Source code for ll.pysql

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3, always_allow_keywords=True

## Copyright 2012-2021 by LivingLogic AG, Bayreuth/Germany
## Copyright 2012-2021 by Walter Dörwald
## All Rights Reserved
## See LICENSE for the license

The module/script :mod:`pysql` can be used to import data into an Oracle
database. It reads ``pysql`` files which are an extension of normal Oracle SQL

A PySQL file can contain different types of commands.

SQL commands

A PySQL file may contain normal SQL commands. For the :mod:`!pysql` script
to be able to execute these commands they must be terminated with a comment
line ``-- @@@``. :mod:`pysql` will strip off a trailing ``;`` or ``/`` from
the command and execute it. Any exception that is raised as a result of
executing the command will stop the script and be reported. This is in
contrast to how ``sqlplus`` executes SQL commands. ``sqlplus`` would continue
after an error and exit with status code 0 even if there were errors.
(It is also possible to explicitely ignore any exception raised by the
command by specifying a different exception handling mode.)

A PySQL file that only contains SQL commands is still a valid SQL file from
the perspective of Oracle, so it still can be executed via ``sqlplus``.

Literal Python blocks

A literal Python block starts with a line that only contains ``#>>>`` and
ends with a line that only contains ``#<<<``. Python code within the block
gets executed when the block is encountered. The following objects are available
within the block as global variables:

	Can be used to specify that an argument for a :class:`procedure` should be
	an SQL expression instead of a Python value or a :class:`var` object;

	Python's datetime module;

	The active database connection (or :const:`None` if there is no active
	database connection).

Furthermore all PySQL commands (see below) are available.

Variables that get set within a literal Python block will be available (and
retain their value) in subsequent literal Python blocks or other PySQL commands.

PySQL commands

A PySQL file may also contain PySQL commands. A PySQL command looks and behaves
like a Python function call. This function call must either be contained in a
single line (i.e. start with ``name(`` and end with ``)`` or it must start with
a line that only contains ``name(`` and end at a line that only contains ``)``.
(``name`` must be the name of a PySQL command).

The following commands are available:

	Includes another PySQL file;

	Connects to a database;

	Disconnects from the active database connection;

	Call a procedure in the database (and handles OUT parameter via :class:`var`

	Executes an SQL statement in the database (and handles OUT parameter via
	:class:`var` objects);

	Executes an SQL statement in the database (this is what SQL commands get
	converted to);

	Commits the transaction in the active database connection;

	Rolls back the transaction in the active database connection;

	Executes Python code (this is what literal Python blocks get converted to);

	Sets a variable;

	Deletes a variable;

	Set the exception handling mode;

	Temporarily modifies the exception handling mode;

	Reverts to the previously active exception handling mode;

	Checks whether there are invalid database objects;

	Creates a file on a remote host via :program:`scp`;

	Creates a file on the local machine;

	Resets a database sequence to the maximum value of a field in a table;

	Tests whether a database user exists;

	Tests whether a database object (table, package, procedure, etc.) exists;

	Tests whether a database constraint (primary key, foriegn key, unique or
	check constraint) exists;

	Drops all database objects of a certain type;

	A comment

	Loads the binary content of a file;

	Loads the text content of a file;

	Marks an argument for a :class:`procedure` or :class:`sql` command as being
	an OUT parameter (or passes the value of the variable in subsequent
	:class:`procedure`/:class:`sql` commands);

	Returns the value of an environment variable.


A line starting with ``#`` (outside of a SQL command or literal Python block)
is considered a comment and will be ignored.


The following is a complete PySQL file that will create a sequence, table and
procedure and will call the procedure to insert data into the table::

	create sequence person_seq
		increment by 10
		start with 10
		maxvalue 1.0e28
		minvalue 10
		cache 20

	-- @@@

	create sequence contact_seq
		increment by 10
		start with 10
		maxvalue 1.0e28
		minvalue 10
		cache 20

	-- @@@

	create table person
		per_id integer not null,
		per_firstname varchar2(200),
		per_lastname varchar2(200)

	-- @@@

	alter table person add constraint person_pk primary key(per_id);

	-- @@@

	create table contact
		con_id integer not null,
		per_id integer not null,
		con_type varchar2(200),
		con_value varchar2(200)

	-- @@@

	alter table contact add constraint contact_pk primary key(con_id);

	-- @@@

	create or replace procedure person_insert
		c_user in varchar2,
		p_per_id in out integer,
		p_per_firstname in varchar2 := null,
		p_per_lastname in varchar2 := null
		if p_per_id is null then
			select person_seq.nextval into p_per_id from dual;
		end if;

		insert into person

	-- @@@

	create or replace procedure contact_insert
		c_user in varchar2,
		p_con_id in out integer,
		p_per_id in integer := null,
		p_con_type in varchar2 := null,
		p_con_value in varchar2 := null
		if p_con_id is null then
			select contact_seq.nextval into p_con_id from dual;
		end if;

		insert into contact

	-- @@@

	# import data






This file can then be imported into an Oracle database with the following

	python -m ll.pysql data.pysql -d user/pwd@database

This will create two sequences, two tables and two procedures. Then it will
import two records, one by calling ``person_insert`` and one by calling
``contact_insert``. The PL/SQL equivalent of the above is::

		v_per_id_max integer;
		v_con_id_max integer;

Furthermore it will create one file (named something like ``portrait_42.png``)
and reset the sequence ``person_seq`` to the maximum value of the field
``per_id`` in the table ``person``. Finally it will make sure that no errors
exist in the schema.

Multiple database connections

PySQL can handle multiple database connections. New database connections can be
opened with the ``connect`` command. This command opens a new database
connection. Subsequent commands that talk to the database will use this
connection until a ``disconnect`` command disconnects from the database and
reverts to the previous connection (which might not exist). An example looks
like this::



Variable objects can be used to receive out parameters of procedure calls or
SQL statements. A variable object can be specified like this ``var("foo")``.
``"foo"`` is the "name" of the variable. When a variable object is passed
to a procedure the first time (i.e. the variable object is uninitialized),
a :mod:`cx_Oracle` ``var`` object will be passed and the resulting value after
the call will be stored under the name of the variable. When the variable is
used in a later command the stored value will be used instead. (Note that it's
not possible to use the same variable twice in the same procedure call,
if it hasn't been used before, however in later commands this is no problem).

The type of the variable defaults to :class:`int`, but a different type can be
passed when creating the object like this: ``var("foo", str)``.

It is also possible to create variable objects via command line parameters.

As a PySQL command is a Python literal, it is possible to use Python expressions
inside a PySQL command.

External files

Inside a PySQL command it is possible to load values from external files.
The :class:`loadbytes` command loads a :class:`bytes` object from an external
file like this::


A string can be loaded with the :class:`loadstr` command like this::

	loadstr("path/to/file.txt", encoding="utf-8", errors="replace")

The second and third argument are the encoding and error handling name

The filename is treated as being relative to the file containing the
:class:`loadbytes` or :class:`loadstr` call.

This file content can then be used in other PySQL commands (e.g. as parameters
in :class:`procedure` commands, or as file content in :class:`scp` or
:class:`file` commands).

Command line usage

```` has no external dependencies except for :mod:`cx_Oracle` and can
be used as a script for importing a PySQL file into the database (However some
commands require :mod:`ll.orasql`). As a script it supports the following
command line options:

		The name of one or more PySQL files that will be read and imported.
		If no filename is given, commands are read from ``stdin``.

	``-v``, ``--verbose``
		Gives different levels of output while data is being imported to the
		database. The default is no output (unless an exception occurs). Possible
		modes are: ``dot`` (one dot for each command), ``type`` (each command type),
		``file`` (the file names and line numbers from which code gets executed),
		``log`` (the log messages output by the commands) or ``full``
		(source code that will be executed and the log messages output by the

	``-d``, ``--database``
		The value is an Oracle connectstring to specify the initial database
		connection that will be used before any additional :class:`connect`

	``-z``, ``--summary``
		Give a summary of the number of commands executed and procedures called.

	``-r``, ``--rollback``
		Specifies that transactions should be rolled back at the end of the script
		run, or when a :class:`disconnect` command disconnects from the database.
		The default is to commit at the end or on each disconnect. (But note that
		DDL in the script will still commit everything up to the DDL statement.)

	``-s``, ``--scpdirectory``
		The base directory for :class:`scp` file copy commands. As files are
		copied via :program:`scp` this can be a remote filename (like
		````) and must include a trailing ``/``.

	``-f``, ``--filedirectory``
		The base directory for :class:`file` file save commands. It must include
		a trailing ``/``.

		The tab size when PySQL source is printed in ``full`` mode.

		The number of lines at the start and end of the source code of a block to
		print in ``full`` mode. The default is to print the complete source code.

	``-D``, ``--define``
		Can be used multiple times to define variables. Supported formats are:

			Defines a string variable named ``name`` and sets the value to the
			empty string.

			Defines a string variable named ``name`` and sets the value to

			Defines a variable named ``name`` of type ``type`` and sets the value
			to ``False``, ``0``, ``0.0`` or the empty string depending on the type.
			Supported types are ``str``, ``bool``, ``int`` and ``float``.

			Defines a variable named ``name`` of type ``type`` and sets the value
			to ``value``. For type ``bool`` supported values are ``0``, ``no``,
			``false``, ``False``, ``1``, ``yes``, ``true`` and ``True``.

# We're importing :mod:`datetime` to make it available to :func:`eval` and :func:`exec`
import sys, os, os.path, argparse, collections, time, datetime, pathlib, tempfile, subprocess, contextlib

	import pwd
except ImportError:
	pwd = None

	import grp
except ImportError:
	grp = None

import cx_Oracle

	from ll import orasql
except ImportError:
	orasql = None

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

def format_class(obj):
	if obj.__module__ not in ("builtins", "exceptions"):
		return f"{obj.__module__}.{obj.__qualname__}"
		return obj.__qualname__

reprthreshold = 100

def shortrepr(value):
	if isinstance(value, bytes) and len(value) > reprthreshold:
		return f"<{bytes.__repr__(value[:reprthreshold])} ... ({len(value):,} bytes)>"
	elif isinstance(value, str) and len(value) > reprthreshold:
		return f"<{str.__repr__(value[:reprthreshold])} ... ({len(value):,} characters)>"
		return repr(value)

def connectstring(connection):
	if connection is None:
		return ""
		return f"{connection.username}@{connection.dsn}"

### Command classes

[docs]class Command: """ The base class of all commands. A :class:`Command` object is created from a function call in a PySQL file and then immediatetel the method :meth:`execute` will be called to execute the command. The only parameters in the call that is supported by all commands are the following: ``raiseexceptions`` : bool (optional) Specifies whether exceptions that happen during the execution of the command should be reported and terminate the script (:const:`True`), or should be ignored (:const:`False`). :const:`None` (the default) uses the global configuration. ``cond`` : bool (optional) Specifies whether this command should be executed or not. If ``cond`` is true (the default), the command will be executed, else it won't. """ def __init__(self, *, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): self.location = None self.raiseexceptions = raiseexceptions self.cond = cond self._context = None self._startime = None self._stoptime = None self._nr = None self._message = None # Final message of the command self._counter = () # Additional keys for counting commands = {} # Maps command names to command classes. def __str__(self): if self.location is None: return f"{self.__class__.__name__} command" else: return f"{self.__class__.__name__} command in {self.location}" def strlocation(self, context): result = context.strfilename(self.location.filename) if self.location.startline is not None and self.location.endline is not None: result += f" :: {self.location._lines()}" return result def finish(self, message): self._message = message def count(self, *keys): self._counter = keys def log(self, *objects): self._context.log(self, *objects) def _source_format(self, *args, **kwargs): yield f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" yield 1 yield None parts = [] for argvalue in args: # We assume that all positional arguments are mandatory parts.append((None, argvalue)) for (argname, argvalue) in kwargs.items(): if argvalue is not None: parts.append((argname, argvalue)) lastindex = len(parts)-1 for (i, (argname, argvalue)) in enumerate(parts): if argname is not None: yield f"{argname}=" if isinstance(argvalue, str) and "\n" in argvalue: yield 1 yield None yield from source_format(argvalue) if i == lastindex: yield (",", "") else: yield (",", ", ") if argname is not None and isinstance(argvalue, str) and "\n" in argvalue: yield 1 yield None yield -1 yield ")" def source(self, tabsize=None): return source(self, tabsize)
[docs]def register(cls): """ Register a :class:`Command` subclass as a PySQL command. This is used as a class decorator. """ Command.commands[cls.__name__] = cls return cls
[docs]@register class include(Command): """ The :class:`!include` command includes another PySQL file. The filename is passed in the first parameter ``filename``. This filename is interpreted as being relative to the directory with the file containing the :class:`!include` command. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, filename, *, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.filename = filename def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} filename={self.filename!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): filename = self.filename if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped file {context.strfilename(filename)!r}") else: self.log(f"Including file {context.strfilename(filename)!r}") with context.changed_filename(filename) as fn: with"r", encoding="utf-8") as f: context._load(f) self.finish(f"Included file {context.strfilename(filename)!r}") def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(self.filename, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions)
[docs]@register class connect(Command): """ The :class:`!connect` command connects to the database given in the connectstring in the parameter ``connectstring``. After the :class:`!connect` command until the matching :class:`disconnect` command, all commands that talk to the database will use this connection. After a :class:`disconnect` command :mod:`!pysql` will revert back to the previously active database connection. Parameter have the following meaning: ``mode`` : string or :const:`None` (optional) The connection mode: This can be either ``'sysdba'`` or :const:`None`. ``retry`` : int (optional) The number of times PySQL tries to get a database connection. ``retrydelay`` : int (optional) The number of seconds to wait between connection tries. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, connectstring, *, mode=None, retry=None, retrydelay=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.connectstring = connectstring self.mode = mode self.retry = retry self.retrydelay = retrydelay def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} connectstring={self.connectstring!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped connecting to {self.connectstring!r}") return None retry = self.retry if self.retry is not None else 1 retrydelay = self.retrydelay if self.retrydelay is not None else 10 for i in range(retry): if i == retry-1: connection = context.connect(self.connectstring, mode=self.mode) else: try: connection = context.connect(self.connectstring, mode=self.mode) except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as exc: if self.mode is not None: self.log(f"Connection #{i+1:,} to {self.connectstring!r} as {self.mode} failed:") else: self.log(f"Connection #{i+1:,} to {self.connectstring!r} failed:") exctext = str(exc).replace("\r\n", " ").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") self.log(f"{format_class(exc.__class__)}: {exctext}") if retrydelay > 0: self.log(f"Retrying after {retrydelay!r} seconds") time.sleep(retrydelay) else: self.log(f"Retrying immediately") else: break if self.mode is not None: self.finish(f"Connected to {self.connectstring!r} as {self.mode}") else: self.finish(f"Connected to {self.connectstring!r}") return connection def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( connectstring=self.connectstring, mode=self.mode, retry=self.retry, retrydelay=self.retrydelay, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class disconnect(Command): """ The :class:`!disconnect` command disconnects from the active database connection and reverts back to the previously active database connection. ``commit`` specifies whether the transaction should be committed. If ``commit`` is :const:`None`, the default commit mode is used (which can be changed on the command line via the ``-r``/``--rollback`` option). For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, *, commit=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.commit = commit def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} commit={self.commit!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.connections[-1] if context.connections else None if not self.cond: if connection is not None: self.finish(f"Skipped disconnecting from {connectstring(connection)!r}") else: self.finish(f"Skipped disconnecting") return None if connection is None: raise ValueError(f"no connection available") commit = self.commit if self.commit is not None else context.commit context.disconnect(commit) if commit: self.finish(f"Disconnected from {connectstring(connection)!r} (transaction committed)") else: self.finish(f"Disconnected from {connectstring(connection)!r} (transaction rolled back)") return connection def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( commit=self.commit, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
class _DatabaseCommand(Command): """ Base class of all commands that use a database connection. All database commands support the following parameter: ``connection`` : database connection (optional) The database connection the use for the database command. If :const:`None` the currently active database connection will be used. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, *, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.connection = connection class _SQLCommand(_DatabaseCommand): """ Common base class of :class:`procedure` and :class:`sql`. """ @staticmethod def _createvar(cursor, type, value): var = cursor.var(type) var.setvalue(0, value) return var def _executesql(self, context, connection, query): cursor = connection.cursor() queryargvars = {} varargs = {} for (argname, argvalue) in self.args.items(): if isinstance(argvalue, sqlexpr): continue # no value if isinstance(argvalue, var): varargs[argname] = argvalue if argvalue.key is not None and argvalue.key in context._locals: argvalue = context._locals[argvalue.key] else: argvalue = cursor.var(argvalue.type) elif isinstance(argvalue, str) and len(argvalue) >= 4000: argvalue = self._createvar(cursor, cx_Oracle.CLOB, argvalue) elif isinstance(argvalue, bytes) and len(argvalue) >= 4000: argvalue = self._createvar(cursor, cx_Oracle.BLOB, argvalue) queryargvars[argname] = argvalue cursor.execute(query, queryargvars) newkeys = {} for (argname, argvalue) in varargs.items(): if argvalue.key not in context._locals: value = queryargvars[argname].getvalue(0) newkeys[argname] = value if argvalue.key is not None: context._locals[argvalue.key] = value return newkeys
[docs]@register class procedure(_SQLCommand): """ A :class:`!procedure` command calls an Oracle procedure in the database. The following parameters are supported: ``name`` : string (required) The name of the procedure to be called (This may include ``.`` for calling a procedure in a package or one owned by a different user). ``args`` : dictionary (optional) A dictionary with the names of the parameters as keys and the parameter values as values. PySQL supports all types as values that :mod:`cx_Oracle` supports. In addition to those, three special classes are supported: * :class:`sqlexpr` objects can be used to specify that the paramater should be literal SQL. So e.g. ``sqlexpr("sysdate")`` will be the date when the PySQL script was executed. * :class:`var` objects can be used to hold values that are ``OUT`` parameters of the procedure. For example on first use of ``var("foo_10")`` the value of the ``OUT`` parameter will be stored under the key ``"foo_10"``. The next time ``var("foo_10")`` is encountered the value stored under the key ``"foo_10"`` will be passed to the procedure. The type of the variable defaults to ``int``. If a different type is required it can be passed as the second argument to :class:`var`, e.g. ``var("foo_10", str)``. * Finally all other commands can be called to get a value (for example the two commands :class:`loadbytes` and :class:`loadstr` to load values from external files (as long as they are of type :class:`bytes` or :class:`str`). ``loadbytes("foo/bar.txt")`` will return with the content of the external file ``foo/bar.txt`` (as a :class:`bytes` object). If a :class:`str` object is required, :class:`loadstr` can be used. Encoding info can be passed like this:: loadstr("foo/bar.txt", encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, name, *, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True, args=None): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) = name self.args = args or {} def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} name={!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped procedure {!r} in {connection.connectstring()!r}") return None argsql = ", ".join(f"{an}=>{av.expression}" if isinstance(av, sqlexpr) else f"{an}=>:{an}" for (an, av) in self.args.items()) query = f"begin {}({argsql}); end;" result = self._executesql(context, connection, query) self.finish(f"Called procedure {!r} in {connection.connectstring()!r}") self.count(connectstring(connection), if result: self.log(f"New vars {result!r}") return result or None def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(, connection=self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, args=self.args, )
[docs]@register class sql(_SQLCommand): """ An :class:`!sql` command directly executes an SQL statement in the Oracle database. The following parameters are supported: ``sql`` : string (required) The SQL to be executed. This may contain parameters in the form of ``:paramname``. The values for those parameters will be taken from ``args``. ``args`` : dictionary (optional) A dictionary with the names of the parameters as keys and the parameter values as values. Similar to procedure calls :class:`var`, :class:`loadbytes` and :class:`loadstr` objects are supported. However :class:`sqlexpr` objects are not supported (they will be ignored). For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, sql, *, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True, args=None): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.sql = sql self.args = args or {} def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} sql={self.sql!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped SQL in {connectstring(connection)!r}") return None result = self._executesql(context, connection, self.sql) self.finish(f"Executed SQL in {connectstring(connection)!r}") self.count(connectstring(connection)) if result: self.log(f"New vars {result!r}") return result or None def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( self.sql, connection=self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, args=self.args if self.args else None, )
[docs]@register class literalsql(_SQLCommand): """ A :class:`!literalsql` is used for SQL that appears literally in the PySQL file. Apart from the ``sql`` attribute it supports the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond``, but those parameters can't be passed when the :class:`!literalsql` object is created from literal SQL, only when the :class:`!literalsql` command is invoked directly (which won't work in a PySQL file). """ def __init__(self, sql, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.sql = sql def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} sql={self.sql!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(None) if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped literal SQL in {connectstring(connection)!r}") return None sql = self.sql if sql.endswith((";", "/")): sql = sql[:-1] connection.cursor().execute(sql) self.finish(f"Executed literal SQL in {connectstring(connection)!r}") self.count(connectstring(connection)) def source(self, tabsize=None): sql = (self.sql or "").strip() if tabsize is not None: sql = sql.expandtabs(tabsize) return sql
[docs]@register class commit(_SQLCommand): """ A :class:`!commit` command commits the current transaction in the activate database connection (or the one specified via the ``connection`` parameter). For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, sql, *, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped committing transaction in {connectstring(connection)!r}") return None self.log(f"Committing transaction in {connectstring(connection)!r}") connection.commit() self.finish(f"Committed transaction in {connectstring(connection)!r}") self.count(connectstring(connection)) def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class rollback(_SQLCommand): """ A :class:`!rollback` command rolls back the current transaction in the activate database connection (or the one specified via the ``connection`` parameter). For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, *, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped rolling back transaction in {connectstring(connection)!r}") return None self.log(f"Rolling back transaction in {connectstring(connection)!r}") connection.rollback() self.finish(f"Rolled back transaction in {connectstring(connection)!r}") self.count(connectstring(connection)) def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]class literalpy(_DatabaseCommand): """ A :class:`!literalpy` is used for Python code that appears literally in the PySQL file. Apart from the ``code`` attribute it supports the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond``, but those parameters can't be passed when the :class:`!literalpy` object is created via a Python block, only when the :class:`!literalpy` command is invoked directly (which won't work in a PySQL file and doesn't make much sense anyway, since the functionality of ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` can be implemented in the Python block itself). """ def __init__(self, code, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) prefix = f"{Context.literalpy_begin}\n" suffix = f"\n{Context.literalpy_end}" if not code.startswith(prefix) or not code.endswith(suffix): raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__qualname__} code must start with {prefix!r} and end with {suffix!r}") self.code = code def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} code={self.code!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.connections[-1] if context.connections else None if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped Python block") return None context._locals["connection"] = connection code = self.location.source(True) if self.location is not None else self.code code += "\n" code = compile(code, context.filename, "exec") exec(code, context._locals) self.finish(f"Executed Python block") self.count(connectstring(connection)) def source(self, tabsize=None): code = self.code if tabsize is not None: code = code.expandtabs(tabsize) return code
[docs]@register class setvar(Command): """ The :class:`!setvar` command sets a variable to a fixed value. The following parameters are supported: ``name`` : string (required) The name of the variable to set. ``value`` : object (required) The value of the variable. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, name, value, *, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) = name self.value = value def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} name={!r} value={self.value!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: return None context._locals[] = self.value def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(, self.value, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class unsetvar(Command): """ The :class:`!unsetvar` command deletes a variable. The parameter ``name`` must be given and must contain the name of the variable. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, name, *, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) = name def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} name={!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: return None context._locals.pop(, None) def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class raiseexceptions(Command): """ The :class:`!raiseexceptions` command changes the global error reporting mode for all subsequent commands. After:: raiseexceptions(False) for all subsequent commands any exception will be ignored and reported and command execution will continue with the next command. :: raiseexceptions(True) will switch back to aborting the execution of the PySQL script once an exception is encountered. Note that the global configuration will only be relevant for commands that don't specify the ``raiseexceptions`` parameter themselves. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, *, value, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.value = value def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} value={self.value!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped setting raiseexceptions") return None self.log(f"Setting raiseexceptions to {self.value}") context.raiseexceptions[-1] = self.value def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( self.value, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class pushraiseexceptions(Command): """ The :class:`!pushraiseexceptions` command changes the global error reporting mode for all subsequent commands, but remembers the previous exception handling mode. After:: pushraiseexceptions(False) for all subsequent commands any exception will be ignored and reported and command execution will continue with the next command. It is possible to switch back to the previous exception handling mode via:: popraiseexceptions() Note that this global configuration will only be relevant for commands that don't specify the ``raiseexceptions`` parameter themselves. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, value, *, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.value = value def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} value={self.value!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped pushing raiseexceptions") return None self.log(f"Pushing raiseexceptions value {self.value}") context.raiseexceptions.append(self.value) def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( self.value, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class popraiseexceptions(Command): """ The :class:`popraiseexceptions` command restores the previously active exception handling mode (i.e. the one active before the last :class:`pushraiseexceptions` command). For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, *, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped popping raiseexceptions") return None if len(context.raiseexceptions) <= 1: raise ValueError("raiseexception stack empty") oldvalue = context.raiseexceptions.pop() self.finish(f"Popped raiseexceptions value {oldvalue}: returning to {context.raiseexceptions[-1]}") return oldvalue def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class checkerrors(_DatabaseCommand): """ The :class:`!checkerrors` command checks that there are no compilation errors in the active database schema. If there are, an exception will be raised. For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand` (but the value of the ``raiseexceptions`` key will be ignored). """ def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(None) if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped checking errors in {connectstring(connection)!r}") return None self.log(f"Checking errors in {connectstring(connection)!r}") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("select lower(type), name from user_errors group by lower(type), name") invalid_objects = [tuple(r) for r in cursor] if invalid_objects: raise CompilationError(invalid_objects) self.finish(f"No errors in {connectstring(connection)!r}") self.count(connectstring(connection)) def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format()
[docs]@register class scp(Command): """ The :class:`!scp` command creates a file by copying it via the :program:`scp` program. The following parameters are supported: ``name`` : string (required) The name of the file to be created. It may contain ``format()`` style specifications containing any variable (for example those that appeared in a :class:`procedure` or :class:`sql` command). These specifiers will be replaced by the correct variable values. As these files will be copied via the :program:`scp` program, ssh file names can be used. ``content`` : bytes (required) The content of the file to be created. This can also be a :class:`loadbytes` command to load the content from an external file. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, *, name, content, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) = name self.content = content def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} name={!r} content={shortrepr(self.content)} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped copying file") return None filename = context.scpdirectory +**context._locals) self.log("Copying file to {filename!r}") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: f.write(self.content) tempname = try: result =["scp", "-q", tempname, filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if result.returncode: raise SCPError(result.returncode, (result.stdout or result.stderr).decode(errors="replace")) finally: os.remove(tempname) self.finish(f"Copied to {filename!r}") def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(, self.content, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class file(Command): """ The :class:`!file` command creates a file by directly saving it from Python. The following parameters are supported: ``name`` : string (required) The name of the file to be created. It may contain ``format()`` style specifications containing any variable (for example those that appeared in a :class:`procedure` or :class:`sql` command). These specifiers will be replaced by the correct variable values. ``content`` : bytes (required) The content of the file to be created. This can also be a :class:`loadbytes` command to load the content from an external file. ``mode`` : integer (optional) The file mode for the new file. If the mode is specified, :func:`os.chmod` will be called on the file. ``owner`` : integer or string (optional) The owner of the file (as a user name or a uid). ``group`` : integer or string (optional) The owning group of the file (as a group name or a gid). If ``owner`` or ``group`` is given, :func:`os.chown` will be called on the file. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, name, content, *, mode=None, owner=None, group=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) = name self.content = content self.mode = mode self.owner = owner = group def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} name={!r} content={shortrepr(self.content)} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped saving file") return None filename = context.filedirectory /**context._locals) self.log(f"Saving file {context.strfilename(filename)!r}") try: filename.write_bytes(self.content) except FileNotFoundError: # probably the directory doesn't exist parent = filename.parent if parent != filename: parent.mkdir(parents=True) filename.write_bytes(self.content) else: raise # we don't have a directory to make so pass the error on if self.mode: os.chmod(filename, self.mode) if self.owner or if self.owner: uid = self.owner if isinstance(uid, str): uid = pwd.getpwnam(uid)[2] else: uid = -1 if gid = if isinstance(gid, str): gid = grp.getgrnam(gid)[2] else: gid = -1 os.chown(filename, uid, gid) self.finish(f"Saved {len(self.content):,} bytes to {context.strfilename(filename)!r}") def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(, self.content, mode=self.mode, owner=self.owner,, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class resetsequence(_DatabaseCommand): """ The :class:`!resetsequence` command resets a sequence in the database to the maximum value of a field in a table. The following parameters are supported: ``sequence`` : string (required) The name of the sequence to reset. ``table`` : string (required) The name of the table that contains the field. ``field`` : string (required) The name of the field in the table ``table``. The sequence will be reset to a value so that fetching the next value from the sequence will deliver a value that is larger than the maximum value of the field ``field`` in the table ``table``. ``minvalue`` : integer (optional, default taken from sequence) The minimum value for the sequence. ``increment`` : integer (optional, default taken from sequence) The increment (i.e. the step size) for the sequence. For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, sequence, table, field, *, minvalue=None, increment=None, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.sequence = sequence self.table = table self.field = field self.minvalue = minvalue self.increment = increment def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} sequence={self.sequence!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped resetting sequence in {connectstring(connection)!r}") return None cursor = connection.cursor() self.log(f"Resetting sequence {self.sequence}") # Fetch information about the sequence cursor.execute("select min_value, increment_by, last_number from user_sequences where lower(sequence_name)=lower(:name)", name=self.sequence) oldvalues = cursor.fetchone() if oldvalues is None: raise ValueError(f"sequence {self.sequence!r} unknown") increment = self.increment if increment is None: increment = oldvalues[1] minvalue = self.minvalue if minvalue is None: minvalue = oldvalues[0] cursor.execute(f"select {self.sequence}.nextval from dual") seqvalue = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Fetch information about the table values cursor.execute(f"select nvl(max({self.field}), 0) from {self.table}") tabvalue = cursor.fetchone()[0] step = max(tabvalue, minvalue) - seqvalue if step: cursor.execute(f"alter sequence {self.sequence} increment by {step}") cursor.execute(f"select {self.sequence}.nextval from dual") seqvalue = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute(f"alter sequence {self.sequence} increment by {increment}") self.finish(f"Reset sequence {self.sequence} to {seqvalue} in {connectstring(connection)!r}") else: seqvalue = None self.finish(f"Resetting sequence {self.sequence} skipped in {connectstring(connection)!r}") self.count(connectstring(connection)) return seqvalue def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( self.sequence, self.table, self.field, minvalue=self.minvalue, increment=self.increment, connection=self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class user_exists(_DatabaseCommand): """ The :class:`!user_exists` command returns whether a user with a specified name exists in the database. It supports the following parameters: ``name`` : string (required) The name of the user to be checked for existence. For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, name, *, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) = name def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} name={!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) if not self.cond: return None cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("select count(*) from all_users where username = :name", result = cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0 self.count(connectstring(connection)) return result def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(, connection=self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class object_exists(_DatabaseCommand): """ The :class:`!object_exists` command returns whether an object with a specified name exists in the database. It supports the following parameters: ``name`` : string (required) The name of the object to be checked for existence. ``owner`` : string (optional) The owner of the object (defaults to the current user if not specified or :const:`None`). For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. Note that :class:`!object_exists` won't test for constraints. For this use :class:`constraint_exists`. """ def __init__(self, name, *, owner=None, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) = name self.owner = owner def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} name={!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: return None connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) cursor = connection.cursor() if self.owner is None: cursor.execute("select count(*) from user_objects where object_name = :name", else: cursor.execute("select count(*) from all_objects where owner = :owner and object_name = :name", owner=self.owner, result = cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0 self.count(connectstring(connection)) return result def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(, owner=self.owner, connection=self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class constraint_exists(_DatabaseCommand): """ The :class:`!constraint_exists` command returns whether a constraint (i.e. a primary key, foreign key, unique or check constraint) with a specified name exists in the database. It supports the following parameters: ``name`` : string (required) The name of the object to be checked for existence. ``owner`` : string (optional) The owner of the constraint (defaults to the current user if not specified or :const:`None`). For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, name, *, owner=None, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) = name self.owner = owner def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} name={!r} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): if not self.cond: return None connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) cursor = connection.cursor() if self.owner is None: cursor.execute("select count(*) from user_constraints where constraint_name = :name", else: cursor.execute("select count(*) from all_constraints where owner = :owner and constraint_name = :name", owner=self.owner, result = cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0 self.count(connectstring(connection)) return result def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(, owner=self.owner, connection=self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class drop_types(_DatabaseCommand): """ The :class:`!drop_types` command drops database objects. Unlike all other commands this command requires the :mod:`ll.orasql` module. :class:`!drop_types` supports the following parameters: ``drop`` : list of strings (optional) The types of objects to drop (value must be names for :mod:`ll.orasql` object types. ``keep`` : list string (required) The types of objects to keep (value must be names for :mod:`ll.orasql` object types. ``drop`` and ``keep`` are mutually exclusive. When neither of them is specified *all* database objects will be dropped. For the rest of the parameters see the base class :class:`_DatabaseCommand`. """ def __init__(self, *, drop=None, keep=None, connection=None, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(connection=connection, raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.drop = drop self.keep = keep def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} location={self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" def execute(self, context): connection = context.getconnection(self.connection) if not self.cond: self.finish(f"Skipped dropping types in {connectstring(connection)!r}") return None if self.drop is not None and self.keep is not None: raise ValueError("The parameters 'drop' and 'keep' are mutually exclusive") if self.drop is not None: dropstr = " ".join(self.drop) self.log(f"Dropping {dropstr} in {connectstring(connection)!r}") elif self.keep is not None: keepstr = " ".join(self.keep) self.log(f"Dropping everything except {keepstr} in {connectstring(connection)!r}") else: self.log(f"Dropping everything in {connectstring(connection)!r}") cursor = connection.cursor() def drop_obj(obj): if self.drop is not None: return obj.type in self.drop elif self.keep is not None: return obj.type not in self.keep else: return True count = 0 for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.objects(owner=None, mode="drop")): if obj.owner is None: if drop_obj(obj): ddl = obj.dropsql(connection, False) if ddl: cursor.execute(ddl) count += 1 self.finish(f"Dropped {count:,} objects from {connectstring(connection)!r}") self.count(connectstring(connection)) return count def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( drop=self.drop, keep=self.keep, connection=self.connection, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class comment(Command): """ The :class:`!comment` command does nothing. """ def __init__(self, comment): super().__init__() if not all(line.startswith("#") for line in comment.splitlines()): raise ValueError("All lines in comment must start with '#") self.comment = comment def __str__(self): return f"comment {self.location}" def execute(self, context): pass def source(self, tabsize=None): comment = self.comment if tabsize is not None: comment = comment.expandtabs(tabsize) return comment
[docs]@register class loadbytes(Command): """ The :class:`!loadbytes` command can be used to load a :class:`bytes` object from an external file. The following parameters are supported: ``filename`` : string (required) The name of the file to be loaded. The filename is treated as being relative to the directory containing the PySQL file that contains :class:`loadbytes` command. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """ def __init__(self, filename, *, raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.filename = filename def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} filename={self.filename!r} {self.location} at {id(self):#x}>"
[docs] def execute(self, context): """ Read the file and return the file content as a :class:`bytes` object. """ if not self.cond: return None filename = pathlib.Path(self.filename) return filename.read_bytes()
def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( self.filename, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class loadstr(Command): """ The :class:`!loadstr` command can be used to load a :class:`str` object from an external file. The following parameters are supported: ``filename`` : string (required) The name of the file to be loaded. The filename is treated as being relative to the directory containing the PySQL file that contains the the :class:`!loadstr` command. ``encoding`` : string (optional) The encoding used for decoding the bytes in the file to text. ``errors`` : string (optional) The error handling mode for decoding. For the parameters ``raiseexceptions`` and ``cond`` see the base class :class:`Command`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, *, encoding=None, errors="strict", raiseexceptions=None, cond=True): """ Create a new :class:`loadbytes` object. """ super().__init__(raiseexceptions=raiseexceptions, cond=cond) self.filename = filename self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors
def __repr__(self): result = f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} filename={self.filename!r}" if self.encoding is not None: result += f", encoding={self.encoding!r}" if self.errors != "strict": result += f", errors={self.errors!r}" result += f"{self.location} at {id(self):#x}>" return result
[docs] def execute(self, context): """ Read the file and return the file content as a :class:`str` object. """ if not self.cond: return None filename = pathlib.Path(self.filename) return filename.read_text(encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors)
def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format( self.filename, encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors if self.errors != "strict" else None, raiseexceptions=self.raiseexceptions, )
[docs]@register class var(Command): """ :class:`var` commands are used to mark procedure values that are ``OUT`` parameters. On first use the parameter is used as an ``OUT`` parameter and PySQL will remembers the OUT value under the unique key specified in the constructor. When a :class:`var` object is used a second time its value will be passed to the procedure as a normal ``IN`` parameter instead. The following parameters are supported: ``key`` : string (required) A unique name for the value. ``type`` : class (optional) The type of the value (defaulting to :class:`int`). Note that when the ``key`` is :const:`None`, PySQL will *not* remember the value, instead each use of ``var(None)`` will create a new OUT parameter. This can be used for OUT parameters whose values is not required by subsequent commands. """ def __init__(self, key=None, type=int): super().__init__(raiseexceptions=None) self.key = key self.type = type def __repr__(self): if self.type is int: return f"var({self.key!r})" else: return f"var({self.key!r}, {format_class(self.type)})" def __bool__(self): return False def execute(self, context): if self.key in context._locals: value = context._locals[self.key] if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.type): raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not of type {format_class(self.type)}") return value else: return self def source_format(self): yield repr(self)
[docs]@register class env(Command): """ A :class:`env` command returns the value of an environment variable. The following parameters are supported: ``name`` : string (required) The name of the environment variable. ``default`` : string (optional) The default to use, if the environment variable isn't set. This defaults to :const:`None`. """ def __init__(self, name, default=None): super().__init__() = name self.default = default def __repr__(self): return f"env({!r})" def execute(self, context): return os.environ.get(, self.default) def source_format(self): yield repr(self)
[docs]@register class log(Command): """ :class:`log` commands generate logging output. The following parameters are supported: ``objects`` : Any The objects to log. String will be logged directly. For all other objects :func:`repr` will be called. """ def __init__(self, *objects): super().__init__() self.objects = objects def execute(self, context): self.log(*self.objects) def source_format(self): yield from self._source_format(*self.objects)
[docs]class CommandExecutor: """ A :class:`!CommandExecutor` object wraps a :class:`Command` object in a callable. Calling the :class:`!CommandExecutor` object executes the command using the specified context and returns the command result. This class exists because :class:`Command` objects serve two purposes: 1. They can be created to print them to a file (via the method :meth:`Command.source`); 2. They can be put into a PySQL file which will then be read and executed, with must then create the :class:`Command` object and execute it immediately. This is the job of :class:`!CommandExecutor` objects. """ def __init__(self, command, context): self.command = command self.context = context def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): command = self.command(*args, **kwargs) context = self.context command._context = context command.location = context._location command._starttime = if context._runstarttime is None: context._runstarttime = command._starttime first = True else: first = False context.totalcount += 1 command._nr = context.totalcount if command.raiseexceptions is not None: context.raiseexceptions.append(command.raiseexceptions) if context.verbose == "type": if isinstance(command, procedure): print(f" {command.__class__.__qualname__}({})", end="", flush=True) else: print(f" {command.__class__.__qualname__}", end="", flush=True) elif context.verbose == "file": endfile = False if context._lastlocation is not command.location: if context._lastlocation is None or command.location.filename != context._lastlocation.filename: print(f" [{command.location.filename} :: {command.location._lines()}", end="", flush=True) else: print(f" [{command.location._lines()}", end="", flush=True) endfile = True else: pass # still the same location elif context.verbose == "log": pass elif context.verbose == "full": if command.location is not context._lastlocation: if not first: print(flush=True) command.location.print_source(context) # Update ``_lastlocation`` *now*, so that other commands called during :meth:`execute` don't print the location/source twice context._lastlocation = command.location try: result = command.execute(context) except Exception as exc: command._stoptime = if context.raiseexceptions[-1]: if context.verbose: print(flush=True) raise else: context.errorcount += 1 if context.verbose == "dot": print("!", end="", flush=True) elif context.verbose == "type": print(f"->failed", end="", flush=True) elif context.verbose == "file": if endfile: print(f"]->failed", end="", flush=True) elif context.verbose == "full": exctext = str(exc).replace("\r\n", " ").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ") command.log(f"ignored {format_class(exc.__class__)}: {exctext}") result = None else: command._stoptime = if context.verbose == "dot": print(".", end="", flush=True) elif context.verbose == "file": if endfile: print(f"]", end="", flush=True) elif context.verbose in {"log", "full"}: if command._message is not None: command.log(command._message, f"(in {command._stoptime-command._starttime})") finally: command._stoptime = if command.raiseexceptions is not None: context.raiseexceptions.pop() context.count(command.__class__.__qualname__, *command._counter) return result
### ### ###
[docs]class Context: """ A :class:`Context` objects contains the configuration and run time information required for importing a PySQL file. """ terminator = "-- @@@" literalpy_begin = "#>>>" literalpy_end = "#<<<" command_begin = tuple(f"{cname}(" for cname in Command.commands) command_end = ")" def __init__(self, connectstring=None, scpdirectory="", filedirectory="", commit=True, tabsize=None, context=None, ascii=False, raiseexceptions=True, verbose=0, summary=False, vars=None): self.connections = [] self.commit = commit self.scpdirectory = scpdirectory self.filedirectory = pathlib.Path(filedirectory).resolve() self.basedirectory = pathlib.Path.cwd().resolve() self.homedirectory = pathlib.Path.home().resolve() self.tabsize = tabsize self.context = context self.ascii = ascii if ascii: self.char_vrule = "|" self.char_fathrule = "=" self.char_hrule = "-" self.char_hruledown = "-" self.char_hruleup = "-" self.char_vellipsis = "..." else: self.char_vrule = "\u2502" self.char_fathrule = "\u2501" self.char_hrule = "\u2500" self.char_hruledown = "\u252c" self.char_hruleup = "\u2534" self.char_vellipsis = "\u22ee" self.raiseexceptions = [raiseexceptions] self.verbose = verbose self.summary = summary self.commandcounts = collections.Counter() self.errorcount = 0 self.totalcount = 0 self._location = None self._runstarttime = None self.filename = None self._lastlocation = None self._lastcommand = None for fd in range(3): try: self._width = os.get_terminal_size(fd)[0] except OSError: pass else: break else: self._width = 80 if connectstring is not None: self.connect(connectstring, None) self._locals = dict(vars) if vars else {} for command in Command.commands.values(): self._locals[command.__name__] = CommandExecutor(command, self) self._locals["sqlexpr"] = sqlexpr self._locals["datetime"] = datetime self._locals["connection"] = self.connections[-1] if self.connections else None def connect(self, connectstring, mode=None): mode = cx_Oracle.SYSDBA if mode == "sysdba" else 0 if orasql is not None: connection = orasql.connect(connectstring, mode=mode, readlobs=True) else: connection = cx_Oracle.connect(connectstring, mode=mode) self.connections.append(connection) return connection def disconnect(self, commit=None): if commit is None: commit = self.commit if not self.connections: raise ValueError(f"no connection available") connection = self.connections.pop() if commit: connection.commit() else: connection.rollback() connection.close() return connection def getconnection(self, connection): if connection is not None: return connection if not self.connections: raise ValueError(f"no connection available") return self.connections[-1] def log(self, command, *objects): if self.verbose in {"log", "full"}: now = print(f"[t+{now-self._runstarttime}] :: #{command._nr:,} :: [{command.strlocation(self)}] >>", end="", flush=True) for (i, obj) in enumerate(objects): print(" ", end="", flush=True) if isinstance(obj, str): print(obj, end="", flush=True) elif isinstance(obj, int): print(f"{obj:,}", end="", flush=True) else: print(repr(obj), end="", flush=True) print(flush=True) def hrule(self, width): return self.char_hrule * width @contextlib.contextmanager def changed_filename(self, filename): filename = pathlib.Path(filename).resolve() oldfilename = self.filename self.filename = filename oldcwd = pathlib.Path.cwd() os.chdir(filename.parent) try: yield pathlib.Path( finally: self.filename = oldfilename os.chdir(oldcwd) def _load(self, stream): """ Load a PySQL file from ``stream`` and executes the commands in the file. ``stream`` must be an iterable over lines that contain the PySQL commands. """ self._locals["connection"] = self.connections[-1] if self.connections else None, def blocks(): # ``state`` is the state of the "parser", values have the following meaning # :const:`None`: outside of any block # ``literalsql``: inside of literal SQL block # ``literalpy``: inside of literal Python block # ``dict``: inside of Python dict literal # others: inside a PySQL command of that name state = None lines = [] for (i, line) in enumerate(stream, 1): line = line.rstrip() if state is None: if line.startswith("{"): lines.append((i, line)) state = "dict" if line.endswith("}"): yield (state, lines) lines = [] state = None elif line == self.literalpy_begin: lines.append((i, line)) state = "literalpy" elif line.startswith("#"): pass # Ignore comments elif line == self.terminator: pass # Still outside the block elif line.startswith(self.command_begin): # PySQL command constructor? lines.append((i, line)) state = line[:line.find("(")] if line.endswith(self.command_end): yield (state, lines) lines = [] state = None elif line: lines.append((i, line)) state = "literalsql" elif state == "dict": lines.append((i, line)) if line == "}": # A single unindented ``}`` yield (state, lines) lines = [] state = None elif state == "literalsql": if line.startswith(self.terminator): yield (state, lines) lines = [] state = None else: lines.append((i, line)) elif state == "literalpy": lines.append((i, line)) if line == self.literalpy_end: yield (state, lines) lines = [] state = None else: # Inside any of the PySQL commands as a function call lines.append((i, line)) if line == self.command_end: # A single unindented ``)`` yield (state, lines) lines = [] state = None if lines: yield (state, lines) for (state, lines) in blocks(): # Drop empty lines at the start while lines and not lines[0][1].strip(): del lines[0] # Drop empty lines at the end while lines and not lines[-1][1].strip(): del lines[-1] if lines: self._location = Location(, lines) source = self._location.source(False) if state == "literalsql": CommandExecutor(literalsql, self)(source) elif state == "literalpy": CommandExecutor(literalpy, self)(source) elif state == "dict": code = compile(source, self._location.filename, "eval") args = eval(code, self._locals) type = args.pop("type", "procedure") if type not in Command.commands: raise ValueError(f"command type {type!r} unknown") CommandExecutor(Command.commands[type], self)(**args) else: code = compile(source, self._location.filename, "exec") exec(code, self._locals)
[docs] def executeall(self, *filenames): """ Execute all commands in the PySQL files specified by ``filenames``. If ``filenames`` is empty ``sys.stdin`` is read. """ try: if self.verbose == "type": print("commands:", end="", flush=True) elif self.verbose == "file": print("files:", end="", flush=True) if filenames: for filename in filenames: with self.changed_filename(filename) as fn: with"r") as f: self._load(f) else: self._load(sys.stdin) for connection in self.connections: if self.commit: connection.commit() else: connection.rollback() finally: if self.verbose in {"dot", "type", "file"}: print(flush=True) self.print_summary()
def print_summary(self): if self.summary: if self._runstarttime is None: self._runstarttime = now = if self.verbose: print(flush=True) print(self.char_fathrule*self._width, flush=True) print(f"[t+{now-self._runstarttime}] >> Command summary:", flush=True) else: print("Command summary:", flush=True) anyoutput = False totallen = len(f"{self.totalcount:,}") def sortkey(keyvalue): (key, value) = keyvalue if len(key) > 1: # db command return (0, key[1], key[0] != "procedure", *key) else: return (1, *key) lastconnection = None for (key, count) in sorted(self.commandcounts.items(), key=sortkey): connection = key[1] if len(key) > 1 else None if not anyoutput or connection != lastconnection: print(flush=True) if connection: print(f"Connection {connection}:", flush=True) elif connection is not None: print(f"Without connection:", flush=True) else: print("Other commands:", flush=True) lastconnection = connection anyoutput = True keys = " ".join((key[0], *key[2:])) if len(key) > 1 else key[0] print(f" {count:>{totallen},} {keys}", flush=True) if self.errorcount: print(flush=True) print(f"Exceptions: {self.errorcount:,} exception{'s' if self.errorcount != 1 else ''} ignored", flush=True) if anyoutput: print(flush=True) print(f"Total: {self.totalcount:,} command{'s' if self.totalcount != 1 else ''} executed", flush=True) else: print(" no commands executed", flush=True) def count(self, *args): self.commandcounts[args] += 1 def strfilename(self, filename): filename = pathlib.Path(filename).resolve() try: filename = filename.relative_to(self.basedirectory) except ValueError: try: filename = filename.relative_to(self.homedirectory) except ValueError: return str(filename) else: return f"~/{filename}" else: return str(filename)
### ### Classes to be used by the PySQL commands ###
[docs]class sqlexpr: """ An :class:`sqlexpr` object can be used to specify an SQL expression as a procedure parameter instead of a fixed value. For example passing the current date (i.e. the date of the import) can be done with ``sqlexpr("sysdate")``. """ def __init__(self, expression): self.expression = expression def __repr__(self): return f"sqlexpr({self.expression!r})"
[docs]class pyexpr: """ A :class:`pyexpr` object can be used to embed literal Python source code in a PySQL file. .. note:: As PySQL source code is evaluated via :func:`eval`/:func:`exec` anyway, it it always possible to embed Python expressions in PySQL source code. However this doesn't roundtrip, i.e. printing the PySQL command via :meth:`~Command.source` outputs the value of a "literal" Python expression. """ def __init__(self, expression): self.expression = expression def __repr__(self): return self.expression
### ### Exception classes and location information ### class LocationError(Exception): def __init__(self, location): self.location = location def __str__(self): return f"in {self.location}" class CommandError(Exception): def __init__(self, command): self.command = command def __str__(self): return str(self.command)
[docs]class CompilationError(Exception): """ Exception raised by :class:`checkerrors` when invalid database objects are encountered. """ def __init__(self, objects): self.objects = objects def __str__(self): if len(self.objects) == 1: return f"one invalid db object: {self.objects[0][0]} {self.objects[0][1]}" else: objects = ", ".join(f"{object[0]} {object[1]}" for object in self.objects) return f"{len(self.objects):,} invalid db objects: {objects}"
[docs]class SCPError(Exception): """ Exception raised by :class:`scp` when a call to the ``scp`` command fails. """ def __init__(self, status, msg): self.status = status self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return f"scp failed with code {self.status}: {self.msg}"
[docs]class Location: """ The location of a PySQL/SQL command in a PySQL file. """ def __init__(self, filename, lines): self.filename = filename self.startline = lines[0][0] self.endline = lines[-1][0] self.lines = lines[:] def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__} filename={self.filename!r} startline={self.startline!r} endline={self.endline!r} at {id(self):#x}>" def __str__(self): if self.startline is None and self.endline is None: return str(self.filename) else: return f"{self.filename} :: {self._lines()}" def _lines(self): if self.startline is None and self.endline is None: return "?" elif self.startline == self.endline: return f"{self.startline:,}" else: return f"{self.startline:,}-{self.endline:,}" def source(self, offset): source = "\n".join(line for (linenumber, line) in self.lines) if offset and self.startline is not None: # Prepend empty lines, so in case of an exception the # linenumbers in the stacktrace match source = (self.startline-1) * "\n" + source return source def print_source(self, context): if self.startline and self.endline: startline = self.startline endline = self.endline linenumberlen = len(f"{self.endline:,}") filename = context.strfilename(self.filename) filenamelen = len(filename) ruletop = f"{context.hrule(linenumberlen + 1)}{context.char_hruledown}[ {filename} ]{context.hrule(context._width - 2 - linenumberlen - 4 - filenamelen)}" rulebottom = f"{context.hrule(linenumberlen + 1)}{context.char_hruleup}{context.hrule(context._width - 2 - linenumberlen)}" print(ruletop, flush=True) linenumberellipsis = context.char_vellipsis[:linenumberlen] for (linenumber, line) in self.lines: if context.context is not None and startline + context.context <= linenumber <= endline - context.context: if startline + context.context == linenumber: print(f"{linenumberellipsis:>{linenumberlen}} {context.char_vrule} {context.char_vellipsis}", flush=True) else: if context.tabsize is not None: line = line.expandtabs(context.tabsize) print(f"{linenumber:{linenumberlen},} {context.char_vrule} {line}", flush=True) print(rulebottom, flush=True) else: endline = len(self.lines) - 1 rule = context.hrule(context._width) print(rule, flush=True) for (linenumber, line) in self.lines: if context.context is not None and context.context <= linenumber <= endline - context.context: if context.context == linenumber: print(context.char_vellipsis, flush=True) else: if context.tabsize is not None: line = line.expandtabs(context.tabsize) print(line, flush=True) print(rule, flush=True)
def define(arg): (name, _, value) = arg.partition("=") (name, _, type) = name.partition(":") if type == "int": if not value: return 0 try: return (name, int(value)) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{value!r} is not a legal integer value") elif type == "float": if not value: return (name, 0.) try: return (name, float(value)) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{value!r} is not a legal float value") elif type == "bool": if value in ("", "0", "no", "false", "False"): return (name, False) elif value in ("1", "yes", "true", "True"): return (name, True) else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{value!r} is not a legal bool value") elif type and type != "str": raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{type!r} is not a legal type") return (name, value) def source_format(object): if isinstance(object, Command): yield from object.source_format() elif isinstance(object, str): if "\n" in object: lines = object.splitlines(True) for (i, line) in enumerate(lines): yield repr(line) if i != len(lines)-1: yield None else: yield repr(object) elif isinstance(object, dict): yield "dict(" yield 1 yield None for (i, (key, value)) in enumerate(object.items()): # Keys must always be strings yield f"{key}=" if isinstance(value, str) and "\n" in value: yield 1 yield None yield from source_format(value) if i == len(object)-1: yield (",", "") else: yield (",", ", ") if isinstance(value, str) and "\n" in value: yield -1 yield None yield -1 yield ")" elif isinstance(object, list): yield "[" yield 1 yield None for (i, value) in enumerate(object): yield from source_format(value) if i == len(object)-1: yield (",", "") else: yield (",", ", ") yield None yield -1 yield "]" else: yield repr(object) def source(object, tabsize=None): parts = list(source_format(object)) if sum(len(part if isinstance(part, str) else part[1]) for part in parts if isinstance(part, (str, tuple))) <= 80: return "".join(part if isinstance(part, str) else part[1] for part in parts if isinstance(part, (str, tuple))) else: indent = 0 needindent = True output = [] for part in parts: if isinstance(part, str): if needindent: output.append("\t"*indent) needindent = False output.append(part) elif isinstance(part, int): indent += part elif part is None: output.append("\n") needindent = True else: # tuple output.append(part[0]) output = "".join(output) if tabsize is not None: output = output.expandtabs(tabsize) return output ### ### Main script function ### def main(args=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Import a PySQL file into an Oracle database", epilog="For more info see") p.add_argument("files", nargs="*", help="PySQL files (none: read from stdin)") p.add_argument("-d", "--database", dest="connectstring", metavar="CONNECTSTRING", help="Oracle connect string specifying the default database connection (default %(default)s)", default=None) p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Give a progress report? (default %(default)s)", choices=("dot", "type", "file", "log", "full")) p.add_argument("-r", "--rollback", dest="rollback", help="Should database transactions be rolled back? (default: commit on disconnect/after run)", default=False, action="store_true") p.add_argument("-s", "--scpdirectory", dest="scpdirectory", metavar="DIR", help="File name prefix for files to be copied via the 'scp' command (default: current directory)", default="") p.add_argument("-f", "--filedirectory", dest="filedirectory", metavar="DIR", help="File name prefix for files to be copied via the 'file' command (default: current directory)", default="") p.add_argument( "--tabsize", dest="tabsize", metavar="INTEGER", help="Number of spaces a tab expands to when printing source (default %(default)r)", type=int, default=8) p.add_argument( "--context", dest="context", metavar="INTEGER", help="Maximum number of context lines when printing source code (default %(default)r)", type=int, default=None) p.add_argument("-a", "--ascii", dest="ascii", help="Don't use fancy unicode characters", default=False, action="store_true") p.add_argument("-z", "--summary", dest="summary", help="Output a summary after executing all commands", default=False, action="store_true") p.add_argument("-D", "--define", dest="defines", metavar="VARSPEC", help="Set variables before executing the script (can be specified multiple times). The format for VARSPEC is: 'name' or 'name=value' or 'name:type' or 'name:type=value'. Type may be 'str', 'bool', 'int' or 'float'.", default=[], action="append", type=define) args = p.parse_args(args) context = Context( connectstring=args.connectstring, scpdirectory=args.scpdirectory, filedirectory=args.filedirectory, commit=not args.rollback, tabsize=args.tabsize, context=args.context, ascii=args.ascii, verbose=args.verbose, summary=args.summary, vars=args.defines ) context.executeall(*args.files) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())