meta – HTML meta information

An XIST module that contains elements that simplify handling meta data. All elements in this module will generate a ll.xist.ns.html.meta element when converted.

class ll.xist.ns.meta.contenttype[source]

Bases: ll.xist.ns.html.meta

Can be used for a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"/>, where the character set will be automatically inserted on a call to ll.xist.xsc.Node.publish().

Usage is simple: meta.contenttype().

class ll.xist.ns.meta.contentscripttype[source]

Bases: ll.xist.ns.html.meta

Can be used for a <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="..."/>.

Usage is simple: <markup>meta.contentscripttype(type="text/javascript").

class ll.xist.ns.meta.keywords[source]

Bases: ll.xist.ns.html.meta

Can be used for a <meta name="keywords" content="..."/>.

Usage is simple: meta.keywords("foo, bar").

class ll.xist.ns.meta.description[source]

Bases: ll.xist.ns.html.meta

Can be used for a <meta name="description" content="..."/>.

Usage is simple: meta.description("This page describes the ...").

class ll.xist.ns.meta.stylesheet[source]


Can be used for a <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="..."/>.

Usage is simple: meta.stylesheet(href="root:stylesheets/main.css").

class ll.xist.ns.meta.made[source]


Can be used for a <link rel="made" href="mailto:..."/>.

Usage is simple: meta.made(href="").


Bases: ll.xist.xsc.Element

Can be used to embed author information in the header. It will generate <link rel="made"/> and <meta name="author"/> elements.

class ll.xist.ns.meta.refresh[source]

Bases: ll.xist.xsc.Element

A refresh header.