Source code for ll.xist.ns.rng

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3, always_allow_keywords=True

## Copyright 2005-2021 by LivingLogic AG, Bayreuth/Germany
## Copyright 2005-2021 by Walter Dörwald
## All Rights Reserved
## See ll/xist/ for the license

This module is an XIST namespace for `Relax NG`__ files.


from ll.xist import xsc, sims

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

xmlns = ""

[docs]class base(xsc.Element): """ "Abstract" basis class, providing common attributes. """ register = False class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class ns(xsc.TextAttr): pass # ns is inherited from the nearest ancestor, where a ns-attribute is defined, else it's "" class datatypeLibrary(xsc.URLAttr): pass
[docs]class anyName(base): """ Matches any name from any namespace. """ xmlns = xmlns
# Restriction: # name classes of attributes can't overlap
[docs]class attribute(base): """ Specifies an XML attribute. """ xmlns = xmlns # Restriction: # after simplification: contain only text-node-relevent nodes # can't be duplicated # infinite name classes must be enclosed in oneOrMore/zeroOrMore # name and name class can't be both specified class Attrs(base.Attrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs]class choice(base): """ nameclass: a name matches choice if, and only if, it matches at least one of the subname classes. pattern: it matches a node if, and only if, at least one of its subpatterns matches the node """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs]class data(base): """ Specifies data of a certain kind. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(base.Attrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs]class define(base): """ Defines a part of a grammar pattern (also a pattern), recursion possible only inside an element. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(base.Attrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): required = True class combine(xsc.TextAttr): values = ("interleave", "choice")
[docs]class div(base): """ Allows logical divisions, no effect on validation, annotations can be made here """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(base.Attrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs]class element_(base): """ Specifies an XML element. """ xmlns = xmlns xmlname = "element" class Attrs(base.Attrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): pass
# alternative: namespace name
[docs]class empty(base): """ Specifies empty content. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty()
[docs]class except_(base): """ An :class:`except_` element can remove a name class from another (this class has no attributes) (inside a :class:`name` element) or it is used to remove a set of values from a data pattern. """ xmlns = xmlns xmlname = "except"
[docs]class externalRef(base): """ Reference to an extern pattern stored in a file. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(base.Attrs): class href(xsc.URLAttr): required = True
[docs]class grammar(base): """ A :class:`grammar` element has a single :class:`start` child element, and zero or more :class:`define` child elements. The :class:`start` and :class:`define` elements contain patterns. These patterns can contain :class:`ref` elements that refer to patterns defined by any of the :class:`define` elements in that grammar element. A :class:`grammar` pattern is matched by matching the pattern contained in the :class:`start` element. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs]class group(base): """ Is implied, can be also explicitly specified: the patterns have to appear in the specified order (except for the attributes, they are allowed to appear in any order in the start tag) """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs]class include(base): """ Includes an extern grammar pattern. Can contain define parts to overwrite that part (same name) in the extern pattern. A possible start element inside include overwrites the start element of the extern pattern. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(base.Attrs): class href(xsc.URLAttr): required = True
[docs]class interleave(base): """ Child elements can appear in any order, if one is a group, the order must be kept, other direct childs can mix between. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs]class list(base): """ Matches whitespace separated values. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs]class mixed(base): """ ``<mixed> p </mixed>`` is short for ``<interleave> <text/> p </interleave>`` """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs]class name(base): """ Defines a class with a single name. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements()
[docs]class notAllowed(base): """ Used to make extension points in patterns. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty()
[docs]class nsName(base): """ Allows any name in a specific namespace. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Elements(except_) class Attrs(base.Attrs): class ns(xsc.URLAttr): pass
[docs]class oneOrMore(base): """ There can be one or more recurrence of the enclosed pattern. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs]class optional(base): """ The enclosed tags can be left out. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs]class param(base): """ Specifies parameters passed to the datatype library to determine whether a value is valid per a datatype. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements() class Attrs(base.Attrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs]class parentRef(base): """ Escapes out of the current grammar and references a definition from the parent of the current grammar. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(base.Attrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): required = True
[docs]class ref(base): """ A :class:`ref` pattern refers to a definition from the nearest grammar ancestor. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(base.Attrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): required = True
[docs]class start(base): """ Required start tag inside a :class:`grammar` tag. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(base.Attrs): class combine(xsc.TextAttr): values = ("combine", "interleave")
[docs]class text(base): """ Matches arbitrary text (one or more text nodes), including empty text. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty()
[docs]class value(base): """ By default, the :class:`value` pattern will consider the string in the pattern to match the string in the document if the two strings are the same after the whitespace in both strings is normalized. Whitespace normalization strips leading and trailing whitespace characters, and collapses sequences of one or more whitespace characters to a single space character. This corresponds to the behaviour of an XML parser for an attribute that is declared as other than CDATA. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements() class Attrs(base.Attrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs]class zeroOrMore(base): """ There can be zero or more recurrence of the enclosed pattern. """ xmlns = xmlns
# modeltype definitions anyName.model = sims.Elements(except_) attribute.model = sims.ElementsOrText(choice, data, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, name, notAllowed, nsName, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) choice.model = sims.Elements(anyName, attribute, choice, data, element_, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, name, notAllowed, nsName, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) data.model = sims.Elements(except_, param) define.model = sims.Elements(attribute, choice, data, element_, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) div.model = sims.Elements(define, div, include, start) element_.model = \ except_.model = sims.Elements(anyName, attribute, choice, data, element_, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, name, notAllowed, nsName, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) grammar.model = sims.Elements(start, define, div, include) group.model = sims.Elements(attribute, choice, data, element_, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) include.model = sims.Elements(start, define, div) interleave.model = sims.Elements(attribute, choice, data, element_, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) list.model = sims.Elements(choice, data, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, value, zeroOrMore) mixed.model = sims.Elements(attribute, choice, data, element_, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) oneOrMore.model = sims.Elements(choice, data, element_, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) optional.model = sims.Elements(attribute, choice, data, element_, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) start.model = sims.Elements(attribute, choice, data, element_, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore) zeroOrMore.model = sims.Elements(choice, data, element_, empty, externalRef, grammar, group, interleave, list, mixed, notAllowed, oneOrMore, optional, parentRef, ref, text, value, zeroOrMore)