Source code for ll.xist.ns.htmlspecials

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3, always_allow_keywords=True

## Copyright 1999-2021 by LivingLogic AG, Bayreuth/Germany
## Copyright 1999-2021 by Walter Dörwald
## All Rights Reserved
## See ll/xist/ for the license

An XIST module that contains a collection of useful elements for generating

import sys, types, time as time_, string, warnings

from ll.xist import xsc, sims
from ll.xist.ns import xml, html as html_, meta, specials

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

xmlns = ""

[docs]class html(html_.html): """ Creates an :class:`ll.xist.ns.html.html` element and automatically sets the ``lang`` and ``xml:lang`` attributes to the ``converter``\\s configured language. """ xmlns = xmlns def convert(self, converter): node = html_.html(self.content, self.attrs) if converter.lang is not None: if "lang" not in node.attrs: node.attrs.lang = converter.lang if xml.Attrs.lang not in node.attrs: node.attrs[xml.Attrs.lang] = converter.lang return node.convert(converter)
[docs]class plaintable(html_.table): """ a HTML table where the values of the attributes ``cellpadding``, ``cellspacing`` and ``border`` default to ``0``. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(html_.table.Attrs): class cellpadding(html_.table.Attrs.cellpadding): default = 0 class cellspacing(html_.table.Attrs.cellspacing): default = 0 class border(html_.table.Attrs.border): default = 0 def convert(self, converter): e = html_.table(self.content, self.attrs) return e.convert(converter)
[docs]class plainbody(html_.body): """ a HTML body where the attributes ``leftmargin``, ``topmargin``, ``marginheight`` and ``marginwidth`` default to ``0``. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(html_.body.Attrs): class leftmargin(html_.body.Attrs.leftmargin): default = 0 class topmargin(html_.body.Attrs.topmargin): default = 0 class marginheight(html_.body.Attrs.marginheight): default = 0 class marginwidth(html_.body.Attrs.marginwidth): default = 0 def convert(self, converter): e = html_.body(self.content, self.attrs) return e.convert(converter)
class _pixelbase(html_.img): xmlns = xmlns class Context(html_.img.Context): def __init__(self): self.src = "root:px/spc.gif" class Attrs(html_.img.Attrs): class color(xsc.TextAttr): """ The pixel color as a CSS value. Leave it blank to get a transparent pixel. """ class alt(html_.img.Attrs.alt): default = ""
[docs]class pixel(_pixelbase): """ Element for single transparent pixel image. You can specify the pixel color via the ``color`` attribute (which will set the background-color in the style attribute). In addition to that you can specify width and height attributes (and every other allowed attribute for the :class:`img` element) as usual. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(_pixelbase.Attrs): class width(_pixelbase.Attrs.width): default = 1 class height(_pixelbase.Attrs.height): default = 1 def convert(self, converter): if self.attrs.src: src = self.attrs.src else: src = converter[self].src if self.attrs.color: style = ["background-color: ", self.attrs.color, ";"] if style.append(" ") style.append( else: style = e = self.attrs.withoutnames("color"), style=style, src=src, ) return e.convert(converter)
[docs]class autoimg(html_.img): """ An image were width and height attributes are automatically generated. If the attributes are already there, they won't be modified. """ xmlns = xmlns def convert(self, converter): target = if target.xmlns == html_.xmlns: e = target.img(self.attrs.convert(converter)) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown conversion target {target!r}") src = self["src"].convert(converter).forInput(converter.root) e._addimagesizeattributes(src, "width", "height") return e
[docs]class autopixel(_pixelbase): """ A pixel image were width and height attributes are automatically generated. This works like :class:`pixel` but the size is "inherited" from the image specified via the ``src`` attribute. """ xmlns = xmlns def convert(self, converter): target = if target.xmlns == html_.xmlns: raise ValueError(f"unknown conversion target {target!r}") e = target.img(self.attrs.withoutnames("color")) src = self.attrs.src.convert(converter).forInput(converter.root) e._addimagesizeattributes(src, "width", "height") e.attrs.src = converter[self].src return e
[docs]class autoinput(html_.input): """ Extends :class:`ll.xist.ns.html.input` with the ability to automatically set the size, if this element has ``type=="image"``. """ xmlns = xmlns def convert(self, converter): target = e = target.input(self.content, self.attrs) if "type" in self.attrs and str(self.attrs.type.convert(converter)) == "image": src = self.attrs.src.convert(converter).forInput(converter.root) e._addimagesizeattributes(src, "size", None) # no height return e.convert(converter)
class redirectpage(xsc.Element): xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class href(xsc.URLAttr): required = True langs = { "en": ("Redirection to ", "Your browser doesn't understand redirects. This page has been redirected to "), "de": ("Weiterleitung auf ", "Ihr Browser unterstützt keine Weiterleitung. Diese Seite wurde weitergeleitet auf ") } def convert(self, converter): target = (title, text) = self.langs.get(converter.lang, self.langs["en"]) url = self["href"] e = target.html( target.head( meta.contenttype(), target.title(title, url) ), target.body( text, target.a(url, href=url) ) ) return e.convert(converter)
[docs]class javascript(html_.script): """ Can be used for javascript. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(html_.script.Attrs): language = None type = None def convert(self, converter): target = e = target.script(self.content, self.attrs, language="javascript", type="text/javascript") return e.convert(converter)
class flash(xsc.Element): xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class src(xsc.URLAttr): required = True class width(xsc.IntAttr): required = True class height(xsc.IntAttr): required = True class quality(xsc.TextAttr): default = "high" class bgcolor(xsc.ColorAttr): pass def convert(self, converter): target = e = target.object( target.param(name="movie", value=self.attrs.src), target.embed( src=self.attrs.src, quality=self.attrs.quality, bgcolor=self.attrs.bgcolor, width=self.attrs.width, height=self.attrs.height, type="application/x-shockwave-flash", pluginspage="" ), classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", codebase=",0,0,0", width=self.attrs.width, height=self.attrs.height ) # copy optional attributes for attrname in ("quality", "bgcolor"): if attrname in self.attrs: e.insert(0, target.param(name=attrname, value=self.attrs[attrname])) return e.convert(converter) class quicktime(xsc.Element): xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class src(xsc.URLAttr): required = True class href(xsc.URLAttr): pass class target(xsc.TextAttr): pass class width(xsc.IntAttr): required = True class height(xsc.IntAttr): required = True class bgcolor(xsc.ColorAttr): pass class controller(xsc.ColorAttr): values = ("true", "false") class autoplay(xsc.ColorAttr): values = ("true", "false") class border(xsc.IntAttr): pass def convert(self, converter): target = e = target.object( target.param(name="src", value=self.attrs.src), target.param(name="type", value="video/quicktime"), target.param(name="pluginspage", value=""), target.embed( src=self.attrs.src, href=self.attrs.href,, bgcolor=self.attrs.bgcolor, width=self.attrs.width, height=self.attrs.height, type="video/quicktime", border=self.attrs.border, pluginspage="" ), classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B", codebase=",0,2,0", width=self.attrs.width, height=self.attrs.height ) # copy optional attributes for attrname in ("href", "target", "bgcolor", "controller", "autoplay"): if attrname in self.attrs: e.insert(0, target.param(name=attrname, value=self[attrname])) return e.convert(converter) class ImgAttrDecorator(specials.AttrDecorator): xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(html_.img.Attrs): pass idecoratable = (html_.img,) class InputAttrDecorator(specials.AttrDecorator): xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(html_.input.Attrs): pass decoratable = (html_.input,) class FormAttrDecorator(specials.AttrDecorator): xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(html_.form.Attrs): pass decoratable = (html_.form,) class TextAreaAttrDecorator(specials.AttrDecorator): xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(html_.textarea.Attrs): pass decoratable = (html_.textarea,)