Source code for ll.url

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3, always_allow_keywords=True

## Copyright 1999-2021 by LivingLogic AG, Bayreuth/Germany
## Copyright 1999-2021 by Walter Dörwald
## All Rights Reserved
## See ll/xist/ for the license

:mod:`!ll.url` contains an :rfc:`2396` compliant implementation of URLs and
classes for accessing resource metadata as well as file like classes for
reading and writing resource data.

These three levels of functionality are implemented in three classes:

	:class:`URL` objects are the names of resources and can be used and
	modified, regardless of the fact whether these resources actually exits.
	:class:`URL` objects never hits the hard drive or the net.

	:class:`Connection` objects contain functionality that accesses and
	changes file metadata (like last modified date, permission bits,
	directory structure etc.). A connection object can be created by calling
	the :meth:`connect` method on a :class:`URL` object.

	:class:`Resource` objects are file like objects that work with the actual
	bytes that make up the file data. This functionality lives in the
	:class:`Resource` class and its subclasses. Creating a resource is done
	by calling the :meth:`open` method on a :class:`Connection` or a

Module documentation

import os, urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse as urlparse, mimetypes, io, warnings
import datetime, cgi, re, fnmatch, pickle, errno, threading
import email
from email import utils

default_ssh_python = os.environ.get("LL_URL_SSH_PYTHON")

# don't fail when :mod:`pwd` or :mod:`grp` can't be imported, because if this
# doesn't work, we're probably on Windows and :func:`os.chown` won't work anyway.
	import pwd, grp
except ImportError:

	import execnet
except ImportError:

	from PIL import Image
except ImportError:

from ll import misc

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

def mime2dt(s):
	return datetime.datetime(*utils.parsedate(s)[:7])

weekdayname = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
monthname = [None, "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]

[docs]def httpdate(dt): """ Return a string suitable for a "Last-Modified" and "Expires" header. ``dt`` is a :class:`datetime.datetime` object in UTC. """ return f"{weekdayname[dt.weekday()]}, {} {monthname[dt.month]:3} {dt.year:4} {dt.hour:02}:{dt.minute:02}:{dt.second:02} GMT"
def _normalizepath(path_segments): """ Internal helper function for normalizing a path list. Should be equivalent to RFC2396, Section 5.2 (6) (c)-(f) with the exception of removing empty path_segments. """ new_path_segments = [] l = len(path_segments) for i in range(l): segment = path_segments[i] if not segment or segment == ".": if i == l-1: new_path_segments.append("") elif segment == ".." and len(new_path_segments) and new_path_segments[-1] != "..": new_path_segments.pop() if i == l-1: new_path_segments.append("") else: new_path_segments.append(segment) return new_path_segments def _escape(s, safe="".join(chr(c) for c in range(128))): return urlparse.quote(s, safe) _unescape = urlparse.unquote alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" alphanum = alpha + "0123456789" mark = "-_.!~*'()" additionalsafe = "[]" safe = alphanum + mark + additionalsafe pathsafe = safe + ":@&=$,;+" + "|" # add "|" for Windows paths querysafe = alphanum fragsafe = alphanum schemecharfirst = alpha schemechar = alphanum + "+-." def _urlencode(query_parts): if query_parts is not None: res = [] # generate a canonical order for the names items = sorted(query_parts.items()) for (name, values) in items: if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): values = (values,) else: # generate a canonical order for the values values.sort() for value in values: res.append(f"{_escape(name, querysafe)}={_escape(value, querysafe)}") return "&".join(res) else: return None def compilepattern(pattern, ignorecase=False): if pattern is None: return None elif isinstance(pattern, str): return (re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern), re.I if ignorecase else 0).match,) else: return tuple(re.compile(fnmatch.translate(p), re.I if ignorecase else 0).match for p in pattern) def matchpatterns(name, include, exclude): if include and not any(matcher(name) is not None for matcher in include): return False if exclude and any(matcher(name) is not None for matcher in exclude): return False return True
[docs]class Context(object): """ Working with URLs (e.g. calling :meth:`` or :meth:`URL.connect`) involves :class:`Connection` objects. To avoid constantly creating new connections you can pass a :class:`!Context` object to those methods. Connections will be stored in the :class:`!Context` object and will be reused by those methods. A :class:`!Context` object can also be used as a context manager. This context object will be used for all :meth:`open` and :meth:`connect` calls inside the :keyword:`with` block. (Note that after the end of the :keyword:`with` block all connections will be closed.) """ def __init__(self): self.schemes = {}
[docs] def closeall(self): """ Close and drop all connections in this context. """ for scheme in self.schemes: schemereg[scheme].closeall(self) self.schemes = {}
def __enter__(self): self.prev = threadlocalcontext.context threadlocalcontext.context = self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): threadlocalcontext.context = self.prev del self.prev self.closeall()
class ThreadLocalContext(threading.local): context = Context() threadlocalcontext = ThreadLocalContext() def getcontext(context): if context is None: return threadlocalcontext.context return context ### ### Cursor for the :meth:`walk` method ###
[docs]class Cursor(object): """ A :class:`!Cursor` object is used by the :meth:`walk` method during directory traversal. It contains information about the state of the traversal and can be used to influence which directories are traversed and in which order. Information about the state of the traversal is provided in the following attributes: ``rooturl`` The URL where traversal has been started (i.e. the object for which the :meth:`walk` method has been called) ``url`` The current URL being traversed. ``event`` A string that specifies which event is currently handled. Possible values are: ``"beforedir"``, ``"afterdir"`` and ``"file"``. A ``"beforedir"`` event is emitted before a directory is entered. ``"afterdir"`` is emitted after a directory has been entered. ``"file"`` is emitted when a file is encountered. ``isdir`` True if ``url`` refers to a directory. ``isfile`` Tur if ``url`` refers to a regular file. The following attributes specify which part of the tree should be traversed: ``beforedir`` Should the generator yield ``"beforedir"`` events? ``afterdir`` Should the generator yield ``"afterdir"`` events? ``file`` Should the generator yield ``"file"`` events? ``enterdir`` Should the directory be entered? Note that if any of these attributes is changed by the code consuming the generator, this new value will be used for the next traversal step once the generator is resumed and will be reset to its initial value (specified in the constructor) afterwards. """
[docs] def __init__(self, url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=False): """ Create a new :class:`!Cursor` object for a tree traversal rooted at the node ``node``. The arguments ``beforedir``, ``afterdir``, ``file`` and ``enterdir`` are used as the initial values for the attributes of the same name. (see the class docstring for info about their use). """ self.rooturl = self.url = url self.event = None self.beforedir = self._beforedir = beforedir self.afterdir = self._afterdir = afterdir self.file = self._file = file self.enterdir = self._enterdir = enterdir self.isdir = self.isfile = None
[docs] def restore(self): """ Restore the attributes ``beforedir``, ``afterdir``, ``file`` and ``enterdir`` to their initial value. """ self.beforedir = self._beforedir self.afterdir = self._afterdir self.file = self._file self.enterdir = self._enterdir
[docs]class Connection(object): """ A :class:`!Connection` object is used for accessing and modifying the metadata associated with a file. It is created by calling the :meth:`~URL.connect` method on a :class:`URL` object. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def stat(self, url): """ Return the result of a :func:`stat` call on the file ``url``. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def lstat(self, url): """ Return the result of a :func:`stat` call on the file ``url``. Like :meth:`stat`, but does not follow symbolic links. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def chmod(self, url, mode): """ Set the access mode of the file ``url`` to ``mode``. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def chown(self, url, owner=None, group=None): """ Change the owner and/or group of the file ``url``. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def lchown(self, url, owner=None, group=None): """ Change the owner and/or group of the file ``url`` (ignoring symbolic links). """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def uid(self, url): """ Return the user id of the owner of the file ``url``. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def gid(self, url): """ Return the group id the file ``url`` belongs to. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def owner(self, url): """ Return the name of the owner of the file ``url``. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def group(self, url): """ Return the name of the group the file ``url`` belongs to. """
[docs] def mimetype(self, url): """ Return the mimetype of the file ``url``. """ name = self._url2filename(url) mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] return mimetype or "application/octet-stream"
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def exists(self, url): """ Test whether the file ``url`` exists. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def isfile(self, url): """ Test whether the resource ``url`` is a file. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def isdir(self, url): """ Test whether the resource ``url`` is a directory. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def ismount(self, url): """ Test whether the resource ``url`` is a mount point. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def access(self, url, mode): """ Test for access to the file/resource ``url``. """
[docs] def size(self, url): """ Return the size of the file ``url``. """ return self.stat(url).st_size
[docs] def imagesize(self, url): """ Return the size of the image ``url`` (if the resource is an image file) as a ``(width, height)`` tuple. This requires the PIL__. __ """ stream =, mode="rb") img = # Requires PIL imagesize = img.size stream.close() return imagesize
[docs] def cdate(self, url): """ Return the "metadate change" date of the file/resource ``url`` as a :class:`datetime.datetime` object in UTC. """ return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.stat(url).st_ctime)
[docs] def adate(self, url): """ Return the last access date of the file/resource ``url`` as a :class:`datetime.datetime` object in UTC. """ return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.stat(url).st_atime)
[docs] def mdate(self, url): """ Return the last modification date of the file/resource ``url`` as a :class:`datetime.datetime` object in UTC. """ return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.stat(url).st_mtime)
[docs] def resheaders(self, url): """ Return the MIME headers for the file/resource ``url``. """ return email.message_from_string(f"Content-Type: {self.mimetype(url)}\nContent-Length: {self.size(url)}\nLast-modified: {httpdate(self.mdate(url))}\n")
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def remove(self, url): """ Remove the file ``url``. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def rmdir(self, url): """ Remove the directory ``url``. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def rename(self, url, target): """ Renames ``url`` to ``target``. This might not work if ``target`` has a different scheme than ``url`` (or is on a different server). """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def chdir(self, url): """ Change the current directory to ``url``. """ os.chdir(
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def mkdir(self, url, mode=0o777): """ Create the directory ``url``. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def makedirs(self, url, mode=0o777): """ Create the directory ``url`` and all intermediate ones. """
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def walk(self, url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=True): """ Return an iterator for traversing the directory hierarchy rooted at the directory ``url``. Each item produced by the iterator is a :class:`Cursor` object. It contains information about the state of the traversal and can be used to influence which parts of the directory hierarchy are traversed and in which order. The arguments ``beforedir``, ``afterdir``, ``file`` and ``enterdir`` specify how the directory hierarchy should be traversed. For more information see the :class:`Cursor` class. Note that the :class:`Cursor` object is reused by :meth:`walk`, so you can't rely on any attributes remaining the same across calls to :func:`next`. The following example shows how to traverse the current directory, print all files except those in certain directories:: from ll import url for cursor in, afterdir=False, file=True): if cursor.isdir: if cursor.url.path[-2] in (".git", "build", "dist", "__pycache__"): cursor.enterdir = False else: print(cursor.url) """
[docs] def listdir(self, url, include=None, exclude=None, ignorecase=False): """ Iterates over items in the directory ``url``. The items produced are :class:`URL` objects relative to ``url``. With the optional ``include`` argument, this only lists items whose names match the given pattern. Items matching the optional pattern ``exclude`` will not be listed. ``include`` and ``exclude`` can be strings (which will be interpreted as :mod:`fnmatch` style filename patterns) or lists of strings. If ``ignorecase`` is true case-insensitive name matching will be performed. """ include = compilepattern(include, ignorecase) exclude = compilepattern(exclude, ignorecase) for cursor in self.walk(url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=False): if matchpatterns(cursor.url.path[-1-cursor.isdir], include, exclude): yield cursor.url
[docs] def files(self, url, include=None, exclude=None, ignorecase=False): """ Iterates over files in the directory ``url``. The items produced are :class:`URL` objects relative to ``url``. With the optional ``include`` argument, this only lists files whose names match the given pattern. Files matching the optional pattern ``exclude`` will not be listed. ``include`` and ``exclude`` can be strings (which will be interpreted as :mod:`fnmatch` style filename patterns) or lists of strings. If ``ignorecase`` is true case-insensitive name matching will be performed. """ include = compilepattern(include, ignorecase) exclude = compilepattern(exclude, ignorecase) for cursor in self.walk(url, beforedir=False, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=False): if cursor.isfile and matchpatterns(cursor.url.path[-1], include, exclude): yield cursor.url
[docs] def dirs(self, url, include=None, exclude=None, ignorecase=False): """ Iterates over directories in the directory ``url``. The items produced are :class:`URL` objects relative to ``url``. With the optional ``include`` argument, this only directories items whose names match the given pattern. Directories matching the optional pattern ``exclude`` will not be listed. ``include`` and ``exclude`` can be strings (which will be interpreted as :mod:`fnmatch` style filename patterns) or lists of strings. If ``ignorecase`` is true case-insensitive name matching will be performed. """ include = compilepattern(include, ignorecase) exclude = compilepattern(exclude, ignorecase) for cursor in self.walk(url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=False, enterdir=False): if cursor.isdir and matchpatterns(cursor.url.path[-2], include, exclude): yield cursor.url
[docs] def walkall(self, url, include=None, exclude=None, enterdir=None, skipdir=None, ignorecase=False): """ Recursively iterate over files and subdirectories. The iterator yields :class:`URL` objects naming each child URL of the directory ``url`` and its descendants relative to ``url``. This performs a depth-first traversal, returning each directory before all its children. With the optional ``include`` argument, only yield items whose names match the given pattern. Items matching the optional pattern ``exclude`` will not be listed. Directories that don't match the optional pattern ``enterdir`` or match the pattern ``skipdir`` will not be traversed. ``include``, ``exclude``, ``enterdir`` and ``skipdir`` can be strings (which will be interpreted as :mod:`fnmatch` style filename patterns) or lists of strings. If ``ignorecase`` is true case-insensitive name matching will be performed. """ include = compilepattern(include, ignorecase) exclude = compilepattern(exclude, ignorecase) enterdir = compilepattern(enterdir, ignorecase) skipdir = compilepattern(skipdir, ignorecase) for cursor in self.walk(url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=True): name = cursor.url.path[-1-cursor.isdir] if matchpatterns(name, include, exclude): yield cursor.url if cursor.isdir: cursor.enterdir = matchpatterns(name, enterdir, skipdir)
[docs] def walkfiles(self, url, include=None, exclude=None, enterdir=None, skipdir=None, ignorecase=False): """ Return a recursive iterator over files in the directory ``url``. With the optional ``include`` argument, only yield files whose names match the given pattern. Files matching the optional pattern ``exclude`` will not be listed. Directories that don't match the optional pattern ``enterdir`` or match the pattern ``skipdir`` will not be traversed. ``include``, ``exclude``, ``enterdir`` and ``skipdir`` can be strings (which will be interpreted as :mod:`fnmatch` style filename patterns) or lists of strings. If ``ignorecase`` is true case-insensitive name matching will be performed. """ include = compilepattern(include, ignorecase) exclude = compilepattern(exclude, ignorecase) enterdir = compilepattern(enterdir, ignorecase) skipdir = compilepattern(skipdir, ignorecase) for cursor in self.walk(url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=True): if cursor.isfile: if matchpatterns(cursor.url.path[-1], include, exclude): yield cursor.url else: cursor.enterdir = matchpatterns(cursor.url.path[-2], enterdir, skipdir)
[docs] def walkdirs(self, url, include=None, exclude=None, enterdir=None, skipdir=None, ignorecase=False): """ Return a recursive iterator over subdirectories in the directory ``url``. With the optional ``include`` argument, only yield directories whose names match the given pattern. Items matching the optional pattern ``exclude`` will not be listed. Directories that don't match the optional pattern ``enterdir`` or match the pattern ``skipdir`` will not be traversed. ``include``, ``exclude``, ``enterdir`` and ``skipdir`` can be strings (which will be interpreted as :mod:`fnmatch` style filename patterns) or lists of strings. If ``ignorecase`` is true case-insensitive name matching will be performed. """ include = compilepattern(include, ignorecase) exclude = compilepattern(exclude, ignorecase) enterdir = compilepattern(enterdir, ignorecase) skipdir = compilepattern(skipdir, ignorecase) for cursor in self.walk(url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=False, enterdir=True): name = cursor.url.path[-2] if matchpatterns(name, include, exclude): yield cursor.url cursor.enterdir = matchpatterns(name, enterdir, skipdir)
[docs] @misc.notimplemented def open(self, url, *args, **kwargs): """ Open ``url`` for reading or writing. :meth:`open` returns a :class:`Resource` object. Which additional parameters are supported depends on the actual resource created. Some common parameters are: ``mode`` : :class:`str` A string indicating how the file is to be opened (just like the mode argument for the builtin :func:`open` (e.g. ``"rb"`` or ``"wb"``). ``headers`` : :class:`dict` Additional headers to use for an HTTP request. ``data`` : :class:`bytes` Request body to use for an HTTP POST request. ``python`` : :class:`str` or :const:`None` Name of the Python interpreter to use on the remote side (used by ``ssh`` URLs) ``nice`` : :class:`int` or :const:`None` Nice level for the remote python (used by ``ssh`` URLs) ``check`` : :class:`bool` or :const:`None` Whether ``ssh`` host keys should be checked (used by ``ssh`` URLs where it defaults to ``True`` and ``ssh-nocheck`` URLs where it defaults to ``False``). """
[docs]class LocalConnection(Connection): """ A :class:`!LocalConnection` object is used for accessing and modifying the metadata associated with a file in the local filesystem. It is created by calling the :meth:`~URL.connect` method on a :class:`URL` object with no scheme or the ``file`` or ``root`` scheme. """ def _url2filename(self, url): return os.path.expanduser(url.local()) def stat(self, url): return os.stat(self._url2filename(url)) def lstat(self, url): return os.lstat(self._url2filename(url)) def chmod(self, url, mode): name = self._url2filename(url) os.chmod(name, mode) def _chown(self, func, url, owner, group): name = self._url2filename(url) if owner is not None or group is not None: if owner is None or group is None: stat = os.stat(name) if owner is None: owner = stat.st_uid elif isinstance(owner, str): owner = pwd.getpwnam(owner)[2] if group is None: group = stat.st_gid elif isinstance(group, str): group = grp.getgrnam(group)[2] func(name, owner, group) def chown(self, url, owner=None, group=None): self._chown(os.chown, url, owner, group) def lchown(self, url, owner=None, group=None): self._chown(os.lchown, url, owner, group) def chdir(self, url): os.chdir(self._url2filename(url)) def mkdir(self, url, mode=0o777): os.mkdir(self._url2filename(url), mode) def makedirs(self, url, mode=0o777): os.makedirs(self._url2filename(url), mode) def uid(self, url): return self.stat(url).st_uid def gid(self, url): return self.stat(url).st_gid def owner(self, url): uid = self.uid(url) try: return pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0] except KeyError: return uid def group(self, url): gid = self.gid(url) try: return grp.getgrgid(gid)[0] except KeyError: return gid def exists(self, url): return os.path.exists(self._url2filename(url)) def isfile(self, url): return os.path.isfile(self._url2filename(url)) def isdir(self, url): return os.path.isdir(self._url2filename(url)) def islink(self, url): return os.path.islink(self._url2filename(url)) def ismount(self, url): return os.path.ismount(self._url2filename(url)) def access(self, url, mode): return os.access(self._url2filename(url), mode) def remove(self, url): return os.remove(self._url2filename(url)) def rmdir(self, url): return os.rmdir(self._url2filename(url)) def rename(self, url, target): name = self._url2filename(url) if not isinstance(target, URL): target = URL(target) target = self._url2filename(target) os.rename(name, target) def link(self, url, target): name = self._url2filename(url) if not isinstance(target, URL): target = URL(target) target = self._url2filename(target), target) def symlink(self, url, target): name = self._url2filename(url) if not isinstance(target, URL): target = URL(target) target = self._url2filename(target) os.symlink(name, target) def _walk(self, cursor, base, name): def _event(url, event): cursor.url = url cursor.event = event cursor.isdir = event != "file" cursor.isfile = not cursor.isdir return cursor if name: fullname = os.path.join(base, name) else: fullname = base for childname in sorted(os.listdir(fullname)): fullchildname = os.path.join(fullname, childname) isdir = os.path.isdir(fullchildname) relchildname = os.path.join(name, childname) if name else childname emitbeforedir = cursor.beforedir emitafterdir = cursor.afterdir emitfile = cursor.file enterdir = cursor.enterdir if isdir: if emitbeforedir or emitafterdir: dirurl = Dir(relchildname, scheme=None) if emitbeforedir: yield _event(dirurl, "beforedir") # The user may have altered ``cursor`` attributes outside the generator, so we refetch them emitbeforedir = cursor.beforedir emitafterdir = cursor.afterdir emitfile = cursor.file enterdir = cursor.enterdir cursor.restore() if enterdir: yield from self._walk(cursor, base, relchildname) if emitafterdir: yield _event(dirurl, "afterdir") cursor.restore() else: if emitfile: yield _event(File(relchildname, scheme=None), "file") cursor.restore() def walk(self, url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=True): cursor = Cursor(url, beforedir=beforedir, afterdir=afterdir, file=file, enterdir=enterdir) return self._walk(cursor, url.local(), "") def open(self, url, *args, **kwargs): return FileResource(url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SshConnection(Connection): """ A :class:`!SshConnection` object is used for accessing and modifying the metadata associated with a file on a remote filesystem. Remote files will be accessed via code executed remotely on the target host via :mod:`execnet`. :class:`!SshConnection` objects are created by calling the :meth:`connect` method on a :class:`URL` object with the ``ssh`` or ``ssh-nocheck`` scheme. .. note:: Using the scheme ``ssh-nocheck`` disables checks of the host key, i.e. it passes ``-o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no"`` to the underlying ``ssh`` command. If you need to use further options (e.g. when your ``known_hosts`` file isn't writable), you should configure that in your ``~/.ssh/config`` file, for example:: Host foo Hostname StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsfile /dev/null or for Windows:: Host foo Hostname StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsfile nul: """ remote_code = """ import sys, os, pickle, re, fnmatch try: from urllib import request except ImportError: import urllib as request try: next except NameError: def next(iter): return try: unicode except NameError: unicode = str files = {} def ownergroup(filename, owner=None, group=None): if owner is not None or group is not None: if owner is None or group is None: if isinstance(filename, unicode): stat = os.stat(filename) else: stat = os.fstat(files[filename].fileno()) if owner is None: owner = stat.st_uid elif isinstance(owner, unicode): import pwd owner = pwd.getpwnam(owner)[2] if group is None: group = stat.st_gid elif isinstance(group, unicode): import grp group = grp.getgrnam(group)[2] return (owner, group) def compilepattern(pattern, ignorecase=False): if pattern is None: return None elif isinstance(pattern, unicode): return (re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern), re.I if ignorecase else 0).match,) else: return tuple(re.compile(fnmatch.translate(p), re.I if ignorecase else 0).match for p in pattern) def matchpatterns(name, include, exclude): if include and not any(matcher(name) is not None for matcher in include): return False if exclude and any(matcher(name) is not None for matcher in exclude): return False return True def listdir(dirname): result = [] for childname in sorted(os.listdir(dirname)): fullchildname = os.path.join(dirname, childname) isdir = os.path.isdir(fullchildname) result.append((isdir, childname)) return result while True: (filename, cmdname, args, kwargs) = channel.receive() if isinstance(filename, unicode): filename = os.path.expanduser(request.url2pathname(filename)) data = None try: if cmdname == "open": try: stream = open(filename, *args, **kwargs) except IOError: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] if args: mode = args[0] else: mode = kwargs.get("mode", "rb") if "w" not in mode or exc.errno != 2: # didn't work for some other reason than a non existing directory raise (splitpath, splitname) = os.path.split(filename) if splitpath: os.makedirs(splitpath) stream = open(filename, *args, **kwargs) else: raise # we don't have a directory to make so pass the error on data = id(stream) files[data] = stream elif cmdname == "stat": if isinstance(filename, unicode): data = tuple(os.stat(filename)) else: data = tuple(os.fstat(files[filename].fileno())) elif cmdname == "lstat": data = os.lstat(filename) elif cmdname == "close": try: stream = files[filename] except KeyError: pass else: stream.close() del files[filename] elif cmdname == "chmod": data = os.chmod(filename, *args, **kwargs) elif cmdname == "chown": (owner, group) = ownergroup(filename, *args, **kwargs) if owner is not None: data = os.chown(filename, owner, group) elif cmdname == "lchown": (owner, group) = ownergroup(filename, *args, **kwargs) if owner is not None: data = os.lchown(filename, owner, group) elif cmdname == "uid": stat = os.stat(filename) data = stat.st_uid elif cmdname == "gid": stat = os.stat(filename) data = stat.st_gid elif cmdname == "owner": import pwd stat = os.stat(filename) try: data = unicode(pwd.getpwuid(stat.st_uid)[0]) except KeyError: data = stat.st_uid elif cmdname == "group": import grp stat = os.stat(filename) try: data = unicode(grp.getgrgid(stat.st_gid)[0]) except KeyError: data = stat.st_gid elif cmdname == "exists": data = os.path.exists(filename) elif cmdname == "isfile": data = os.path.isfile(filename) elif cmdname == "isdir": data = os.path.isdir(filename) elif cmdname == "islink": data = os.path.islink(filename) elif cmdname == "ismount": data = os.path.ismount(filename) elif cmdname == "access": data = os.access(filename, *args, **kwargs) elif cmdname == "remove": data = os.remove(filename) elif cmdname == "rmdir": data = os.rmdir(filename) elif cmdname == "rename": data = os.rename(filename, os.path.expanduser(args[0])) elif cmdname == "link": data =, os.path.expanduser(args[0])) elif cmdname == "symlink": data = os.symlink(filename, os.path.expanduser(args[0])) elif cmdname == "chdir": data = os.chdir(filename) elif cmdname == "mkdir": data = os.mkdir(filename) elif cmdname == "makedirs": data = os.makedirs(filename) elif cmdname == "makefifo": data = os.makefifo(filename) elif cmdname == "listdir": data = listdir(filename) elif cmdname == "next": data = next(files[filename]) else: data = getattr(files[filename], cmdname) data = data(*args, **kwargs) except StopIteration: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] channel.send((True, pickle.dumps(exc))) except Exception: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] channel.send((True, pickle.dumps(exc))) else: channel.send((False, data)) """ def __init__(self, context, host, port, user, python=None, nice=None, check=None): # We don't have to store the context (this avoids cycles) = host self.port = port self.user = user self.python = python self.nice = nice self.check = check self._channel = None def close(self): if self._channel is not None and not self._channel.isclosed(): self._channel.close() self._channel.gateway.exit() self._channel.gateway.join() def _url2filename(self, url): if url.scheme not in {"ssh", "ssh-nocheck"}: raise ValueError(f"URL {url!r} is not an ssh URL") filename = str(url.path) if filename.startswith("/~"): filename = filename[1:] return filename def _send(self, filename, cmd, *args, **kwargs): if self._channel is None: server = "ssh=" if self.port is not None: server += f"-p{self.port} " if self.check is not None and not self.check: server += ' -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no ' server += f"{self.user}@{}" python = self.python if python is None: python = default_ssh_python if python is not None: server += f"//python={python}" if self.nice is not None: server += f"//nice={self.nice}" gateway = execnet.makegateway(server) # This requires ``execnet`` ( gateway.reconfigure(py2str_as_py3str=False, py3str_as_py2str=False) self._channel = gateway.remote_exec(self.remote_code) self._channel.send((filename, cmd, args, kwargs)) (isexc, data) = self._channel.receive() if isexc: raise pickle.loads(data, fix_imports=True) else: return data def stat(self, url): filename = self._url2filename(url) data = self._send(filename, "stat") return os.stat_result(data) # channel returned a tuple => wrap it def lstat(self, url): filename = self._url2filename(url) data = self._send(filename, "lstat") return os.stat_result(data) # channel returned a tuple => wrap it def chmod(self, url, mode): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "chmod", mode) def chown(self, url, owner=None, group=None): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "chown", owner, group) def lchown(self, url, owner=None, group=None): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "lchown", owner, group) def chdir(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "chdir") def mkdir(self, url, mode=0o777): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "mkdir", mode) def makedirs(self, url, mode=0o777): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "makedirs", mode) def uid(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "uid") def gid(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "gid") def owner(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "owner") def group(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "group") def exists(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "exists") def isfile(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "isfile") def isdir(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "isdir") def islink(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "islink") def ismount(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "ismount") def access(self, url, mode): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "access", mode) def remove(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "remove") def rmdir(self, url): return self._send(self._url2filename(url), "rmdir") def _cmdwithtarget(self, cmdname, url, target): filename = self._url2filename(url) if not isinstance(target, URL): target = URL(target) targetname = self._url2filename(target) if target.server != url.server: raise OSError(errno.EXDEV, os.strerror(errno.EXDEV)) return self._send(filename, cmdname, targetname) def rename(self, url, target): return self._cmdwithtarget("rename", url, target) def link(self, url, target): return self._cmdwithtarget("link", url, target) def symlink(self, url, target): return self._cmdwithtarget("symlink", url, target) def _walk(self, cursor, base, name): def _event(url, event): cursor.url = url cursor.event = event cursor.isdir = event != "file" cursor.isfile = not cursor.isdir return cursor if name: fullname = os.path.join(base, name) else: fullname = base for (isdir, childname) in self._send(fullname, "listdir"): fullchildname = os.path.join(fullname, childname) relchildname = os.path.join(name, childname) if name else childname emitbeforedir = cursor.beforedir emitafterdir = cursor.afterdir emitfile = cursor.file enterdir = cursor.enterdir if isdir: if emitbeforedir or emitafterdir: dirurl = Dir(relchildname, scheme=None) if emitbeforedir: yield _event(dirurl, "beforedir") # The user may have altered ``cursor`` attributes outside the generator, so we refetch them emitbeforedir = cursor.beforedir emitafterdir = cursor.afterdir emitfile = cursor.file enterdir = cursor.enterdir cursor.restore() if enterdir: yield from self._walk(cursor, base, relchildname) if emitafterdir: yield _event(dirurl, "afterdir") cursor.restore() else: if emitfile: yield _event(File(relchildname, scheme=None), "file") cursor.restore() def walk(self, url, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=True): cursor = Cursor(url, beforedir=beforedir, afterdir=afterdir, file=file, enterdir=enterdir) return self._walk(cursor, self._url2filename(url), "") def open(self, url, *args, **kwargs): return RemoteFileResource(self, url, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): if self.port is None: return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} to {self.user}@{} at {id(self):#x}>" else: return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} to {self.user}@{}:{self.port} at {id(self):#x}>"
[docs]class URLConnection(Connection): """ A :class:`!URLConnection` object is used for accessing and modifying the metadata associated any other resource specified by a URL (except those handled by the other :class:`Connection` subclasses). """ def mimetype(self, url): return def size(self, url): return def imagesize(self, url): return"rb").imagesize() def mdate(self, url): return"rb").mdate() def resheaders(self, url): return"rb").resheaders() def isdir(self, url): # URLs never are directories (even if they might be (for URLs ending in ``/``), there's no way to call :meth:`listdir`) return False def open(self, url, mode="rb", headers=None, data=None): if mode != "rb": raise NotImplementedError(f"mode {mode!r} not supported") return URLResource(url, headers=headers, data=data)
[docs]def here(scheme="file"): """ Return the current directory as an :class:`URL` object. """ return Dir(os.getcwd(), scheme)
[docs]def home(user="", scheme="file"): """ Return the home directory of the current user (or the user named ``user``, if ``user`` is specified) as an :class:`URL` object:: >>> url.home() URL('file:/home/walter/') >>> url.home("andreas") URL('file:/home/andreas/') """ return Dir(f"~{user}", scheme)
[docs]def root(): """ Return a blank ``root`` :class:`URL`, i.e. ``URL("root:")``. """ return URL("root:")
[docs]def File(name, scheme="file"): """ Turn a filename into an :class:`URL` object:: >>> url.File("a#b") URL('file:a%23b') """ name = urllib.request.pathname2url(os.path.expanduser(name)) if name.startswith("///"): name = name[2:] url = URL(name) url.scheme = scheme return url
[docs]def Dir(name, scheme="file"): """ Turns a directory name into an :class:`URL` object, just like :func:`File`, but ensures that the path is terminated with a ``/``:: >>> url.Dir("a#b") URL('file:a%23b/') """ name = urllib.request.pathname2url(os.path.expanduser(name)) if name: if not name.endswith("/"): name += "/" else: name = "./" if name.startswith("///"): name = name[2:] url = URL(name) url.scheme = scheme return url
[docs]def Ssh(user, host, path="~/"): """ Return a ssh :class:`URL` for the user ``user`` on the host ``host`` with the path ``path``. ``path`` (defaulting to the users home directory) must be a path in URL notation (i.e. use ``/`` as directory separator):: >>> url.Ssh("root", "", "~joe/public_html/index.html") URL('ssh://') If the path starts with ``~/`` it is relative to this users home directory, if it starts with ``~user`` it's relative to the home directory of the user ``user``. In all other cases the path is considered to be absolute. """ url = URL() url.scheme = "ssh" url.userinfo = user = host if path.startswith("~"): path = "/" + path url.path = path return url
[docs]def first(urls): """ Return the first URL from ``urls`` that exists as a real file or directory. :const:`None` entries in ``urls`` will be skipped. """ for url in urls: if url is not None: if url.exists(): return url
[docs]def firstdir(urls): """ Return the first URL from ``urls`` that exists as a real directory. :const:`None` entries in ``urls`` will be skipped. """ for url in urls: if url is not None: if url.isdir(): return url
[docs]def firstfile(urls): """ Return the first URL from ``urls`` that exists as a real file. :const:`None` entries in ``urls`` will be skipped. """ for url in urls: if url is not None: if url.isfile(): return url
[docs]class Resource(object): """ A :class:`!Resource` is a base class that provides a file-like interface to local and remote files, URLs and other resources. Each resource object has the following attributes: :attr:`url` The URL for which this resource has been opened (i.e. `` is foo`` if ``foo`` is a :class:`URL` object); :attr:`name` A string version of :attr:`url`; :attr:`closed` A :class:`bool` specifying whether the resource has been closed (i.e. whether the :meth:`close` method has been called). In addition to file methods (like :meth:`read`, :meth:`readlines`, :meth:`write` and :meth:`close`) a resource object might provide the following methods: :meth:`finalurl` Return the real URL of the resource (this might be different from the :attr:`url` attribute in case of a redirect). :meth:`size` Return the size of the file/resource. :meth:`mdate` Return the last modification date of the file/resource as a :class:`datetime.datetime` object in UTC. :meth:`mimetype` Return the mimetype of the file/resource. :meth:`imagesize` Return the size of the image (if the resource is an image file) as a ``(width, height)`` tuple. This requires the PIL__. __ """ def finalurl(self): return self.url def imagesize(self): pos = self.tell() img = # Requires PIL imagesize = img.size return imagesize def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.close() def __repr__(self): return f"<{'closed' if self.closed else 'open'} {self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} {}, mode {self.mode!r} at {id(self):#x}>"
[docs]class FileResource(Resource): """ A subclass of :class:`Resource` that handles local files. """ def __init__(self, url, mode="rb", *args, **kwargs): url = URL(url) = os.path.expanduser(url.local()) self.mode = mode try: file = open(, mode, *args, **kwargs) except IOError as exc: if "w" not in mode or exc.errno != 2: # didn't work for some other reason than a non existing directory raise (splitpath, splitname) = os.path.split( if splitpath: os.makedirs(splitpath) file = open(, mode, *args, **kwargs) else: raise # we don't have a directory to make so pass the error on self.file = file self.url = url def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.file, name) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.file) def close(self): if self.file is not None: self.file.close() self.file = None @property def closed(self): return self.file is None def size(self): # Forward to the connection return LocalSchemeDefinition._connection.size(self.url) def mdate(self): # Forward to the connection return LocalSchemeDefinition._connection.mdate(self.url) def mimetype(self): # Forward to the connection return LocalSchemeDefinition._connection.mimetype(self.url)
[docs]class RemoteFileResource(Resource): """ A subclass of :class:`Resource` that handles remote files (i.e. those using the ``ssh`` scheme). """ def __init__(self, connection, url, mode="rb", *args, **kwargs): self.connection = connection self.url = URL(url) self.mode = mode self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs filename = self.connection._url2filename(url) = str(self.url) self.remoteid = self._send(filename, "open", mode, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return f"<{'closed' if self.connection is None else 'open'} {self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} {}, mode {self.mode!r} at {id(self):#x}>" def _send(self, filename, cmd, *args, **kwargs): if self.connection is None: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") return self.connection._send(filename, cmd, *args, **kwargs) def close(self): if self.connection is not None: self._send(self.remoteid, "close") self.connection = None # close the channel too as there are no longer any meaningful operations @property def closed(self): return self.connection is None def read(self, size=None): return self._send(self.remoteid, "read", size) if size is not None else self._send(self.remoteid, "read") def readline(self, size=-1): return self._send(self.remoteid, "readline", size) if size is not None else self._send(self.remoteid, "readline") def readlines(self, size=-1): return self._send(self.remoteid, "readlines", size) if size is not None else self._send(self.remoteid, "readlines") def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return self._send(self.remoteid, "next") def seek(self, offset, whence=0): return self._send(self.remoteid, "seek", offset, whence) def tell(self): return self._send(self.remoteid, "tell") def truncate(self, size=None): if size is None: return self._send(self.remoteid, "truncate") else: return self._send(self.remoteid, "truncate", size) def write(self, string): return self._send(self.remoteid, "write", string) def writelines(self, strings): return self._send(self.remoteid, "writelines", strings) def flush(self): return self._send(self.remoteid, "flush") def size(self): # Forward to the connection return self.connection.size(self.url) def mdate(self): # Forward to the connection return self.connection.mdate(self.url) def mimetype(self): # Forward to the connection return self.connection.mimetype(self.url)
[docs]class URLResource(Resource): """ A subclass of :class:`Resource` that handles HTTP, FTP and other URLs (i.e. those that are not handled by :class:`FileResource` or :class:`RemoteFileResource`. """ def __init__(self, url, mode="rb", headers=None, data=None): if "w" in mode: raise ValueError(f"writing mode {mode!r} not supported") self.url = URL(url) = str(self.url) self.mode = mode self.reqheaders = headers self.reqdata = data self._finalurl = None if data is not None: data = urlparse.urlencode(data) if headers is None: headers = {} req = urllib.request.Request(, data=data, headers=headers) self._stream = urllib.request.urlopen(req) self._finalurl = URL(self._stream.url) # Remember the final URL in case of a redirect self._resheaders = self._mimetype = None self._encoding = None contenttype = self._resheaders.get("Content-Type") if contenttype is not None: (mimetype, options) = cgi.parse_header(contenttype) self._mimetype = mimetype self._encoding = options.get("charset") cl = self._resheaders.get("Content-Length") if cl: cl = int(cl) self._size = cl lm = self._resheaders.get("Last-Modified") if lm is not None: lm = mime2dt(lm) self._mdate = lm self._buffer = io.BytesIO() def __getattr__(self, name): function = getattr(self._stream, name) def call(*args, **kwargs): return function(*args, **kwargs) return call def close(self): if self._stream is not None: self._stream.close() self._stream = None @property def closed(self): return self._stream is None def finalurl(self): return self._finalurl def mimetype(self): return self._mimetype def resheaders(self): return self._resheaders def encoding(self): return self._encoding def mdate(self): return self._mdate def size(self): return self._size def read(self, size=None): data = if size is not None else self._buffer.write(data) return data def readline(self, size=None): data = self._stream.readline(size) if size is not None else self._stream.readline() self._buffer.write(data) return data def resdata(self): data = self._buffer.write(data) return self._buffer.getvalue() def imagesize(self): img = # Requires PIL return img.size def __iter__(self): while True: data = self._stream.readline() if not data: break self._buffer.write(data) yield data
[docs]class SchemeDefinition(object): """ A :class:`!SchemeDefinition` instance defines the properties of a particular URL scheme. """ _connection = URLConnection()
[docs] def __init__(self, scheme, usehierarchy, useserver, usefrag, islocal=False, isremote=False, defaultport=None): """ Create a new :class:`!SchemeDefinition` instance. Arguments are: * ``scheme``: The name of the scheme; * ``usehierarchy``: Specifies whether this scheme uses hierarchical URLs or opaque URLs (i.e. whether ``hier_part`` or ``opaque_part`` from the BNF in :rfc:`2396` is used); * ``useserver``: Specifies whether this scheme uses an Internet-based server :attr:`authority` component or a registry of naming authorities (only for hierarchical URLs); * ``usefrag``: Specifies whether this scheme uses fragments (according to the BNF in :rfc:`2396` every scheme does, but it doesn't make sense for e.g. ``"javascript"``, ``"mailto"`` or ``"tel"``); * ``islocal``: Specifies whether URLs with this scheme refer to local files; * ``isremote``: Specifies whether URLs with this scheme refer to remote files (there may be schemes which are neither local nor remote, e.g. ``"mailto"``); * ``defaultport``: The default port for this scheme (only for schemes using server based authority). """ self.scheme = scheme self.usehierarchy = usehierarchy self.useserver = useserver self.usefrag = usefrag self.islocal = islocal self.isremote = isremote self.defaultport = defaultport
[docs] def connect(self, url, context=None, **kwargs): """ Create a :class:`Connection` for the :class:`URL` ``url`` (which must have ``self`` as the scheme). """ return self._connect(url, context, **kwargs)[0]
def _connect(self, url, context=None, **kwargs): # Returns a tuple ``(connect, kwargs)`` (some of the keyword arguments # might have been consumed by the connect call, the rest can be passed # on the whatever call will be made on the connection itself) # We can always use the same connection here, because the connection for # local files and real URLs doesn't use any resources. # This will be overwritten by :class:`SshSchemeDefinition` return (self._connection, kwargs) def open(self, *args, **kwargs): return URLConnection(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def closeall(self, context): """ Close all connections active for this scheme in the context ``context``. """
def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} instance scheme={self.scheme!r} usehierarchy={self.usehierarchy!r} useserver={self.useserver!r} usefrag={self.usefrag!r} at {id(self):#x}>"
class LocalSchemeDefinition(SchemeDefinition): # Use a different connection than the base class (but still one single connection for all URLs) _connection = LocalConnection() def open(self, *args, **kwargs): return FileResource(*args, **kwargs) class SshSchemeDefinition(SchemeDefinition): def _connect(self, url, context=None, **kwargs): if "python" in kwargs or "nice" in kwargs or "check" in kwargs: kwargs = kwargs.copy() python = kwargs.pop("python", None) nice = kwargs.pop("nice", None) check = kwargs.pop("check", None) else: python = None nice = None check = None context = getcontext(context) if context is threadlocalcontext.__class__.context: raise ValueError("ssh URLs need a custom context") # Use one :class:`SshConnection` for each host/port/user/python combination host = port = url.port user = url.userinfo if check is None: check = self.scheme == "ssh" try: connections = context.schemes["ssh"] except KeyError: connections = context.schemes["ssh"] = {} try: connection = connections[(host, port, user, python, nice, check)] except KeyError: connection = connections[(host, port, user, python, nice, check)] = SshConnection(context, host, port, user, python, nice, check) return (connection, kwargs) def open(self, url, mode="rb", context=None, python=None, nice=None): (connection, kwargs) = self._connect(url, context=context, python=python, nice=nice) return RemoteFileResource(connection, url, mode, **kwargs) def closeall(self, context): for connection in context.schemes["ssh"].values(): connection.close() schemereg = { "http": SchemeDefinition("http", usehierarchy=True, useserver=True, usefrag=True, isremote=True, defaultport=80), "https": SchemeDefinition("https", usehierarchy=True, useserver=True, usefrag=True, isremote=True, defaultport=443), "ftp": SchemeDefinition("ftp", usehierarchy=True, useserver=True, usefrag=True, isremote=True, defaultport=21), "file": LocalSchemeDefinition("file", usehierarchy=True, useserver=False, usefrag=True, islocal=True), "root": LocalSchemeDefinition("root", usehierarchy=True, useserver=False, usefrag=True, islocal=True), "javascript": SchemeDefinition("javascript", usehierarchy=False, useserver=False, usefrag=False), "mailto": SchemeDefinition("mailto", usehierarchy=False, useserver=False, usefrag=False), "tel": SchemeDefinition("tel", usehierarchy=False, useserver=False, usefrag=False), "fax": SchemeDefinition("fax", usehierarchy=False, useserver=False, usefrag=False), "ssh": SshSchemeDefinition("ssh", usehierarchy=True, useserver=True, usefrag=True, islocal=False, isremote=True), "ssh-nocheck": SshSchemeDefinition("ssh-nocheck", usehierarchy=True, useserver=True, usefrag=True, islocal=False, isremote=True), } defaultreg = LocalSchemeDefinition("", usehierarchy=True, useserver=True, islocal=True, usefrag=True) class Path(object): __slots__ = ("_path", "_segments") def __init__(self, path=None): self._path = "" self._segments = [] self.path = path def _prefix(cls, path): if path.startswith("/"): return "/" else: return "" def insert(self, index, *others): segments = self.segments segments[index:index] = map(_unescape, others) self.segments = segments def startswith(self, prefix): """ Return whether ``self`` starts with the path ``prefix``. ``prefix`` will be converted to a :class:`Path` if it isn't one. """ if not isinstance(prefix, Path): prefix = Path(prefix) segments = prefix.segments if self.isabs != prefix.isabs: return False if segments and not segments[-1] and len(self.segments) > len(segments): return self.segments[:len(segments)-1] == segments[:-1] else: return self.segments[:len(segments)] == segments def endswith(self, suffix): """ Return whether ``self`` ends with the path ``suffix``. ``suffix`` will be converted to a :class:`Path` if it isn't one. If ``suffix`` is absolute a normal comparison will be done. """ if not isinstance(suffix, Path): suffix = Path(suffix) if suffix.isabs: return self == suffix else: segments = suffix.segments return self.segments[-len(segments):] == segments def clone(self): return Path(self) def __repr__(self): return f"Path({self._path!r})" def __str__(self): return self.path def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Path): other = Path(other) return self._path == other._path def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(self._path) def __len__(self): return len(self.segments) def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): # Return of slice of the path. The resulting path will always be relative, i.e. the leading ``/`` will be dropped. return Path(self.segments[index]) else: return self.segments[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): segments = self.segments if isinstance(index, slice): segments[index] = map(_unescape, value) self._path = self._prefix(self._path) + self._segments2path(segments) else: segments[index] = _unescape(value) self._path = self._prefix(self._path) + self._segments2path(segments) self._segments = segments def __delitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): del self.segments[index] else: segments = self.segments del segments[index] self._path = self._segments2path(segments) self._segments = segments def __contains__(self, item): return _unescape(item) in self.segments class isabs(misc.propclass): """ Is the path absolute? """ def __get__(self): return self._path.startswith("/") def __set__(self, isabs): isabs = bool(isabs) if isabs != self._path.startswith("/"): if isabs: self._path = "/" + self._path else: self._path = self._path[1:] def __delete__(self): if self._path.startswith("/"): self._path = self._path[1:] @classmethod def _segments2path(cls, segments): return "/".join(_escape(segment, pathsafe) for segment in segments) @classmethod def _path2segments(cls, path): if path.startswith("/"): path = path[1:] return list(map(_unescape, path.split("/"))) def _setpathorsegments(self, path): if path is None: self._path = "" self._segments = [] elif isinstance(path, Path): self._path = path._path self._segments = None elif isinstance(path, (list, tuple)): self._segments = list(map(_unescape, path)) self._path = self._prefix(self._path) + self._segments2path(self._segments) else: path = _escape(path) prefix = self._prefix(path) if prefix: path = path[1:] self._segments = self._path2segments(path) self._path = prefix + self._segments2path(self._segments) class path(misc.propclass): """ The complete path as a string. """ def __get__(self): return self._path def __set__(self, path): self._setpathorsegments(path) def __delete__(self): self.clear() class segments(misc.propclass): """ The path as a list of (name, param) tuples. """ def __get__(self): if self._segments is None: self._segments = self._path2segments(self._path) return self._segments def __set__(self, path): self._setpathorsegments(path) def __delete__(self): self._path = self._prefix(self._path) self._segments = [] class file(misc.propclass): """ The filename without the path, i.e. the name part of the last component of :attr:`path`. The ``baz.html`` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): try: return self[-1] except IndexError: return None def __set__(self, file): """ Setting the filename preserves the parameter in the last segment. """ if file is None: del self.file segments = self.segments if segments: self[-1] = file else: self.segments = [file] def __delete__(self): """ Deleting the filename preserves the parameter in the last segment. """ segments = self.segments if segments: self[-1] = "" class ext(misc.propclass): """ The filename extension of the last segment of the path. The ``html`` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): ext = None segments = self.segments if segments: segment = segments[-1] pos = segment.rfind(".") if pos != -1: ext = segment[pos+1:] return ext def __set__(self, ext): if ext is None: del self.ext segments = self.segments if segments: segment = segments[-1] pos = segment.rfind(".") if pos != -1: segment = segment[:pos+1] + ext else: segment = segment + "." + ext self[-1] = segment def __delete__(self): segments = self.segments if segments: segment = segments[-1] pos = segment.rfind(".") if pos != -1: segment = segment[:pos] self[-1] = segment def withext(self, ext): """ Return a new :class:`Path` where the filename extension has been replaced with ``ext``. """ path = self.clone() path.ext = ext return path def withoutext(self): """ Return a new :class:`Path` where the filename extension has been removed. """ if "/" not in self._path and self._path.rfind(".")==0: return Path("./") else: path = self.clone() del path.ext return path def withfile(self, file): """ Return a new :class:`Path` where the filename (i.e. the name of the last component of :attr:`segments`) has been replaced with ``file``. """ path = self.clone() path.file = file return path def withoutfile(self): """ Return a new :class:`Path` where the filename (i.e. the name of the last component of :attr:`segments`) has been removed. """ if "/" not in self._path: return Path("./") else: path = Path(self) del path.file return path def clear(self): self._path = "" self._segments = [] def __truediv__(self, other): """ Join two paths. """ if isinstance(other, str): other = Path(other) if isinstance(other, Path): newpath = Path() # RFC2396, Section 5.2 (5) if other.isabs: newpath._path = other._path newpath._segments = None else: # the following should be equivalent to RFC2396, Section 5.2 (6) (c)-(f) newpath._path = self._prefix(self._path) + self._segments2path( _normalizepath( self.segments[:-1] + # RFC2396, Section 5.2 (6) (a) other.segments # RFC2396, Section 5.2 (6) (b) ) ) newpath._segments = None return newpath elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): # this makes path/list possible return other.__class__(self/path for path in other) else: # this makes path/generator possible return (self/path for path in other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): """ Right hand version of :meth:`__div__`. This supports list and generators as the left hand side too. """ if isinstance(other, str): other = Path(other) if isinstance(other, Path): return other/self elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): return other.__class__(path/self for path in other) else: return (path/self for path in other) def relative(self, basepath): """ Return an relative :class:`Path` ``rel`` such that ``basepath/rel == self``, i.e. this is the inverse operation of :meth:`__div__`. If ``self`` is relative, an identical copy of ``self`` will be returned. """ # if ``self`` is relative don't do anything if not self.isabs: pass # FIXME return self.clone() basepath = Path(basepath) # clone/coerce self_segments = _normalizepath(self.segments) base_segments = _normalizepath(basepath.segments) while len(self_segments) > 1 and len(base_segments) > 1 and self_segments[0] == base_segments[0]: del self_segments[0] del base_segments[0] # build a path from one file to the other self_segments[:0] = [".."]*(len(base_segments)-1) if not len(self_segments) or self_segments == [""]: self_segments = [".", ""] return Path(self._segments2path(self_segments)) def reverse(self): segments = self.segments segments.reverse() if segments and not segments[0]: del segments[0] segments.append("") self.segments = segments def normalize(self): self.segments = _normalizepath(self.segments) def normalized(self): new = self.clone() new.normalize() return new def local(self): """ Return ``self`` converted to a filename using the file naming conventions of the OS. Parameters will be dropped in the resulting string. """ localpath = _unescape(self._path) if self._path.endswith("/") and not (localpath.endswith(os.sep) or (os.altsep is not None and localpath.endswith(os.altsep))): localpath += os.sep return localpath def abs(self): """ Return an absolute version of ``self``. """ path = os.path.abspath(self.local()) path = path.rstrip(os.sep) if path.startswith("///"): path = path[2:] path = urllib.request.pathname2url(path) if len(self) and not self.segments[-1]: path += "/" return Path(path) def real(self): """ Return the canonical version of ``self``, eliminating all symbolic links. """ path = os.path.realpath(self.local()) path = path.rstrip(os.sep) path = urllib.request.pathname2url(path) if path.startswith("///"): path = path[2:] if len(self) and not self.segments[-1]: path += "/" return Path(path) class Query(dict): __slots__ = () def __init__(self, arg=None, **kwargs): if arg is not None: if isinstance(arg, dict): for (key, value) in arg.items(): self.add(key, value) else: for (key, value) in arg: self.add(key, value) for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): self.add(key, value) def __setitem__(self, key, value): dict.__setitem__(self, str(key), [str(value)]) def add(self, key, *values): key = str(key) values = map(str, values) self.setdefault(key, []).extend(values)
[docs]class URL(object): """ An :rfc:`2396` compliant URL. """
[docs] def __init__(self, url=None): """ Create a new :class:`!URL` instance. ``url`` may be a :class:`str` object, or an :class:`!URL` (in which case you'll get a copy of ``url``), or :const:`None` (which will create an :class:`!URL` referring to the "current document"). """ self.url = url
def _clear(self): # internal helper method that makes ``self`` empty. self.reg = defaultreg self._scheme = None self._userinfo = None self._host = None self._port = None self._path = Path() self._reg_name = None self._query = None self._query_parts = None self._opaque_part = None self._frag = None
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return an identical copy ``self``. """ return URL(self)
@staticmethod def _checkscheme(scheme): # Check whether ``scheme`` contains only legal characters. if not scheme or scheme[0] not in schemecharfirst: return False for c in scheme[1:]: if c not in schemechar: return False return True class scheme(misc.propclass): """ The URL scheme (e.g. ``ftp``, ``ssh``, ``http`` or ``mailto``). The scheme will be :const:`None` if the URL is a relative one. """ def __get__(self): return self._scheme def __set__(self, scheme): """ The scheme will be converted to lowercase on setting (if ``scheme`` is not :const:`None`, otherwise the scheme will be deleted). """ if scheme is None: self._scheme = None else: scheme = scheme.lower() # check if the scheme only has allowed characters if not self._checkscheme(scheme): raise ValueError(f"Illegal scheme char in scheme {scheme!r}") self._scheme = scheme self.reg = schemereg.get(scheme, defaultreg) def __delete__(self): """ Deletes the scheme, i.e. makes the URL relative. """ self._scheme = None self.reg = defaultreg class userinfo(misc.propclass): """ The user info part of the :class:`URL`; i.e. the ``user`` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): return self._userinfo def __set__(self, userinfo): self._userinfo = userinfo def __delete__(self): self._userinfo = None class host(misc.propclass): """ The host part of the :class:`URL`; i.e. the ```` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): return self._host def __set__(self, host): if host is not None: host = host.lower() self._host = host def __delete__(self): self._host = None class port(misc.propclass): """ The port number of the :class:`URL` (as an :class:`int`) or :const:`None` if the :class:`URL` has none. The ``8080`` in ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): return self._port def __set__(self, port): if port is not None: port = int(port) self._port = port def __delete__(self): self._port = None class hostport(misc.propclass): """ The host and (if specified) the port number of the :class:`URL`, i.e. the ```` in ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): if is not None: hostport = _escape(, safe) if self.port is not None: hostport += f":{self.port}" return hostport else: return None def __set__(self, hostport): # find the port number (RFC2396, Section 3.2.2) if hostport is None: del self.hostport else: del self.port pos = hostport.rfind(":") if pos != -1: if pos != len(hostport)-1: self.port = hostport[pos+1:] hostport = hostport[:pos] = _unescape(hostport) def __delete__(self): del del self.port class server(misc.propclass): """ The server part of the :class:`URL`; i.e. the ```` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): if self.hostport is not None: userinfo = self.userinfo if userinfo is not None: return _escape(userinfo, safe) + "@" + self.hostport else: return self.hostport else: return None def __set__(self, server): """ Setting the server always works even if the current :attr:`scheme` does use :attr:`opaque_part` or :attr:`reg_name` but will be ignored when reassembling the URL for the :attr:`url` property. """ if server is None: del self.server else: # find the userinfo (RFC2396, Section 3.2.2) pos = server.find("@") if pos != -1: self.userinfo = _unescape(server[:pos]) server = server[pos+1:] else: del self.userinfo self.hostport = server def __delete__(self): del self.userinfo del self.hostport class reg_name(misc.propclass): """ The reg_name part of the :class:`URL` for hierarchical schemes that use a name based :attr:`authority` instead of :attr:`server`. """ def __get__(self): return self._reg_name def __set__(self, reg_name): if reg_name is None: del self.reg_name else: self._reg_name = reg_name def __delete__(self): self._reg_name = None class authority(misc.propclass): """ The authority part of the :class:`URL` for hierarchical schemes. Depending on the scheme, this is either :attr:`server` or :attr:`reg_name`. """ def __get__(self): if self.reg.useserver: return self.server else: return self.reg_name def __set__(self, authority): if self.reg.useserver: self.server = authority else: self.reg_name = authority def __delete__(self): if self.reg.useserver: del self.server else: del self.reg_name class isabspath(misc.propclass): """ Specifies whether the path of a hierarchical :class:`URL` is absolute, (i.e. it has a leading ``"/"``). Note that the path will always be absolute if an :attr:`authority` is specified. """ def __get__(self): return (self.authority is not None) or self.path.isabs def __set__(self, isabspath): self.path.isabs = isabspath class path(misc.propclass): """ The path segments of a hierarchical :class:`URL` as a :class:`Path` object. """ def __get__(self): return self._path def __set__(self, path): self._path = Path(path) def __delete__(self): self._path = Path() class file(misc.propclass): """ The filename without the path, i.e. the name part of the last component of :attr:`path`. The ``baz.html`` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): return self.path.file def __set__(self, file): """ Setting the filename preserves the parameter in the last segment. """ self.path.file = file def __delete__(self): """ Deleting the filename preserves the parameter in the last segment. """ del self.path.file class ext(misc.propclass): """ The filename extension of the last segment of the path. The ``html`` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): return self.path.ext def __set__(self, ext): """ Setting the extension preserves the parameter in the last segment. """ self.path.ext = ext def __delete__(self): """ Deleting the extension preserves the parameter in the last segment. """ del self.path.ext class query_parts(misc.propclass): """ The query component as a dictionary, i.e. ``{u"spam": u"eggs"}`` from ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. If the query component couldn't be parsed, ``query_parts`` will be :const:`False`. """ def __get__(self): return self._query_parts def __set__(self, query_parts): self._query = _urlencode(query_parts) self._query_parts = query_parts def __delete__(self): self._query = None self._query_parts = None class query(misc.propclass): """ The query component, i.e. the ``spam=eggs`` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): if self._query_parts is False: return self._query else: return _urlencode(self._query_parts) def __set__(self, query): self._query = query if query is not None: parts = {} for part in query.split("&"): namevalue = part.split("=", 1) name = _unescape(namevalue[0].replace("+", " ")) if len(namevalue) == 2: value = _unescape(namevalue[1].replace("+", " ")) parts.setdefault(name, []).append(value) else: parts = False break query = parts self._query_parts = query def __delete__(self): self._query = None self._query_parts = None class opaque_part(misc.propclass): """ The opaque part (for schemes like ``mailto`` that are not hierarchical). """ def __get__(self): return self._opaque_part def __set__(self, opaque_part): self._opaque_part = opaque_part def __delete__(self): self._opaque_part = None class frag(misc.propclass): """ The fragment identifier, which references a part of the resource, i.e. the ``frag`` part of ``;xyzzy?spam=eggs#frag``. """ def __get__(self): return self._frag def __set__(self, frag): self._frag = frag def __delete__(self): self._frag = None class url(misc.propclass): """ The complete URL """ def __get__(self): """ Getting :attr:`url` reassembles the URL from the components. """ result = "" if self.scheme is not None: result += self.scheme + ":" if self.reg.usehierarchy: if self.authority is not None: result += "//" + self.authority if not self.path.isabs: result += "/" result += str(self.path) if self.query is not None: result += "?" + self.query else: result += self.opaque_part if self.reg.usefrag and self.frag is not None: result += "#" + _escape(self.frag, fragsafe) return result def __set__(self, url): """ Setting :attr:`url` parses ``url`` into the components. ``url`` may also be an :class:`URL` instance, in which case the URL will be copied. """ self._clear() if url is None: return elif isinstance(url, URL): self.scheme = url.scheme self.userinfo = url.userinfo = self.port = url.port self.path = url.path.clone() self.reg_name = url.reg_name self.opaque_part = url.opaque_part self.query = url.query self.frag = url.frag else: url = _escape(url) # find the scheme (RFC2396, Section 3.1) pos = url.find(":") if pos != -1: scheme = url[:pos] if self._checkscheme(scheme): # if the scheme is illegal assume there is none (e.g. "/foo.php?x=", will *not* have the scheme "/foo.php?x=http") self.scheme = scheme # the info about what we have to expect in the rest of the URL can be found in self.reg now url = url[pos+1:] # find the fragment (RFC2396, Section 4.1) if self.reg.usefrag: # the fragment itself may not contain a "#", so find the last "#" pos = url.rfind("#") if pos != -1: self.frag = _unescape(url[pos+1:]) url = url[:pos] if self.reg.usehierarchy: # find the query (RFC2396, Section 3.4) pos = url.rfind("?") if pos != -1: self.query = url[pos+1:] url = url[:pos] if url.startswith("//"): url = url[2:] # find the authority part (RFC2396, Section 3.2) pos = url.find("/") if pos != -1: authority = url[:pos] url = url[pos:] # keep the "/" else: authority = url url = "/" self.authority = authority self.path = Path(url) else: self.opaque_part = url def __delete__(self): """ After deleting the URL the resulting object will refer to the "current document". """ self._clear()
[docs] def withext(self, ext): """ Return a new :class:`URL` where the filename extension has been replaced with ``ext``. """ url = URL(self) url.path = url.path.withext(ext) return url
[docs] def withoutext(self): """ Return a new :class:`URL` where the filename extension has been removed. """ url = URL(self) url.path = url.path.withoutext() return url
[docs] def withfile(self, file): """ Return a new :class:`URL` where the filename (i.e. the name of last component of :attr:`path_segments`) has been replaced with ``file``. """ url = URL(self) url.path = url.path.withfile(file) return url
def withoutfile(self): url = URL(self) url.path = url.path.withoutfile() return url
[docs] def withfrag(self, frag): """ Return a new :class:`URL` where the fragment has been replaced with ``frag``. """ url = URL(self) url.frag = frag return url
[docs] def withoutfrag(self): """ Return a new :class:`URL` where the frag has been dropped. """ url = URL(self) del url.frag return url
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other): """ Join ``self`` with another (possible relative) :class:`URL` ``other``, to form a new :class:`URL`. ``other`` may be a :class:`str` or :class:`URL` object. It may be :const:`None` (referring to the "current document") in which case ``self`` will be returned. It may also be a list or other iterable. For this case a list (or iterator) will be returned where :meth:`__div__` will be applied to every item in the list/iterator. E.g. the following expression returns all the files in the current directory as absolute URLs (see the method :meth:`files` and the function :func:`here` for further explanations):: >>> here = >>> for f in here/here.files(): ... print(f) """ if isinstance(other, str): other = URL(other) if isinstance(other, URL): newurl = URL() # RFC2396, Section 5.2 (2) if other.scheme is None and other.authority is None and not str(other.path) and other.query is None: newurl = URL(self) newurl.frag = other.frag return newurl if not self.reg.usehierarchy: # e.g. "mailto:x@y"/"file:foo" return other # In violation of RFC2396 we treat file URLs as relative ones (if the base is a local URL) if other.scheme == "file" and self.islocal(): other = URL(other) del other.scheme del other.authority # RFC2396, Section 5.2 (3) if other.scheme is not None: return other newurl.scheme = self.scheme newurl.query = other.query newurl.frag = other.frag # RFC2396, Section 5.2 (4) if other.authority is None: newurl.authority = self.authority # RFC2396, Section 5.2 (5) & (6) (a) (b) newurl._path = self._path/other._path else: newurl.authority = other.authority newurl._path = other._path.clone() return newurl elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): # this makes path/list possible return other.__class__(self/path for path in other) else: # this makes path/generator possible return (self/path for path in other)
[docs] def __rtruediv__(self, other): """ Right hand version of :meth:`__div__`. This supports lists and iterables as the left hand side too. """ if isinstance(other, str): other = URL(other) if isinstance(other, URL): return other/self elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): return other.__class__(item/self for item in other) else: return (item/self for item in other)
[docs] def relative(self, baseurl, allowschemerel=False): """ Return an relative :class:`URL` ``rel`` such that ``baseurl/rel == self``, i.e. this is the inverse operation of :meth:`__div__`. If ``self`` is relative, has a different :attr:`scheme` or :attr:`authority` than ``baseurl`` or a non-hierarchical scheme, an identical copy of ``self`` will be returned. If ``allowschemerel`` is true, scheme relative URLs are allowed, i.e. if both ``self`` and ``baseurl`` use the same hierarchical scheme, but a different authority (i.e. server), a scheme relative url (``//server/path/file.html``) will be returned. """ # if ``self`` is relative don't do anything if self.scheme is None: return URL(self) # javascript etc. if not self.reg.usehierarchy: return URL(self) baseurl = URL(baseurl) # clone/coerce newurl = URL(self) # clone # only calculate a new URL if to the same scheme/server, else use the original (or a scheme relative one) if self.authority != baseurl.authority: if self.scheme == baseurl.scheme and allowschemerel: del newurl.scheme return newurl elif self.scheme != baseurl.scheme: return newurl del newurl.scheme del newurl.authority selfpath_segments = _normalizepath(self._path.segments) basepath_segments = _normalizepath(baseurl._path.segments) while len(selfpath_segments) > 1 and len(basepath_segments) > 1 and selfpath_segments[0] == basepath_segments[0]: del selfpath_segments[0] del basepath_segments[0] # does the URL go to the same file? if selfpath_segments == basepath_segments and self.query == baseurl.query: # only return the frag del newurl.path del newurl.query else: # build a path from one file to the other selfpath_segments[:0] = [".."]*(len(basepath_segments)-1) if not len(selfpath_segments) or selfpath_segments == [""]: selfpath_segments = [".", ""] newurl._path.segments = selfpath_segments newurl._path = self.path.relative(baseurl.path) newurl._path.isabs = False return newurl
def __str__(self): return self.url def __repr__(self): return f"URL({self.url!r})"
[docs] def __bool__(self): """ Return whether the :class:`URL` is not empty, i.e. whether it is not the :class:`URL` referring to the start of the current document. """ return self.url != ""
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Return whether two :class:`URL` objects are equal. Note that only properties relevant for the current scheme will be compared. """ if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False if self.scheme != other.scheme: return False if self.reg.usehierarchy: if self.reg.useserver: selfport = self.port or self.reg.defaultport otherport = other.port or other.reg.defaultport if self.userinfo != other.userinfo or != or selfport != otherport: return False else: if self.reg_name != other.reg_name: return False if self._path != other._path: return False else: if self.opaque_part != other.opaque_part: return False # Use canonical version of (i.e. sorted names and values) if self.query != other.query: return False if self.frag != other.frag: return False return True
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """ Return whether two :class:`URL` objects are *not* equal. """ return not self == other
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Return a hash value for ``self``, to be able to use :class:`URL` objects as dictionary keys. You must be careful not to modify an :class:`URL` as soon as you use it as a dictionary key. """ res = hash(self.scheme) if self.reg.usehierarchy: if self.reg.useserver: res ^= hash(self.userinfo) res ^= hash( res ^= hash(self.port or self.reg.defaultport) else: res ^= hash(self.reg_name) res ^= hash(self._path) else: res ^= hash(self.opaque_part) res ^= hash(self.query) res ^= hash(self.frag) return res
[docs] def abs(self, scheme=-1): """ Return an absolute version of ``self`` (works only for local URLs). If the argument ``scheme`` is specified, it will be used for the resulting URL otherwise the result will have the same scheme as ``self``. """ self._checklocal() new = self.clone() new.path = self.path.abs() if scheme != -1: new.scheme = scheme return new
[docs] def real(self, scheme=-1): """ Return the canonical version of ``self``, eliminating all symbolic links (works only for local URLs). If the argument ``scheme`` is specified, it will be used for the resulting URL otherwise the result will have the same scheme as ``self``. """ self._checklocal() new = self.clone() new.path = self.path.real() if scheme != -1: new.scheme = scheme return new
[docs] def islocal(self): """ Return whether ``self`` refers to a local file, i.e. whether ``self`` is a relative :class:`URL` or the scheme is ``root`` or ``file``). """ return self.reg.islocal
def _checklocal(self): if not self.islocal(): raise ValueError(f"URL {self!r} is not local")
[docs] def local(self): """ Return ``self`` as a local filename (which will only works if ``self`` is local (see :meth:`islocal`). """ self._checklocal() return self.path.local()
def _connect(self, context=None, **kwargs): return self.reg._connect(self, context=context, **kwargs)
[docs] def connect(self, context=None, **kwargs): """ Return a :class:`Connection` object for accessing and modifying the metadata of ``self``. Whether you get a new connection object, or an existing one depends on the scheme, the URL itself, and the context passed in (as the ``context`` argument). """ return self._connect(context, **kwargs)[0]
[docs] def open(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Open ``self`` for reading or writing. :meth:`open` returns a :class:`Resource` object. Which additional parameters are supported depends on the actual resource created. Some common parameters are: ``mode`` (supported by all resources) A string indicating how the file is to be opened (just like the mode argument for the builtin :func:`open`; e.g. ``"rb"`` or ``"wb"``). ``context`` (supported by all resources) :meth:`open` needs a :class:`Connection` for this URL which it gets from a :class:`Context` object. ``headers`` Additional headers to use for an HTTP request. ``data`` Request body to use for an HTTP POST request. ``python`` Name of the Python interpreter to use on the remote side (used by ``ssh`` URLs) ``nice`` Nice level for the remove python (used by ``ssh`` URLs) """ (connection, kwargs) = self._connect(**kwargs) if "context" in kwargs: kwargs = kwargs.copy() del kwargs["context"] return, *args, **kwargs)
def openread(self, *args, **kwargs): return"rb", *args, **kwargs) def openwrite(self, *args, **kwargs): return"wb", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def import_(self, name=None): """ Import the content of the URL ``self`` as a Python module. ``name`` can be used the specify the module name (i.e. the ``__name__`` attribute of the module). The default determines it from the URL. """ if self.islocal(): filename = self.real().local() else: filename = f"/{self.scheme}/{self.server}{self.path}" return misc.module(self.openread().read(), filename, name)
def __iter__(self): try: isdir = self.isdir() except AttributeError: isdir = False if isdir: return iter(self/self.listdir()) else: return iter( # All the following methods need a connection and simply forward the operation to the connection def stat(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).stat(self) def lstat(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).lstat(self) def chmod(self, mode, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).chmod(self, mode) def chown(self, owner=None, group=None, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).chown(self, owner=owner, group=group) def lchown(self, owner=None, group=None, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).lchown(self, owner=owner, group=group) def uid(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).uid(self) def gid(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).gid(self) def owner(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).owner(self) def group(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).group(self) def mimetype(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).mimetype(self) def exists(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).exists(self) def isfile(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).isfile(self) def isdir(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).isdir(self) def islink(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).islink(self) def ismount(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).ismount(self) def access(self, mode, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).access(self, mode) def size(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).size(self) def imagesize(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).imagesize(self) def cdate(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).cdate(self) def adate(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).adate(self) def mdate(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).mdate(self) def resheaders(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).resheaders(self) def remove(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).remove(self) def rmdir(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).rmdir(self) def rename(self, target, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).rename(self, target) def link(self, target, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).link(self, target) def symlink(self, target, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).symlink(self, target) def chdir(self, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).chdir(self) def mkdir(self, mode=0o777, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).mkdir(self, mode=mode) def makedirs(self, mode=0o777, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).makedirs(self, mode=mode) def walk(self, beforedir=True, afterdir=False, file=True, enterdir=True, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).walk(self, beforedir=beforedir, afterdir=afterdir, file=file, enterdir=enterdir) def listdir(self, include=None, exclude=None, ignorecase=False, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).listdir(self, include=include, exclude=exclude, ignorecase=ignorecase) def files(self, include=None, exclude=None, ignorecase=False, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).files(self, include=include, exclude=exclude, ignorecase=ignorecase) def dirs(self, include=None, exclude=None, ignorecase=False, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).dirs(self, include=include, exclude=exclude, ignorecase=ignorecase) def walkall(self, include=None, exclude=None, enterdir=None, skipdir=None, ignorecase=False, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).walkall(self, include=include, exclude=exclude, enterdir=enterdir, skipdir=skipdir, ignorecase=ignorecase) def walkfiles(self, include=None, exclude=None, enterdir=None, skipdir=None, ignorecase=False, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).walkfiles(self, include=include, exclude=exclude, enterdir=enterdir, skipdir=skipdir, ignorecase=ignorecase) def walkdirs(self, include=None, exclude=None, enterdir=None, skipdir=None, ignorecase=False, **kwargs): return self.connect(**kwargs).walkdirs(self, include=include, exclude=exclude, enterdir=enterdir, skipdir=skipdir, ignorecase=ignorecase)
warnings.filterwarnings("always", module="url")