documentation for the methods. A :class:`Presenter` generates a specific string representation of a node to be printed on the screen. """ def __init__(self, node): self.node = node
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentText(self, node): """ Present a :class:`ll.xist.xsc.Text` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentFrag(self, node): """ Present a :class:`ll.xist.xsc.Frag` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentComment(self, node): """ Present a :class:`ll.xist.xsc.Comment` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentDocType(self, node): """ Present a :class:`ll.xist.xsc.DocType` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentProcInst(self, node): """ Present a :class:`ll.xist.xsc.ProcInst` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentAttrs(self, node): """ Present an :class:`ll.xist.xsc.Attrs` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentElement(self, node): """ Present an :class:`ll.xist.xsc.Element` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentEntity(self, node): """ Present a :class:`ll.xist.xsc.Entity` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentNull(self, node): """ Present the :data:`ll.xist.xsc.Null` node. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def presentAttr(self, node): """ Present an :class:`ll.xist.xsc.Attr` node. """
class Line: __slots__ = ("node", "loc", "path", "content") def __init__(self, node, loc, path, content): self.node = node self.loc = loc self.path = path self.content = content
[docs]class TreePresenter(Presenter): """ This presenter shows the object as a nested tree. """ # When inside attributes the presenting methods yield astyle.Text objects # Outside of attributes Line objects are yielded
[docs] def __init__(self, node, indent=None, defaultxmlns=None): """ Create a :class:`TreePresenter` object for the XIST node ``node`` using ``indent`` for indenting each tree level. If ``indent`` is :const:`None` use the value of the environment variable ``LL_XIST_INDENT`` as the indent string (falling back to a tab if the environment variable doesn't exist). If ``defaultxmlns`` is not :const:`None`, elements from this namespace will be output without any namespace name. """ Presenter.__init__(self, node) if indent is None: indent = os.environ.get("LL_XIST_INDENT", "\t") self.indent = indent self.defaultxmlns = xsc.nsname(defaultxmlns)
def __str__(self): return "\n".join(str(line.content) for line in self) def strindent(self, level): return s4tab(level*self.indent) def text(self, text): return repr(text)[1:-1] def __iter__(self): self._inattr = 0 self._path = [] # numerical path yield from self.node.present(self) del self._inattr del self._path def _domultiline(self, node, lines, indent, formatter, head=None, tail=None): loc = node.startloc nest = len(self._path) l = len(lines) for i in range(max(1, l)): # at least one line if loc is not None: hereloc = loc.offset(i) else: hereloc = None mynest = nest if i<len(lines): s = lines[i] else: s = "" if indent: oldlen = len(s) s = s.lstrip("\t") mynest += len(s)-oldlen s = formatter(self.text(s)) if i == 0 and head is not None: # prepend head to first line s = head + s if i >= l-1 and tail is not None: # append tail to last line s = s + tail yield Line(node, hereloc, self._path[:], self.strindent(mynest) + s) def presentFrag(self, node): if self._inattr: for child in node: yield from child.present(self) else: indent = self.strindent(len(self._path)) ns = s4ns(node.__class__.__module__) name = s4fragname(node.__class__.__qualname__) if len(node): yield Line( node, node.startloc, self._path[:], s4frag(indent, "<", ns, ":", name, ">"), ) self._path.append(0) for child in node: yield from child.present(self) self._path[-1] += 1 self._path.pop(-1) yield Line( node, node.endloc, self._path[:], s4frag(indent, "</", ns, ":", name, ">"), ) else: yield Line( node, node.startloc, self._path[:], s4frag(indent, "<", ns, ":", name, "/>"), ) def presentAttrs(self, node): if self._inattr: for attrvalue in node.values(): yield " " if attrvalue.xmlns is None: yield s4attrname(attrvalue.xmlname) else: yield s4attr(s4ns("{", attrvalue.xmlns, "}"), s4attrname(attrvalue.xmlname)) yield s4attr('="') yield from attrvalue.present(self) yield s4attr('"') else: indent = self.strindent(len(self._path)) ns = s4ns("{", node.__class__.__module__, "}") name = s4attrsname(node.__class__.__qualname__) yield Line( node, node.startloc, self._path[:], s4attrs(indent, "<", ns, name, ">"), ) self._path.append(None) for attrvalue in node.values(): self._path[-1] = (attrvalue.xmlns, attrvalue.xmlname) yield from attrvalue.present(self) self._path.pop() yield Line( node, node.endloc, self._path[:], s4attrs(indent, "</", ns, name, ">"), ) def presentElement(self, node): ns = s4ns(node.__class__.__module__) name = s4elementname(node.__class__.__qualname__) if node.xmlns == self.defaultxmlns: xmlns = s4ns() else: xmlns = s4ns("{", node.xmlns or "", "}") if self._inattr: yield s4element("<", xmlns, node.xmlname) self._inattr += 1 yield from node.attrs.present(self) self._inattr -= 1 if len(node): yield s4element(">") yield from node.content.present(self) yield s4element("</", xmlns, node.xmlname, ">") else: yield s4element("/>") else: firstline = s4element("<", xmlns, node.xmlname) indent = self.strindent(len(self._path)) self._inattr += 1 for text in node.attrs.present(self): firstline.append(text) self._inattr -= 1 if len(node): firstline.append(s4element(">")) yield Line( node, node.startloc, self._path[:], indent + firstline, ) self._path.append(0) for child in node: yield from child.present(self) self._path[-1] += 1 self._path.pop() lastline = s4element(indent, "</", xmlns, node.xmlname, ">") yield Line( node, node.endloc, self._path[:], lastline, ) else: firstline.append(s4element("/>")) yield Line( node, node.startloc, self._path[:], indent + firstline, ) def presentNull(self, node): if not self._inattr: indent = self.strindent(len(self._path)) ns = s4ns(node.__class__.__module__) name = s4nullname(node.__class__.__qualname__) yield Line( node, node.startloc, self._path[:], s4null(indent, "<", ns, ":", name, "/>"), ) def presentText(self, node): if self._inattr: yield s4attrvalue(self.text(node.content)) else: lines = node.content.splitlines(True) yield from self._domultiline(node, lines, 0, strtext) def presentEntity(self, node): name = s4entityname(node.xmlname) if self._inattr: yield s4entity("&", name, ";") else: indent = self.strindent(len(self._path)) yield Line( node, node.startloc, self._path[:], s4entity(indent, "&", name, ";"), ) def presentProcInst(self, node): name = s4procinsttarget(node.xmlname) if self._inattr: yield s4procinst("<?", name, " ", s4procinstcontent(self.text(node.content)), "?>") else: head = s4procinst("<?", name, " ") tail = s4procinst("?>") lines = node.content.splitlines() if len(lines) > 1: lines.insert(0, "") yield from self._domultiline(node, lines, 1, s4procinstcontent, head, tail) def presentComment(self, node): if self._inattr: yield s4comment("<!--", s4commenttext(self.text(node.content)), "-->") else: head = s4comment("<!--") tail = s4comment("-->") lines = node.content.splitlines() yield from self._domultiline(node, lines, 1, s4commenttext, head, tail) def presentDocType(self, node): if self._inattr: yield s4doctype("<!DOCTYPE ", s4doctypetext(self.text(node.content)), ">") else: head = s4doctype("<!DOCTYPE ") tail = s4doctype(">") lines = node.content.splitlines() yield from self._domultiline(node, lines, 1, s4doctypetext, head, tail) def presentAttr(self, node): return self.presentFrag(node)
[docs]class CodePresenter(Presenter): """ This presenter formats the object as a nested Python object tree. This makes it possible to quickly convert HTML/XML files to XIST constructor calls. """
[docs] def __init__(self, node, indent=None): """ Create a :class:`CodePresenter` object for the XIST node ``node`` using ``indent`` for indenting each tree level. If ``indent`` is :const:`None` use the value of the environment variable ``LL_XIST_INDENT`` as the indent string (falling back to a tab if the environment variable doesn't exist). """ Presenter.__init__(self, node) if indent is None: indent = os.environ.get("LL_XIST_INDENT", "\t") self.indent = indent
def __str__(self): return "\n".join(str(line.content) for line in self) def __iter__(self): self._inattr = 0 self._level = 0 self._path = [] yield from self.node.present(self) del self._path del self._level del self._inattr def _indent(self): if self._inattr: return "" else: indent = self.indent if indent == "\t": indent = " " return s4tab(self.indent*self._level) def _text(self, text): # Find the simplest object to display try: i = int(text) except ValueError: pass else: if str(i) == text: text = i return text def presentFrag(self, node): name = s4frag(s4ns(node.__class__.__module__), ".", s4fragname(node.__class__.__qualname__)) if len(node): if not self._inattr: # skip "(" for attributes, they will be added by presentElement() yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "(")) self._level += 1 self._path.append(0) for (i, child) in enumerate(node): if i == len(node)-1: yield from child.present(self) else: lines = list(child.present(self)) for (j, line) in enumerate(lines): if j == len(lines)-1: line.content += "," yield line self._path[-1] += 1 self._level -= 1 self._path.pop() if not self._inattr: yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), ")")) else: if not self._inattr: yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "()")) def _formatattrvalue(self, attrvalue): attrtext = astyle.Text() if len(attrvalue) == 1: # optimize away the tuple () for part in attrvalue[0].present(self): if attrtext: attrtext.append(" ") attrtext.append(part.content) else: for part in attrvalue.present(self): if attrtext: attrtext.append(" ") else: attrtext.append("(") attrtext.append(part.content) attrtext.append(")") return attrtext def presentAttrs(self, node): name = s4attrs(s4ns(node.__class__.__module__), ".", s4attrsname(node.__class__.__qualname__)) if len(node): globalattrs = {} localattrs = {} for ((attrxmlns, attrname), attrvalue) in node.items(): if attrxmlns is None: localattrs[attrname] = attrvalue else: globalattrs[(attrxmlns, attrname)] = attrvalue yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "(")) self._level += 1 if globalattrs: yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), "{")) for (i, ((attrxmlns, attrname), attrvalue)) in enumerate(globalattrs.items()): self._path.append(attrname) attrname = astyle.style_default("{", s4ns(attrname[0]), ".", s4attrname(attrname[1])) self._inattr += 1 attrtext = self._formatattrvalue(attrvalue) self._inattr -= 1 self._level += 1 line = astyle.style_default(self._indent(), attrname, ": ", s4attrvalue(attrtext)) if i != len(globalattrs) or not localattrs: line += "," yield Line(attrvalue, attrvalue.startloc, self._path[:], line) self._path.pop() self._level -= 1 line = astyle.style_default(self._indent(), "}") if localattrs: line += "," yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], line) for (i, (attrname, attrvalue)) in enumerate(localattrs.items()): self._path.append(attrname) self._inattr += 1 attrtext = self._formatattrvalue(attrvalue) self._inattr -= 1 line = astyle.style_default(self._indent(), s4attrname(attrname), "=", s4attrvalue(attrtext)) if i != len(localattrs)-1: line += "," yield Line(attrvalue, attrvalue.startloc, self._path[:], line) self._path.pop() self._level -= 1 yield Line(node, node.endloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), ")")) else: yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "()")) def presentElement(self, node): name = s4element(s4ns(node.__class__.__module__), ".", s4elementname(node.__class__.__qualname__)) if len(node.content) or len(node.attrs): yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "(")) self._level += 1 self._path.append(0) for (i, child) in enumerate(node): if i == len(node)-1 and not node.attrs: yield from child.present(self) else: lines = list(child.present(self)) for (j, line) in enumerate(lines): if j == len(lines)-1: line.content += "," yield line self._path[-1] += 1 self._path.pop() pyattrs = [] otherattrs = [] for attrvalue in node.attrs.values(): if node.attrs.isdeclared(attrvalue): pyattrs.append((attrvalue.__class__.__name__, attrvalue)) elif attrvalue.__class__ is xsc.Attr: if attrvalue.xmlns is None: otherattrs.append((repr(attrvalue.xmlname), attrvalue)) else: otherattrs.append((repr(f"{{{attrvalue.xmlns}}}{attrvalue.xmlname}"), attrvalue)) else: otherattrs.append((f"{attrvalue.__class__.__module__}.{attrvalue.__class__.__qualname__}", attrvalue)) if otherattrs: yield Line(node.attrs, node.attrs.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), "{")) for (i, (attrname, attrvalue)) in enumerate(otherattrs): self._path.append(attrname) attrname = astyle.style_default(attrname) self._inattr += 1 attrtext = self._formatattrvalue(attrvalue) self._inattr -= 1 self._level += 1 line = astyle.style_default(self._indent(), attrname, ": ", s4attrvalue(attrtext)) if i != len(otherattrs) or not pyattrs: line += "," yield Line(attrvalue, attrvalue.startloc, self._path[:], line) self._path.pop() self._level -= 1 line = astyle.style_default(self._indent(), "}") if pyattrs: line += "," yield Line(node.attrs, node.attrs.startloc, self._path[:], line) for (i, (pyname, attrvalue)) in enumerate(pyattrs): self._inattr += 1 attrtext = self._formatattrvalue(attrvalue) self._inattr -= 1 line = astyle.style_default(self._indent(), s4attrname(pyname), "=", s4attrvalue(attrtext)) if i != len(pyattrs)-1: line += "," self._path.append(attrvalue.xmlname) yield Line(attrvalue, attrvalue.startloc, self._path[:], line) self._path.pop() self._level -= 1 yield Line(node, node.endloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), ")")) else: yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "()")) def presentNull(self, node): name = s4null(s4ns(node.__class__.__module__), ".", s4nullname(node.__class__.__qualname__)) yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name)) def presentText(self, node): if self._inattr: formatter = s4attrvalue else: formatter = s4text yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), formatter(repr(self._text(node.content))))) def presentEntity(self, node): name = s4entity(s4ns(node.__class__.__module__), ".", s4entityname(node.__class__.__qualname__)) yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "()")) def presentProcInst(self, node): name = s4procinst(s4ns(node.__class__.__module__), ".", s4procinsttarget(node.__class__.__qualname__)) yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "(", s4procinstcontent(repr(self._text(node.content))), ")")) def presentComment(self, node): name = s4comment(s4ns(node.__class__.__module__), ".", node.__class__.__qualname__) yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "(", s4commenttext(repr(self._text(node.content))), ")")) def presentDocType(self, node): name = s4doctype(s4ns(node.__class__.__module__), ".", node.__class__.__qualname__) yield Line(node, node.startloc, self._path[:], astyle.style_default(self._indent(), name, "(", s4doctypetext(repr(self._text(node.content))), ")")) def presentAttr(self, node): return self.presentFrag(node)