Source code for ll.xist.ns.html

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3, always_allow_keywords=True

## Copyright 1999-2021 by LivingLogic AG, Bayreuth/Germany
## Copyright 1999-2021 by Walter Dörwald
## All Rights Reserved
## See ll/xist/ for the license

An XIST namespace that contains definitions for all the elements in `HTML5`_ as
well as some (deprecated) elements that were in use in previous HTML versions.

This namespace also supports the elements and attributes from the `microdata

For all deprecated elements and attributes the class attribute ``deprecated``
is set to :const:`True`.

The function :func:`astext` can be used to convert a HTML XIST tree into plain

.. _HTML5:

.. _microdata specification:


import os, tempfile, subprocess, cgi, textwrap, collections

from ll.xist import xsc, sims

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

xmlns = ""

### Document types

[docs]class DocTypeHTML40transitional(xsc.DocType): """ document type for HTML 4.0 transitional """ def __init__(self): xsc.DocType.__init__(self, 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""')
[docs]class DocTypeHTML401transitional(xsc.DocType): """ document type for HTML 4.01 transitional """ def __init__(self): xsc.DocType.__init__(self, 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""')
[docs]class DocTypeXHTML10strict(xsc.DocType): """ document type for XHTML 1.0 strict """ def __init__(self): xsc.DocType.__init__(self, 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""')
[docs]class DocTypeXHTML10transitional(xsc.DocType): """ document type for XHTML 1.0 transitional """ def __init__(self): xsc.DocType.__init__(self, 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""')
[docs]class DocTypeXHTML11(xsc.DocType): """ document type for XHTML 1.1 """ def __init__(self): xsc.DocType.__init__(self, 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""')
[docs]class DocTypeHTML5(xsc.DocType): """ document type for HTML5 """ def __init__(self): xsc.DocType.__init__(self, "html")
### ### Attributes ### class MediaAttr(xsc.TextAttr): def hasmedia(self, media): """ Return whether ``self`` contains the media type ``media``. Returns :const:`True` if ``media`` is :const:`None` or ``self`` is empty. """ if media is not None and self: return media in {m.strip() for m in str(self).split(",")} return True
[docs]class GlobalAttrs(xsc.Attrs): """ Attributes that are common to and may be specified on all HTML elements """ def validateattr(self, path): node = path[-1] if node.xmlns is None and not self.isdeclared(node) and not node.xmlname.startswith(("data-", "aria-")): yield xsc.UndeclaredAttrWarning(self.__class__, node)
[docs] class accesskey(xsc.TextAttr): """ This attribute's value is used by the user agent as a guide for creating a keyboard shortcut that activates or focuses the element. If specified, the value must be an ordered set of unique space-separated tokens that are case-sensitive, each of which must be exactly one Unicode code point in length. """
[docs] class class_(xsc.TextAttr): """ This attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a set of space-separated tokens representing the various classes that the element belongs to. """ xmlname = "class"
[docs] class contenteditable(xsc.TextAttr): """ Indicates whether the element is editable. """ values = ("false", "true", "")
[docs] class contextmenu(xsc.TextAttr): """ The element's context menu. The value must be the ID of a menu element in the DOM. """
[docs] class dir(xsc.TextAttr): """ The element's text directionality. """ values = ("ltr", "rtl", "auto")
[docs] class draggable(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies whether the element is draggable. """ values = ("false", "true")
[docs] class dropzone(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies which types of objects are allowed to be dropped on the element and how they are handled. """
# copy, move, link, string:*, file:*
[docs] class hidden(xsc.BoolAttr): """ When specified, indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, directly relevant to the page's current state. User agents should not render elements that have the hidden attribute specified. """
[docs] class id(xsc.IDAttr): """ Specifies its element's unique identifier. """
[docs] class lang(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies the primary language for the element's contents and for any of the element's attributes that contain text. """
[docs] class spellcheck(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies whether the user agent should indicate spelling and/or grammar errors in content of the element. """ values = ("false", "true", "")
[docs] class style(xsc.StyleAttr): """ A `CSS styling attribute`__ __ """
[docs] class tabindex(xsc.IntAttr): """ Specifies whether an element is supposed to be focusable and what is to be the relative order of the element for the purposes of sequential focus navigation. """
[docs] class title(xsc.TextAttr): """ Advisory information for the element, such as would be appropriate for a tooltip. """
[docs] class translate(xsc.TextAttr): """ An enumerated attribute that is used to specify whether an element's attribute values and the values of its text node children are to be translated when the page is localized, or whether to leave them unchanged. """ values = ("no", "yes", "")
[docs] class role(xsc.TextAttr): """ If specified, must have a value that is a set of space-separated tokens representing the various WAI-ARIA roles that the element belongs to. """
[docs] class onabort(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onblur(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class oncancel(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class oncanplay(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class oncanplaythrough(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onchange(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onclick(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onclose(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class oncontextmenu(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class oncuechange(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondblclick(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondrag(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondragend(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondragenter(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondragleave(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondragover(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondragstart(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondrop(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ondurationchange(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onemptied(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onended(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onerror(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onfocus(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class oninput(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class oninvalid(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onkeydown(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onkeypress(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onkeyup(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onload(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onloadeddata(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onloadedmetadata(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onloadstart(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onmousedown(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onmousemove(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onmouseout(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onmouseover(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onmouseup(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onmousewheel(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onpause(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onplay(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onplaying(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onprogress(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onratechange(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onreset(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onscroll(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onseeked(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onseeking(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onselect(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onshow(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onstalled(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onsubmit(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onsuspend(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class ontimeupdate(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onvolumechange(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class onwaiting(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """
[docs] class itemscope(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Microdata attribute: Creates a new item, a group of name-value pairs. """
[docs] class itemtype(xsc.TextAttr): """ Microdata attribute: Space separated list of absolute URLs specifying the type of the item. """
[docs] class itemid(xsc.URLAttr): """ Microdata attribute: A global identifier for the item. """
[docs] class itemprop(xsc.TextAttr): """ Microdata attribute: The name of an item property. """
[docs] class itemref(xsc.TextAttr): """ Microdata attribute: List of additional element IDs to crawl to find the name-value pairs of the item. """
class CommonFormAttrs(GlobalAttrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the form control, as used in form submission and in the form element's elements object. If the attribute is specified, its value must not be the empty string. """ class disabled(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Makes the control non-interactive and prevents its value from being submitted. """ class autofocus(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Allows the author to indicate that a control is to be focused as soon as the page is loaded or as soon as the dialog within which it finds itself is shown, allowing the user to just start typing without having to manually focus the main control. """ class form(xsc.TextAttr): """ Used to explicitly associate the element with its form owner. """ ### ### Elements ###
[docs]class html(xsc.Element): """ The root of an HTML document. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class manifest(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of the document's application cache manifest, if there is one. """
### ### Document metadata ###
[docs]class title(xsc.Element): """ The document's title or name. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class base(xsc.Element): """ Allows authors to specify the document base URL for the purposes of resolving relative URLs, and the name of the default browsing context for the purposes of following hyperlinks. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class href(xsc.URLAttr): """ The document base URL. """ class target(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the default browsing context. """
[docs]class meta(xsc.Element): """ Various kinds of metadata that cannot be expressed using the ``title``, ``base``, ``link``, ``style``, and ``script`` elements. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class id( pass class http_equiv(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the pragma directive. """ xmlname = "http-equiv" class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the metadata element. """ class content(xsc.TextAttr): """ The value of the document metadata or pragma directive. """ class charset(xsc.TextAttr): """ The character encoding used by the document. """ class scheme(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True def publish(self, publisher): if "http-equiv" in self.attrs and not self.attrs.http_equiv.isfancy(): ctype = str(self.attrs.http_equiv).lower() if ctype == "content-type" and "content" in self.attrs: (contenttype, options) = cgi.parse_header(str(self.attrs.content)) encoding = publisher.getencoding() if "charset" not in options or options["charset"] != encoding: options["charset"] = encoding node = self.__class__( self.attrs, http_equiv="Content-Type", content=(contenttype, "; ", "; ".join(f"{name}={value}" for (name, value) in options.items())), ) return node.publish(publisher) # return a generator-iterator return super().publish(publisher) # return a generator-iterator
[docs]class style(xsc.Element): """ Allows authors to embed style information in their documents. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class media(MediaAttr): """ Specifies which media the styles apply to. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The styling language as a valid MIME type. """ class scoped(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the styles are intended just for the subtree rooted at the style element's parent element. """
### ### Scripting ###
[docs]class script(xsc.Element): """ Allows authors to include dynamic script and data blocks in their documents. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class src(xsc.URLAttr): """ If specified, gives the address of the external script resource to use. """ class async_(xsc.BoolAttr): """ If present, the script will be executed asynchronously. """ xmlname = "async" class defer(xsc.BoolAttr): """ If present, the script is executed when the page has finished parsing. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The language of the script or format of the data. If the attribute is present, its value must be a valid MIME type. """ class charset(xsc.TextAttr): """ The character encoding of the external script resource. """ class language(xsc.TextAttr): """ Only used if there's no ``type`` attribute. The MIME subtype (the main type being ``text`` automatically) """ deprecated = True class event(xsc.TextAttr): """ Must be ``onload`` or ``onload()``. """ deprecated = True class for_(xsc.TextAttr): """ Must be ``window``. """ xmlname = "for" deprecated = True
[docs]class noscript(xsc.Element): """ Represents nothing if scripting is enabled, and represents its children if scripting is disabled. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Transparent() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
### ### Sections ###
[docs]class body(xsc.Element): """ The main content of the document. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class onafterprint(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onbeforeprint(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onbeforeunload(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onhashchange(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onmessage(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onoffline(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class ononline(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onpagehide(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onpageshow(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onpopstate(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onresize(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onstorage(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class onunload(xsc.TextAttr): """ Event handler """ class background(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class bgcolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class text(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class link(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class vlink(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class alink(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class leftmargin(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class topmargin(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class marginwidth(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class marginheight(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class article(xsc.Element): """ A self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site and that is, in principle, independently distributable or reusable, e.g. in syndication. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other independent item of content. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class section(xsc.Element): """ A generic section of a document or application. A section, in this context, is a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class aside(xsc.Element): """ A section of a page that consists of content that is tangentially related to the content around the aside element, and which could be considered separate from that content. Such sections are often represented as sidebars in printed typography. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class h(xsc.Element): """ Base class of :class:`h1`, :class:`h2`, :class:`h3`, :class:`h4`, :class:`h5` and :class:`h6`, which represent headings for their sections. """ xmlns = xmlns register = False class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "right", "center", "justify")
class h1(h): pass class h2(h): pass class h3(h): pass class h4(h): pass class h5(h): pass class h6(h): pass
[docs]class hgroup(xsc.Element): """ The heading of a section. The element is used to group a set of ``h1``–``h6`` elements when the heading has multiple levels, such as subheadings, alternative titles, or taglines. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class address(xsc.Element): """ The contact information for its nearest ``article`` or ``body`` element ancestor. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
### ### Grouping content ###
[docs]class p(xsc.Element): """ A paragraph. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "right", "center", "justify")
[docs]class hr(xsc.Element): """ A paragraph-level thematic break, e.g. a scene change in a story, or a transition to another topic within a section of a reference book. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "right", "center") class noshade(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class size(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class width(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class color(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class pre(xsc.Element): """ A block of preformatted text, in which structure is represented by typographic conventions rather than by elements. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class width(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class blockquote(xsc.Element): """ A section that is quoted from another source. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class cite(xsc.URLAttr): """ The source address of the quote. """
[docs]class ol(xsc.Element): """ A list of items, where the items have been intentionally ordered, such that changing the order would change the meaning of the document. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class reversed(xsc.BoolAttr): """ If present, it indicates that the list is a descending list (..., 3, 2, 1). If the attribute is omitted, the list is an ascending list (1, 2, 3, ...). """ class start(xsc.TextAttr): """ The ordinal value of the first list item. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The kind of marker to use in the list. """ values = ("1", "a", "A", "i", "I") class compact(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class ul(xsc.Element): """ A list of items, where the order of the items is not important — that is, where changing the order would not materially change the meaning of the document. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("disc", "square", "circle") class compact(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class li(xsc.Element): """ A list item. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class value(xsc.IntAttr): """ The ordinal value of the list item if the element is a child of an ``ol`` element. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class dl(xsc.Element): """ An association list consisting of zero or more name-value groups (a description list). Each group must consist of one or more names (``dt`` elements) followed by one or more values (``dd`` elements). Within a single dl element, there should not be more than one ``dt`` element for each name. Name-value groups may be terms and definitions, metadata topics and values, questions and answers, or any other groups of name-value data. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class compact(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class dt(xsc.Element): """ The term, or name, part of a term-description group in a description list (``dl`` element). """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class dd(xsc.Element): """ The description, definition, or value, part of a term-description group in a description list (``dl`` element). """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class figure(xsc.Element): """ Some flow content, optionally with a caption, that is self-contained and is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document. The element can thus be used to annotate illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc, that are referred to from the main content of the document, but that could, without affecting the flow of the document, be moved away from that primary content, e.g. to the side of the page, to dedicated pages, or to an appendix. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class figcaption(xsc.Element): """ A caption or legend for the rest of the contents of the ``figcaption`` element's parent ``figure`` element, if any. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class div(xsc.Element): """ The ``div`` element has no special meaning at all. It represents its children. It can be used with the ``class``, ``lang``, and ``title`` attributes to mark up semantics common to a group of consecutive elements. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "right", "center", "justify")
### ### Text-level semantics ###
[docs]class a(xsc.Element): """ If the ``a`` element has an ``href`` attribute, then it represents a hyperlink (a hypertext anchor) labeled by its contents. If the ``a`` element has no ``href`` attribute, then the element represents a placeholder for where a link might otherwise have been placed, if it had been relevant, consisting of just the element's contents. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Transparent() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class href(xsc.URLAttr): """ Destination of the link. """ class target(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the browsing context for this link. """ class rel(xsc.TextAttr): """ The type of relationship the link has to the document. """ class media(MediaAttr): """ The media the resource applies to. """ class hreflang(xsc.TextAttr): """ The language of the linked resource. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The MIME type of the linked resource. """ class name(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class coords(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class charset(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class shape(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("rect", "circle", "poly", "default") class rev(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class em(xsc.Element): """ Stress emphasis. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class strong(xsc.Element): """ Strong importance. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class small(xsc.Element): """ Side comments such as small print. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class s(xsc.Element): """ Contents that are no longer accurate or no longer relevant. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class cite(xsc.Element): """ The title of a work (e.g. a book, a paper, an essay, a poem, a score, a song, a script, a film, a TV show, a game, a sculpture, a painting, a theatre production, a play, an opera, a musical, an exhibition, a legal case report, etc). This can be a work that is being quoted or referenced in detail (i.e. a citation), or it can just be a work that is mentioned in passing. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class q(xsc.Element): """ Some phrasing content quoted from another source. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class cite(xsc.URLAttr): """ The source address of the quote. """
[docs]class dfn(xsc.Element): """ The defining instance of a term. The paragraph, description list group, or section that is the nearest ancestor of the ``dfn`` element must also contain the definition(s) for the term given by the ``dfn`` element. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class abbr(xsc.Element): """ An abbreviation or acronym, optionally with its expansion. The ``title`` attribute may be used to provide an expansion of the abbreviation. The attribute, if specified, must contain an expansion of the abbreviation, and nothing else. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class time(xsc.Element): """ Represents its contents, along with a machine-readable form of those contents in the ``datetime`` attribute. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class datetime(xsc.TextAttr): """ The element's contents in a machine-readable format. """
[docs]class code(xsc.Element): """ A fragment of computer code. This could be an XML element name, a filename, a computer program, or any other string that a computer would recognize. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class var(xsc.Element): """ A variable. This could be an actual variable in a mathematical expression or programming context, an identifier representing a constant, a symbol identifying a physical quantity, a function parameter, or just be a term used as a placeholder in prose. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class samp(xsc.Element): """ A (sample) output from a program or computing system. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class kbd(xsc.Element): """ User input (typically keyboard input, although it may also be used to represent other input, such as voice commands). """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class sub(xsc.Element): """ A subscript. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class sup(xsc.Element): """ A superscript. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class i(xsc.Element): """ A span of text in an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose in a manner indicating a different quality of text, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase or short span of transliterated prose from another language, a thought, or a ship name in Western texts. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class b(xsc.Element): """ A span of text to which attention is being drawn for utilitarian purposes without conveying any extra importance and with no implication of an alternate voice or mood, such as key words in a document abstract, product names in a review, actionable words in interactive text-driven software, or an article lede. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class u(xsc.Element): """ A span of text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as labeling the text as being a proper name in Chinese text (a Chinese proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelt. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class mark(xsc.Element): """ A run of text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context. When used in a quotation or other block of text referred to from the prose, it indicates a highlight that was not originally present but which has been added to bring the reader's attention to a part of the text that might not have been considered important by the original author when the block was originally written, but which is now under previously unexpected scrutiny. When used in the main prose of a document, it indicates a part of the document that has been highlighted due to its likely relevance to the user's current activity. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class ruby(xsc.Element): """ Allows one or more spans of phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations. Ruby annotations are short runs of text presented alongside base text, primarily used in East Asian typography as a guide for pronunciation or to include other annotations. In Japanese, this form of typography is also known as "furigana". """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class rt(xsc.Element): """ The ruby text component of a ruby annotation. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class rp(xsc.Element): """ Can be used to provide parentheses around a ruby text component of a ruby annotation, to be shown by user agents that don't support ruby annotations. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class bdi(xsc.Element): """ A span of text that is to be isolated from its surroundings for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class bdo(xsc.Element): """ Explicit text directionality formatting control for its children. It allows authors to override the Unicode bidirectional algorithm by explicitly specifying a direction override. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class dir(xsc.TextAttr): """ The element's text directionality. """ required = True values = ("ltr", "rtl")
[docs]class span(xsc.Element): """ Doesn't mean anything on its own, but can be useful when used together with the global attributes, e.g. ``class``, ``lang``, or ``dir``. It represents its children. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class br(xsc.Element): """ A line break. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class clear(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "all", "right", "none")
[docs]class wbr(xsc.Element): """ A line break opportunity. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
### ### Edits ###
[docs]class ins(xsc.Element): """ An addition to the document. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Transparent() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class cite(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of a document that explains the change. """ class datetime(xsc.TextAttr): """ The time and date of the change. """
[docs]class del_(xsc.Element): """ A removal from the document. """ xmlns = xmlns xmlname = "del" model = sims.Transparent() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class cite(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of a document that explains the change. """ class datetime(xsc.TextAttr): """ The time and date of the change. """
### ### Embedded content ###
[docs]class img(xsc.Element): """ An image. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class alt(xsc.TextAttr): """ Provides equivalent content for those who cannot process images or who have image loading disabled. """ class src(xsc.URLAttr): """ A non-interactive, optionally animated, image resource that is neither paged nor scripted. """ class crossorigin(xsc.TextAttr): """ Allows images from third-party sites that allow cross-origin access to be used with canvas. """ class usemap(xsc.TextAttr): """ A valid hash-name reference to a ``map`` element that makes the image a clickable image map. """ class ismap(xsc.BoolAttr): """ When used on an element that is a descendant of an ``a`` element with an ``href`` attribute, indicates by its presence that the element provides access to a server-side image map. """ class width(xsc.IntAttr): """ The width of the image. """ class height(xsc.IntAttr): """ The height of the image. """ class name(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class longdesc(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right", "absmiddle") class border(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class hspace(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class vspace(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class lowsrc(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class iframe(xsc.Element): """ A nested browsing context. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class src(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of a page that the nested browsing context is to contain. """ class srcdoc(xsc.TextAttr): """ The content of the page that the nested browsing context is to contain. """ class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ A valid browsing context name. The given value is used to name the nested browsing context. """ class sandbox(xsc.TextAttr): """ Enables a set of extra restrictions on any content hosted by the ``iframe``. Its value must be an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens that are ASCII case-insensitive. The allowed values are ``allow-forms``, ``allow-popups``, ``allow-same-origin``, ``allow-scripts``, and ``allow-top-navigation``. """ class seamless(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the iframe element's browsing context is to be rendered in a manner that makes it appear to be part of the containing document (seamlessly included in the parent document). """ class width(xsc.IntAttr): """ The width of the ``iframe``. """ class height(xsc.IntAttr): """ The height of the ``iframe``. """ class longdesc(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class frameborder(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = (1, 0) class marginwidth(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class marginheight(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class noresize(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class scrolling(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("yes", "no", "auto") class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right", "absmiddle") class hspace(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class vspace(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class bordercolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class allowfullscreen(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class embed(xsc.Element): """ An integration point for an external (typically non-HTML) application or interactive content. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class src(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of the resource being embedded. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The MIME type by which the plugin to instantiate is selected. """ class width(xsc.IntAttr): """ The width of the embedded resource. """ class height(xsc.IntAttr): """ The height of the embedded resource. """ class controller(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class href(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class target(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class border(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class pluginspage(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class quality(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class bgcolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class menu(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class allowfullscreen(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class flashvars(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class object(xsc.Element): """ This element can represent an external resource, which, depending on the type of the resource, will either be treated as an image, as a nested browsing context, or as an external resource to be processed by a plugin. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class data(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of the resource. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The MIME type of the resource. """ class typemustmatch(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the resource specified by the data attribute is only to be used if the value of the type attribute and the ``Content-Type`` of the aforementioned resource match. """ class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ A valid browsing context name. The given value is used to name the nested browsing context, if applicable. """ class usemap(xsc.TextAttr): """ A valid hash-name reference to a ``map`` element that makes the object a clickable map. """ class form(xsc.TextAttr): """ The id of the ``form`` element this object is associated with. """ class width(xsc.IntAttr): """ The width of the object. """ class height(xsc.IntAttr): """ The height of the object. """ class declare(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class classid(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class codebase(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class codetype(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class archive(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class standby(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right", "absmiddle") class border(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class hspace(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class vspace(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class param(xsc.Element): """ Defines parameters for plugins invoked by ``object`` elements. It does not represent anything on its own. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the parameter. """ required = True class value(xsc.TextAttr): """ The value of the parameter. """ required = True class valuetype(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("data", "ref", "object") class type(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class video(xsc.Element): """ Used for playing videos or movies, and audio files with captions. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class src(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of the media resource (video, audio) to show. """ class crossorigin(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies the origin behaviour for fetching the media resource. """ values = ("anonymous", "use-credentials", "") class poster(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of an image file that the user agent can show while no video data is available. """ class preload(xsc.TextAttr): """ A hint to the user agent about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. """ values = ("none", "metadata", "auto", "") class autoplay(xsc.BoolAttr): """ When present, the user agent will automatically begin playback of the media resource as soon as it can do so without stopping. """ class mediagroup(xsc.TextAttr): """ Links multiple media elements together by implicitly creating a MediaController. The value is text; media elements with the same value are automatically linked by the user agent. """ class loop(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the media element is to seek back to the start of the media resource upon reaching the end. """ class muted(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Controls the default state of the audio output of the media resource, potentially overriding user preferences. """ class controls(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the author has not provided a scripted controller and would like the user agent to provide its own set of controls. """ class width(xsc.IntAttr): """ The width of the ``video`` element. """ class height(xsc.IntAttr): """ The height of the ``video`` element. """
[docs]class audio(xsc.Element): """ A sound or audio stream. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class src(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of the media resource (video, audio) to show. """ class crossorigin(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies the origin behaviour for fetching the media resource. """ values = ("anonymous", "use-credentials", "") class preload(xsc.TextAttr): """ A hint to the user agent about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. """ values = ("none", "metadata", "auto", "") class autoplay(xsc.BoolAttr): """ When present, the user agent will automatically begin playback of the media resource as soon as it can do so without stopping. """ class mediagroup(xsc.TextAttr): """ Links multiple media elements together by implicitly creating a MediaController. The value is text; media elements with the same value are automatically linked by the user agent. """ class loop(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the media element is to seek back to the start of the media resource upon reaching the end. """ class muted(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Controls the default state of the audio output of the media resource, potentially overriding user preferences. """ class controls(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the author has not provided a scripted controller and would like the user agent to provide its own set of controls. """
[docs]class source(xsc.Element): """ Allows authors to specify multiple alternative media resources for media elements. It does not represent anything on its own. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class src(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of the media resource. """ required = True class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ Helps the user agent determine if it can play this media resource before fetching it. If specified, its value must be a valid MIME type. """ class media(MediaAttr): """ The intended media type of the media resource, to help the user agent determine if this media resource is useful to the user before fetching it. """
[docs]class track(xsc.Element): """ Allows authors to specify explicit external timed text tracks for media elements. It does not represent anything on its own. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class kind(xsc.TextAttr): """ The type of the track. """ values = ("subtitles", "captions", "descriptions", "chapters", "metadata") class src(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address of the text track data. """ required = True class srclang(xsc.TextAttr): """ The language of the text track data. """ class label(xsc.TextAttr): """ A user-readable title for the track. This title is used by user agents when listing subtitle, caption, and audio description tracks in their user interface. """ class default(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the track is to be enabled if the user's preferences do not indicate that another track would be more appropriate. """
[docs]class canvas(xsc.Element): """ Provides scripts with a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas, which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, art, or other visual images on the fly. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Transparent() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class width(xsc.IntAttr): """ The width of the ``canvas`` element. """ class height(xsc.IntAttr): """ The height of the ``canvas`` element. """
[docs]class map(xsc.Element): """ Defines an image map in conjunction with any ``area`` element descendants. The element represents its children. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Transparent() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ Gives the map a name so that it can be referenced. The attribute must be present and must have a non-empty value with no space characters. """ required = True class class_(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True xmlname = "class"
[docs]class area(xsc.Element): """ Represents either a hyperlink with some text and a corresponding area on an image map, or a dead area on an image map. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class alt(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies the text of the hyperlink. Required if the ``href`` attribute is present. """ class coords(xsc.TextAttr): """ Gives the coordinates for the shape described by the shape attribute as a list of integers. """ class shape(xsc.TextAttr): """ The shape of the area. """ values = ("circle", "default", "poly", "rect") class href(xsc.TextAttr): """ Destination of the link. """ class target(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the browsing context for this link. """ class rel(xsc.TextAttr): """ The type of relationship the link has to the document. """ class media(MediaAttr): """ The media the resource applies to. """ class hreflang(xsc.TextAttr): """ The language of the linked resource. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The MIME type of the linked resource. """ class nohref(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True
### ### Tabular data ###
[docs]class table(xsc.Element): """ Data with more than one dimension, in the form of a table. The ``table`` element takes part in the table model. Tables have rows, columns, and cells given by their descendants. The rows and columns form a grid; a table's cells must completely cover that grid without overlap. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class border(xsc.TextAttr): """ Indicate that the table element is not being used for layout purposes. """ values = ("1", "") values += ("0",) # deprecated class summary(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class width(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class frame(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs", "rhs", "vsides", "box", "border") class rules(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("none", "groups", "rows", "cols", "all") class cellspacing(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class cellpadding(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "right", "center") class bgcolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class height(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class background(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class bordercolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class hspace(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class vspace(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class caption(xsc.Element): """ The title of the ``table`` that is its parent. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "bottom", "left", "right")
[docs]class colgroup(xsc.Element): """ A group of one or more columns in the ``table`` that is its parent. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class span(xsc.IntAttr): pass class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "center", "right", "justify", "char") class valign(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline") class char(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class charoff(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class width(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class col(xsc.Element): """ One or more columns in the column group represented by the ``colgroup`` that is its parent. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class span(xsc.IntAttr): pass class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "center", "right", "justify", "char") class valign(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline") class char(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class charoff(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class width(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class tbody(xsc.Element): """ A block of rows that consist of a body of data for the parent ``table`` element. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class charoff(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class char(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class valign(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class thead(xsc.Element): """ The block of rows that consist of the column labels (headers) for the parent ``table`` element. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class charoff(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class char(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class valign(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class tfoot(xsc.Element): """ The block of rows that consist of the column summaries (footers) for the parent ``table`` element """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class charoff(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class char(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class valign(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class tr(xsc.Element): """ A row of cells in a table. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "center", "right", "justify", "char") class char(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class charoff(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class valign(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline") class bgcolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class nowrap(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class width(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class background(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class td(xsc.Element): """ A data cell in a table. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class colspan(xsc.IntAttr): """ The number of columns that the cell is to span. """ class rowspan(xsc.IntAttr): """ The number of rows that the cell is to span. """ class headers(xsc.TextAttr): """ A space separated list of ids of ``th`` elements that this cell targets. """ class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "center", "right", "justify", "char") class char(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class charoff(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class valign(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline") class abbr(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class axis(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class scope(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("row", "col", "rowgroup", "colgroup") class nowrap(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class bgcolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class width(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class height(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class background(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class bordercolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class th(xsc.Element): """ A header cell in a table. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class colspan(xsc.IntAttr): """ The number of columns that the cell is to span. """ class rowspan(xsc.IntAttr): """ The number of rows that the cell is to span. """ class headers(xsc.TextAttr): """ A space separated list of ids of ``th`` elements that this cell targets. """ class scope(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies to which cells the header applies. """ values = ("row", "col", "rowgroup", "colgroup") class abbr(xsc.TextAttr): """ An alternative label for the header cell, to be used when referencing the cell in other contexts (e.g. when describing the header cells that apply to a data cell). It is typically an abbreviated form of the full header cell, but can also be an expansion, or merely a different phrasing. """ class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("left", "center", "right", "justify", "char") class char(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class charoff(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class valign(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline") class axis(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class nowrap(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class bgcolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True class width(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class height(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class background(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class bordercolor(xsc.ColorAttr): deprecated = True
### ### Forms ###
[docs]class form(xsc.Element): """ A collection of form-associated elements, some of which can represent editable values that can be submitted to a server for processing. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class accept_charset(xsc.TextAttr): """ The character encodings that are to be used for the submission. """ xmlname = "accept-charset" class action(xsc.URLAttr): """ The address to which this form will be submitted. """ class autocomplete(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies whether autocompletion should be done for this form. """ values = ("off", "on") class enctype(xsc.TextAttr): """ The encoding algorithm to use for encoding the form data. """ values = ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain") class method(xsc.TextAttr): """ The HTTP method for submitting the form. """ values = ("get", "post") class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ The form's name within the forms collection. """ class novalidate(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicate that the form is not to be validated during submission. """ class target(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the browsing context for the response. """
[docs]class fieldset(xsc.Element): """ A set of form controls optionally grouped under a common name. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class disabled(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Causes all the form control descendants of the ``fieldset`` element, excluding those that are descendants of the ``fieldset`` element's first legend element child, if any, to be disabled. """ class form(xsc.TextAttr): """ Used to explicitly associate the ``fieldset`` element with its form owner. """ class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ The element's name. """
[docs]class legend(xsc.Element): """ A caption for the rest of the contents of the legend element's parent fieldset element, if any. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "bottom", "left", "right")
[docs]class label(xsc.Element): """ A caption in a user interface. The caption can be associated with a specific form control, known as the label element's labeled control, either using ``for`` attribute, or by putting the form control inside the label element itself. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class form(xsc.TextAttr): """ Used to explicitly associate the ``label`` element with its form owner. """ class for_(xsc.TextAttr): """ Indicate the id of a form control with which the caption is to be associated. """ xmlname = "for"
[docs]class input(xsc.Element): """ A caption in a user interface. The caption can be associated with a specific form control, known as the label element's labeled control, either using ``for`` attribute, or by putting the form control inside the label element itself. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(CommonFormAttrs): class accept(xsc.TextAttr): """ Provides user agents with a hint of what file types will be accepted. A valid MIME type, or ``audio/*``, ``video/*``, ``image/*`` or a string starting with ``.`` the specify an allowed file extension. """ class alt(xsc.TextAttr): """ For ``type="button"``: provides the textual label for the button for users and user agents who cannot use the image. """ class autocomplete(xsc.TextAttr): """ The ``off`` state indicates either that the control's input data is particularly sensitive (for example the activation code for a nuclear weapon); or that it is a value that will never be reused (for example a one-time-key for a bank login) and the user will therefore have to explicitly enter the data each time, instead of being able to rely on the UA to prefill the value for him; or that the document provides its own autocomplete mechanism and does not want the user agent to provide autocompletion values. Conversely, the on state indicates that the value is not particularly sensitive and the user can expect to be able to rely on his user agent to remember values he has entered for that control. """ values = ("off", "on") class checked(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Gives the default checkedness of the input element. """ class dirname(xsc.TextAttr): """ Adds an additional name/value pair to the submitted data with this name that provides the writing direction of the submitted data. """ class formaction(xsc.TextAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``action`` attribute of the form. """ class formenctype(xsc.TextAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``enctype`` attribute of the form. """ values = ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain") class formmethod(xsc.TextAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``method`` attribute of the form. """ values = ("got", "post") class formnovalidate(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``novalidate`` attribute of the form. """ class formtarget(xsc.TextAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``target`` attribute of the form. """ class list(xsc.TextAttr): """ Identify an element that lists predefined options suggested to the user. If present, its value must be the ID of a datalist element in the same document. """ class max(xsc.TextAttr): """ Indicates the allowed maximum value for the element. """ class maxlength(xsc.IntAttr): """ The maximum length of the value. """ class min(xsc.TextAttr): """ Indicates the allowed minimum value for the element. """ class multiple(xsc.TextAttr): """ Indicates whether the user is to be allowed to specify more than one value. """ class pattern(xsc.TextAttr): """ A regular expression against which the control's value, or, when the multiple attribute applies and is set, the control's values, are to be checked. """ class placeholder(xsc.TextAttr): """ A short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. The attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no "LF" (U+000A) or "CR" (U+000D) characters. The ``placeholder`` attribute should not be used as an alternative to a label. For a longer hint or other advisory text, the ``title`` attribute is more appropriate. """ class readonly(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Controls whether or not the user can edit the form control. When specified, the element is immutable. """ class required(xsc.BoolAttr): """ When specified, the element is required. """ class size(xsc.IntAttr): """ The number of characters that, in a visual rendering, the user agent is to allow the user to see while editing the element's value. """ class src(xsc.TextAttr): """ The address of the image for ``type="image"``. """ class step(xsc.TextAttr): """ The granularity that is expected (and required) of the value, by limiting the allowed values. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The data type (and associated control) of the element. """ values = ("hidden", "text", "search", "tel", "url", "email", "password", "datetime", "date", "month", "week", "time", "datetime", "number", "range", "color", "checkbox", "radio", "file", "submit", "image", "button") class value(xsc.TextAttr): """ The default value of the input element. """ class width(xsc.TextAttr): """ The width of the button image (for ``type="image"``) """ class height(xsc.TextAttr): """ The height of the button image (for ``type="image"``) """ class usemap(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class align(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right", "absmiddle") class border(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class button(xsc.Element): """ A button labeled by its contents. The ``type`` attribute controls the behavior of the button when it is activated. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(CommonFormAttrs): class formaction(xsc.TextAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``action`` attribute of the form. """ class formenctype(xsc.TextAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``enctype`` attribute of the form. """ values = ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain") class formmethod(xsc.TextAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``method`` attribute of the form. """ values = ("got", "post") class formnovalidate(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``novalidate`` attribute of the form. """ class formtarget(xsc.TextAttr): """ Can be used on submit buttons to overwrite the ``target`` attribute of the form. """ class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ The type of the button. ``submit`` submits the form. ``reset`` resets the form and ``button`` does nothing. """ values = ("submit", "reset", "button") class value(xsc.TextAttr): """ The button's value for the purposes of form submission. A button (and its value) is only included in the form submission if the button itself was used to initiate the form submission. """
[docs]class select(xsc.Element): """ A control for selecting amongst a set of options. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(CommonFormAttrs): class multiple(xsc.TextAttr): """ Indicates whether the user is to be allowed to specify more than one value. """ class required(xsc.BoolAttr): """ When specified, the user will be required to select a value before submitting the form. """ class size(xsc.IntAttr): """ The number of options to show to the user. """ class rows(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class datalist(xsc.Element): """ A set of option elements that represent predefined options for other controls. The contents of the element represents fallback content for legacy user agents, intermixed with ``option`` elements that represent the predefined options. In the rendering, the ``datalist`` element represents nothing and it, along with its children, should be hidden. The datalist element is hooked up to an ``input`` element using the ``list`` attribute on the ``input`` element. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class optgroup(xsc.Element): """ A group of ``option`` elements with a common label. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class disabled(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Can be used to disable a group of ``option`` elements together. """ class label(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the group, for the purposes of the user interface. User agents should use this attribute's value when labelling the group of ``option`` elements in a ``select`` element. """ required = True
[docs]class option(xsc.Element): """ An option in a ``select`` element or as part of a list of suggestions in a ``datalist`` element. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class disabled(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Specifies that the option should be disabled. """ class label(xsc.TextAttr): """ A label for the ``option`` element. """ class selected(xsc.BoolAttr): """ The default selectedness of the ``option`` element. """ class value(xsc.TextAttr): """ The value of the ``option`` element for the purposes of form submission when the ``option`` is selected. """
[docs]class textarea(xsc.Element): """ A multiline plain text edit control for the element's raw value. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.NoElements() class Attrs(CommonFormAttrs): class cols(xsc.IntAttr): """ The expected maximum number of characters per line. """ class dirname(xsc.TextAttr): """ Adds an additional name/value pair to the submitted data with this name that provides the writing direction of the submitted data. """ class maxlength(xsc.IntAttr): """ The maximum length of the value. """ class placeholder(xsc.TextAttr): """ A short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. The attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no "LF" (U+000A) or "CR" (U+000D) characters. The ``placeholder`` attribute should not be used as an alternative to a label. For a longer hint or other advisory text, the ``title`` attribute is more appropriate. """ class readonly(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Controls whether the text can be edited by the user or not. """ class required(xsc.BoolAttr): """ When specified, the user will be required to enter a value before submitting the form. """ class rows(xsc.IntAttr): """ The number of lines to show. """ class wrap(xsc.TextAttr): """ Specifies how linefeeds in the controls value are to be handled. ``soft`` indicates that the text in the ``textarea`` is not to be wrapped when it is submitted (though it can still be wrapped in the rendering). ``hard`` indicates that the text in the textarea is to have newlines added by the user agent so that the text is wrapped when it is submitted. """ values = ("soft", "hard") values += ("virtual", "physical", "off") # deprecated
[docs]class keygen(xsc.Element): """ A key pair generator control. When the control's form is submitted, the private key is stored in the local keystore, and the public key is packaged and sent to the server. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(CommonFormAttrs): class challenge(xsc.TextAttr): """ Its value will be packaged with the submitted key. """ class keytype(xsc.TextAttr): """ The type of key to be used. Only ``rsa`` is officially supported. """
[docs]class output(xsc.Element): """ The result of a calculation. Allows an explicit relationship to be made between the result of a calculation and the elements that represent the values that went into the calculation or that otherwise influenced the calculation. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class for_(xsc.TextAttr): """ If specified, must be a list of space-separated ids of the elements that influenced the output. """ xmlname = "for" class form(xsc.TextAttr): """ Used to explicitly associate the ``output`` element with its form owner. """ class name(xsc.TextAttr): """ The element's name. """
[docs]class progress(xsc.Element): """ The completion progress of a task. The progress is either indeterminate, indicating that progress is being made but that it is not clear how much more work remains to be done before the task is complete (e.g. because the task is waiting for a remote host to respond), or the progress is a number in the range zero to a maximum, giving the fraction of work that has so far been completed. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class value(xsc.FloatAttr): """ Specifies how much of the task has been completed. If ``value`` is not specified the progress is indeterminate. """ class max(xsc.FloatAttr): """ Specifies how much work the task requires in total. The units are arbitrary and not specified. """
[docs]class meter(xsc.Element): """ A scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value; for example disk usage, the relevance of a query result, or the fraction of a voting population to have selected a particular candidate. This is also known as a gauge. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class value(xsc.FloatAttr): """ The value to have the gauge indicate as the "measured" value. """ class min(xsc.FloatAttr): """ The lower bound of the range. """ class max(xsc.FloatAttr): """ The lower bound of the range. """ class low(xsc.FloatAttr): """ The range that is considered to be the "low" part. """ class high(xsc.FloatAttr): """ The range that is considered to be the "high" part. """ class optimum(xsc.FloatAttr): """ The position that is "optimum". """
### ### Interactive elements ###
[docs]class details(xsc.Element): """ A disclosure widget from which the user can obtain additional information or controls. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class open(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that both the summary and the additional information is to be shown to the user. If the attribute is absent, only the summary is to be shown. """
[docs]class summary(xsc.Element): """ A summary, caption, or legend for the rest of the contents of the ``summary`` element's parent ``details`` element, if any. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class command(xsc.Element): """ A summary, caption, or legend for the rest of the contents of the ``summary`` element's parent ``details`` element, if any. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): """ Indicates the kind of command: either a normal command with an associated action, or a state or option that can be toggled, or a selection of one item from a list of items. """ values = ("command", "checkbox", "radio") class label(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the command, as shown to the user. """ required = True class icon(xsc.URLAttr): """ A picture that represents the command. """ class disabled(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the command is not available in the current state. """ class checked(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the command is selected (for ``type="checkbox"`` or ``type="radio"``) """ class radiogroup(xsc.TextAttr): """ The name of the group of commands that will be toggled when the command itself is toggled (for ``type="radio"``). """ class command(xsc.TextAttr): """ The ID of the master command. """
[docs]class dialog(xsc.Element): """ A part of an application that a user interacts with to perform a task, for example a dialog box, inspector, or window. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class open(xsc.BoolAttr): """ Indicates that the ``dialog`` element is active and that the user can interact with it. """
[docs]class data(xsc.Element): """ Microdata element: Contains the name and value of an item property. """ xmlns = xmlns model = sims.Transparent() class Attrs(xsc.Attrs): class itemprop(xsc.TextAttr): """ Microdata attribute: The name of an item property. """ class value(xsc.TextAttr): """ Microdata attribute: The value of an item property. """
### ### Deprecated elements ###
[docs]class noframes(xsc.Element): """ Alternate content container for non frame-based rendering (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class dir(xsc.Element): """ Multiple column list (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class compact(xsc.BoolAttr): pass
[docs]class center(xsc.Element): """ Centered block level element (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class acronym(xsc.Element): """ Indicates an acronym (e.g., WAC, radar, etc.) (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class tt(xsc.Element): """ Teletype or monospaced text style (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class big(xsc.Element): """ Large text style (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class strike(xsc.Element): """ Strike-through text style (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
[docs]class basefont(xsc.Element): """ Base font size (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class face(xsc.TextAttr): pass class size(xsc.TextAttr): pass class color(xsc.ColorAttr): pass
[docs]class font(xsc.Element): """ Local change to font (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class face(xsc.TextAttr): pass class size(xsc.TextAttr): pass class color(xsc.ColorAttr): pass
[docs]class applet(xsc.Element): """ Java applet (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class codebase(xsc.URLAttr): pass class archive(xsc.TextAttr): pass class code(xsc.TextAttr): pass class object(xsc.TextAttr): pass class alt(xsc.TextAttr): pass class name(xsc.TextAttr): pass class width(xsc.TextAttr): required = True class height(xsc.TextAttr): required = True class align(xsc.TextAttr): values = ("top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right", "absmiddle") class hspace(xsc.IntAttr): pass class vspace(xsc.IntAttr): pass
[docs]class isindex(xsc.Element): """ (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class prompt(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs]class frameset(xsc.Element): """ Window subdivision (deprecated) """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class rows(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class cols(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class onload(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class onunload(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class framespacing(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class border(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class marginwidth(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class marginheight(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class frameborder(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class noresize(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class scrolling(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class frame(xsc.Element): """ Subwindow (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True model = sims.Empty() class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): class longdesc(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class name(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class src(xsc.URLAttr): deprecated = True class frameborder(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class marginwidth(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class marginheight(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class noresize(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class scrolling(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class framespacing(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True class border(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class frameborder(xsc.IntAttr): deprecated = True class noresize(xsc.BoolAttr): deprecated = True class scrolling(xsc.TextAttr): deprecated = True
[docs]class nobr(xsc.Element): """ Prevents line breaks (deprecated). """ xmlns = xmlns deprecated = True class Attrs(GlobalAttrs): pass
### ### Content models ### content_metadata = (base, command, link, meta, noscript, script, style, title) content_sectioning = (article, aside, nav, section) content_heading = (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup) content_phrasing = ( a, abbr, acronym, applet, area, audio, b, bdi, bdo, big, br, button, canvas, center, cite, code, command, data, datalist, del_, dfn, em, embed, font, i, iframe, img, input, ins, kbd, keygen, label, map, mark, meter, nobr, noframes, noscript, object, output, progress, q, ruby, s, samp, script, select, small, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, textarea, time, tt, u, var, video, wbr, ) content_flow = content_phrasing + ( address, article, aside, blockquote, details, dialog, dir, div, dl, fieldset, figure, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, hr, menu, nav, noframes, ol, p, pre, section, style, table, ul, ) # We don't include ``audio``, ``img``, ``input``, ``menu``, ``object`` and ``video`` # here because they're only interactive under certain conditions. content_interactive = ( a, button, details, embed, iframe, keygen, label, select, textarea, ) html.model = sims.Elements(head, body, frameset) head.model = sims.Elements(*content_metadata) body.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) article.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) section.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) nav.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) aside.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) h.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) hgroup.model = sims.Elements(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) header.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_flow if e not in (header, footer))) footer.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_flow if e not in (header, footer))) address.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_flow if e not in content_heading + content_sectioning + (header, footer, address))) p.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) pre.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) blockquote.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) ol.model = sims.Elements(li) ul.model = sims.Elements(li) li.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) dl.model = sims.Elements(dt, dd) dt.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_flow if e not in content_heading + content_sectioning + (header, footer))) dd.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) figure.model = sims.ElementsOrText(figcaption, *content_flow) figcaption.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) div.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) em.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) strong.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) small.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) s.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) cite.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) q.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) dfn.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_phrasing if e is not dfn)) abbr.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) time.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) code.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) var.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) samp.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) kbd.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) sub.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) sup.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) i.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) b.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) u.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) mark.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) ruby.model = sims.ElementsOrText(rt, rp, *content_phrasing) rt.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) rp.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) bdi.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) bdo.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) span.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) object.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*((param,) + content_flow + content_interactive)) video.model = sims.All(sims.Any(sims.ElementsOrText(source, track), sims.Transparent()), sims.NotElements(video, audio)) audio.model = sims.All(sims.Any(sims.ElementsOrText(source, track), sims.Transparent()), sims.NotElements(video, audio)) table.model = sims.Elements(caption, colgroup, thead, tfoot, tbody, tr) caption.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_flow if e is not table)) colgroup.model = sims.Elements(col) tbody.model = sims.Elements(tr) thead.model = sims.Elements(tr) tfoot.model = sims.Elements(tr) tr.model = sims.Elements(td, th) td.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) th.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_flow if e not in content_heading + content_sectioning + (header, footer))) form.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_flow if e is not form)) fieldset.model = sims.ElementsOrText(legend, *content_flow) legend.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) label.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_phrasing if e is not label)) button.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_phrasing if e not in content_interactive)) select.model = sims.ElementsOrText(option, optgroup) datalist.model = sims.ElementsOrText(option, *content_phrasing) optgroup.model = sims.Elements(option) output.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) progress.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_phrasing if e is not progress)) meter.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*tuple(e for e in content_phrasing if e is not meter)) details.model = sims.ElementsOrText(summary, *content_flow) summary.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) menu.model = sims.ElementsOrText(li, *content_flow) dialog.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) # Content models for deprectated elements noframes.model = sims.Elements(body) dir.model = sims.Elements(li) center.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) acronym.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) tt.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) big.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) strike.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) font.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_phrasing) applet.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*((param,) + content_flow + content_interactive)) frameset.model = sims.Elements(frameset, frame, noframes) nobr.model = sims.ElementsOrText(*content_flow) ### ### HTML to plain text conversion ### class _PlainTextFormatter: class Style: def __init__(self, display="inline", top=0, bottom=0, left=("",), right=("",), whitespace="normal", overline=None, underline=None, prefix="", suffix=""): self.display = display = top self.bottom = bottom self.left = (left,) if isinstance(left, str) else left self.right = (right,) if isinstance(right, str) else right self.whitespace = whitespace self.overline = overline self.underline = underline self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix def margins(self, node, name, level, pos=None, last=None): return _PlainTextFormatter.Margins(self, node, name, level, pos, last) class Margins: def __init__(self, style, node, name, level, pos, last): = style self.node = node = name left = style.left[level if level < len(style.left) else -1] right = style.right[level if level < len(style.right) else -1] if pos is not None: width = len(str(last)) left = left.format(pos=pos, width=width) right = right.format(pos=pos, width=width) left = left.split("\n") right = right.split("\n") self.leftwidth = max(len(line) for line in left) self.rightwidth = max(len(line) for line in right) self.lefts = self.repeatlast([line.rjust(self.leftwidth) for line in left]) self.rights = self.repeatlast([line.ljust(self.rightwidth) for line in right]) def repeatlast(self, items): yield from items while True: yield items[-1] def __init__(self, node, width=80, tabwidth=8, **styles): self.node = node self.width = width self.tabwidth = tabwidth self.styles = {key: self.Style(**value) for (key, value) in styles.items()} self.stack = [] self.blockspacing = 0 self.texts = [] self.levels = collections.Counter() def push(self, node, name=None, pos=None, last=None): r""" Add an additional box around any further text. ``node`` is the HTML element itself for which the box gets added. ``name`` is the name of the box (normally the name of the HTML element itself (``"ul"``, ``"dd"``, ``"pre"``, ``"blockquote"`` etc.) For ``li`` element inside ``ul`` elements the name is ``ul_li`` and for ``li`` elements inside ``ol`` elements it is ``ol_li``. For a ``li`` element inside an ``ol`` element ``pos`` specifies the index of the ``li`` element among its siblings (starting at 1) and ``last`` specifies the index of the last ``li`` (i.e. the total number of ``li``\s inside the ``ol``). This additional box might also specify an additional number of blank lines before and after its content and it might also introduce a new line wrapping mode and it might specify underlining (for ``h1``-``h6`` elements.) Consecutive blank lines (e.g. from the bottom of the previous box and the top of this one), will not add up, instead the largest of the values will be used. """ if name is None: name = node.__class__.__name__ style = self.styles.get(name, self.styles["default"]) level = self.levels[name] margins = style.margins(node, name, level, pos=pos, last=last) self.stack.append(margins) if style.display == "block": # we flush any previous text as a block (this should handle ``<ul><li>foo<ul><li>bar</li></ul></li></ul>``) yield from self.flush() self.blockspacing = max(self.blockspacing, self.levels[name] += 1 prefix = if prefix: if callable(prefix): prefix = prefix(margins.node) self.texts.append(prefix) def pop(self): """ Remove the innermost box created by a previous :meth:`push` call. All text collected so far will be output taking the current margins, block spacing and whitespace mode into account. After the text is output the block spacing is reset to 0. If there's no collected text nothing will be output and the block spacing will not be reset. """ margins = self.stack[-1] suffix = if suffix: if callable(suffix): suffix = suffix(margins.node) self.texts.append(suffix) if == "block": yield from self.flush() self.blockspacing = max(self.blockspacing, self.levels[] -= 1 self.stack.pop() def text(self, text): """ Add the text ``text`` to the output. All text will be collected until a call to :meth:`push` or :meth:`pop` is done. """ self.texts.append(text) def flush(self): text = "".join(self.texts) # Find innermost block for margins in reversed(self.stack): if == "block": block = margins break else: block = None whitespace = if block else "normal" leftmarginwidth = self.leftmarginwidth() rightmarginwidth = self.rightmarginwidth() # Perform line wrapping if whitespace == "pre": lines = text.strip("\n").splitlines(False) elif whitespace == "normal": text = " ".join(text.strip().split()).strip() if text: if self.width is not None: lines = textwrap.wrap( text, max(self.width-leftmarginwidth-rightmarginwidth, 20), break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False, expand_tabs=True, tabsize=self.tabwidth, ) else: lines = [text] else: lines = [] elif whitespace == "nowrap": text = " ".join(text.strip().split()).strip() if text: lines = [text] else: lines = [] else: raise ValueError(f"unknown whitepace mode {whitespace!r}") if lines: for i in range(self.blockspacing): yield "\n" self.blockspacing = 0 borderlinewidth = contentwidth = max(len(line) for line in lines) if self.width is not None: contentwidth = max(self.width-leftmarginwidth-rightmarginwidth, contentwidth) if block and yield " "*leftmarginwidth + borderlinewidth* + "\n" for line in lines: left = "".join(next(margins.lefts) for margins in self.stack if == "block") right = "".join(next(margins.rights) for margins in self.stack if == "block") line = left + line.ljust(contentwidth) + right yield line.rstrip() + "\n" if block and yield " "*leftmarginwidth + borderlinewidth* + "\n" self.texts = [] def leftmarginwidth(self): return sum(margins.leftwidth for margins in self.stack if == "block") def rightmarginwidth(self): return sum(margins.rightwidth for margins in self.stack if == "block") def __iter__(self): lists = [] for cursor in self.node.walk(xsc.Element | xsc.Text, enterelementnode=True, leaveelementnode=True): node = cursor.node if isinstance(node, xsc.Text): self.text(str(node)) elif isinstance(node, ul): if cursor.event == "enterelementnode": lists.append(["ul", 0]) yield from self.push(node) else: yield from self.pop() lists.pop() elif isinstance(node, ol): if cursor.event == "enterelementnode": from ll import misc lists.append(["ol", 0, misc.count(node[li])]) yield from self.push(node) else: yield from self.pop() lists.pop() elif isinstance(node, li): if lists: if cursor.event == "enterelementnode": lists[-1][1] += 1 if lists[-1][0] == "ol": yield from self.push(node, "ol_li", lists[-1][1], lists[-1][2]) elif lists[-1][0] == "ul": yield from self.push(node, "ul_li") else: yield from self.push(node) else: yield from self.pop() elif isinstance(node, dl): if cursor.event == "enterelementnode": lists.append(["dl", 0]) yield from self.push(node) else: yield from self.pop() lists.pop() elif isinstance(node, xsc.Element) and node.xmlname in self.styles: if cursor.event == "enterelementnode": yield from self.push(node) else: yield from self.pop() elif isinstance(node, script): cursor.entercontent = False yield from self.flush()
[docs]def astext( node, width=None, tabwidth=8, default=dict(display="inline"), h1=dict(display="block", top=2, bottom=1, whitespace="nowrap", overline="=", underline="="), h2=dict(display="block", top=2, bottom=1, whitespace="nowrap", underline="-"), h3=dict(display="block", top=2, bottom=1, whitespace="nowrap", underline='"'), h4=dict(display="block", top=2, bottom=1, whitespace="nowrap", underline="'"), h5=dict(display="block", top=2, bottom=1, whitespace="nowrap", underline="'"), h6=dict(display="block", top=2, bottom=1, whitespace="nowrap", underline="'"), dl=dict(display="block", top=1, bottom=1), dt=dict(display="block", top=1), dd=dict(display="block", bottom=1, left=" "), ol=dict(display="block", top=1, bottom=1), ol_li=dict(display="block", top=1, bottom=1, left="{pos:{width}}. \n"), ul=dict(display="block", top=1, bottom=1), ul_li=dict(display="block", top=1, bottom=1, left=("* \n", "- \n")), li=dict(display="block", top=1, bottom=1), pre=dict(display="block", top=1, bottom=1, left=" ", whitespace="pre"), blockquote=dict(display="block", top=1, bottom=1, left=" "), div=dict(display="block", bottom=1), p=dict(display="block", bottom=1), hr=dict(display="block", bottom=1), address=dict(display="block", bottom=1), th=dict(display="block", bottom=1), td=dict(display="block", bottom=1), b=dict(display="inline", prefix="*", suffix="*"), em=dict(display="inline", prefix="*", suffix="*"), strong=dict(display="inline", prefix="**", suffix="**"), i=dict(display="inline", prefix="*", suffix="*"), u=dict(display="inline", prefix="_", suffix="_"), code=dict(display="inline", prefix="``", suffix="``"), **kwargs ): r""" Return the node ``node`` formatted as plain text. ``node`` must contain an HTML tree. ``width`` is the maximum line length. If ``width`` is :const:`None` line length is unlimited (i.e. no line wrapping will be done). ``tabwidth`` specifies the number of spaces for tab expansion (the default is 8). The rest of the parameters specify the formatting styles for HTML elements. The parameter names are the names of the HTML elements, except for ``ol_li`` which is used for ``li`` elements inside ``ol`` elements and ``ul_li`` which is used for ``li`` elements inside ``ul`` elements. ``default`` is used if the parameter for the HTML element is not passed. The parameter value must be a dictionary which might contain any of the following keys (if the key is missing a default value is used): ``display`` This is either ``"block"`` for a block level element or ``"inline"`` for an inline element. ``prefix`` A string that should be output before any of the content of the block. ``suffix`` A string that should be output after any of the content of the block. The following keys will only be used for ``display == "block"``: ``top`` The minimum number of empty lines before the block. (The default is ``0``) ``bottom`` The minimum number of empty lines after the block. (The default is ``0``) ``left`` The left margin for the block. This margin can be different for different nesting levels (e. g. different "bullets" can be used for nested ``ul``\s). If the value is a string it will be used as the indentation on the left side for all levels, otherwise it must be a list of strings. If the nesting of this element is deeper than the list, the last item in the list will be used. If a margin contains multiple lines, the first indentation line will be used for the first content line, the second indentation line for the second content line etc. If the content has more lines than the indentation the last indentation line will be repeated. All indentation lines will be padded to the longest line. For example the indentation for a ``li`` element inside an ``ul`` element on level 1 is ``"* \n"``, i.e. the first line will be indented with ``"* "``, all subsequent lines with three spaces. ``right`` The right margin for the block. This supports the same semantics regarding levels and multiple lines as the ``left`` argument. ``whitespace`` Specifies how lines in the block should be wrapped. ``"normal"`` collapses consecutive whitespace and wraps the lines at the specified width. ``"nowrap"`` collapses consecutive whitespace but doesn't wrap and ``"pre"`` uses the lines as given. ``overline`` A character that is repeated for the width of the content as a rule before the content. If :const:`None` is used, no rule will be output. (Note that this will only work on the innermost block level element.) ``underline`` A rule after the content of the block. (Note that this will only work on the innermost block level element.) """ kwargs = { "width": width, "tabwidth": tabwidth, "default": default, "h1": h1, "h2": h2, "h3": h3, "h4": h4, "h5": h5, "h6": h6, "dl": dl, "dt": dt, "dd": dd, "ol": ol, "ol_li": ol_li, "ul": ul, "ul_li": ul_li, "li": li, "pre": pre, "blockquote": blockquote, "div": div, "p": p, "hr": hr, "address": address, "th": th, "td": td, "b": b, "em": em, "strong": strong, "i": i, "u": u, "code": code, **kwargs } formatter = _PlainTextFormatter(node, **kwargs) return "".join(formatter).strip("\n")